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Role Clarity in Transition - 1 Role Clarity in a Time of Transition A clear understanding of your role in the congregation is one of the most important.

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Presentation on theme: "Role Clarity in Transition - 1 Role Clarity in a Time of Transition A clear understanding of your role in the congregation is one of the most important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role Clarity in Transition - 1 Role Clarity in a Time of Transition A clear understanding of your role in the congregation is one of the most important tools you can acquire as a church leader – ordained or lay. The time of transition offers a unique opportunity for role clarity. Copyright © 2012 Episcopal Church Foundation. All rights reserved.

2 Role Clarity in Transition - 2 There are two kinds of roles: The roles we are specifically asked to play in a congregation The roles we may be unconsciously expected to play in a congregation and

3 Role Clarity in Transition - 3 What Are Some Of The Roles You Are Asked To Play in the Congregation? Me Pastor Fund raiser Janitor Counselor

4 Role Clarity in Transition - 4 Classic Roles for Clergy Administrator Director of Christian Formation Church Developer Counselor Crisis Responder Ecumenical Leader Liturgist Musician Social Worker Pastor Preacher Community Leader Spiritual Director Fund Raiser Teacher Theologian Change Agent Visitor to Sick/Healer Youth Worker Evangelist

5 Role Clarity in Transition - 5 Congregational Culture for Roles and Expectations What were some of the most important roles of the previous rector? Will they be true in the future? Were there places where the rector’s formal role and some unspoken expectations did not mesh or were in conflict? What surprises have you encountered in this time of transition? Are lay leaders encountering unspoken expectations? Is there a vocational deacon who is taking on “rector” or “priest” roles? What does this mean for the next rector?

6 Role Clarity in Transition - 6 An Ounce of Prevention... Clear position descriptions for all staff and significant lay leaders Regular communications Routine check-ins Periodic, planned discussions of roles and expectations And if you hit a snag – ask for help!

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