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 Chapter Overview  Differentiates between the different types of informative speaking  Covers the goals and strategies for each form of informative.

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Presentation on theme: " Chapter Overview  Differentiates between the different types of informative speaking  Covers the goals and strategies for each form of informative."— Presentation transcript:

1  Chapter Overview  Differentiates between the different types of informative speaking  Covers the goals and strategies for each form of informative speech  Discusses various situations where informative speaking is most likely to occur Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking CHAPTER TEN - INFORMATIVE SPEAKING

2  Consider informative and persuasive speaking as being on a continuum  Informative speechpersuasive speech Continuum Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking INFORMATIVE SPEECH OVERVIEW

3  They can be about people  Or, about places  Objects can be things Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT OBJECTS

4  Are arranged chronologically  Can be a “how to” speech  Ex: Build a house  Ex: Plan a wedding  Ex: Produce a video Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT PROCESSES

5  Combine aspects of speeches about objects and processes  Can cover time periods  Different organizational patterns can be used Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT EVENTS

6  Should not try to persuade the audience  Are about abstract things  Can be about belief systems  Or about values  And, about attitudes  Theoretical explanations can be a topic Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT CONCEPTS

7  Time must be spent to adequately detail and make the object relevant  Ensure that the audience understands the language  Pleasing visual aids should always be considered Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR OBJECT SPEECHES

8  Probably use a chronological/sequential pattern  What is the processes' practical use?  One thing builds and leads to another step in the process Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR PROCESSES

9  Major aspects of context are necessary  The speaker should accurately present what happened  Do not promote a particular point of view  Use active voice Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR EVENTS

10  Difficult due to their abstract nature  Connect topic to audience  Examples make abstract concrete  Arranged in topical fashion Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR CONCEPTS

11  Business meetings  Employers and shareholders  Board meetings  Planning sessions  Conventions Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SITUATIONS FOR INFORMATIVE SPEAKING

12  Education  Professors in the classroom  Students making reports/presentations Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SITUATIONS CONT.

13  Orientation programs  Are about giving information on doing something  Give step-by-step instruction  Can be about training Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SITUATIONS CONT.

14  There is no such thing as a strictly informative speech Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking FINALLY…

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