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SESIP_0715_DN1 OpenSearch Standards ESIP Summer Meeting 2015 Doug Newman (NASA Earthdata – Raytheon) Andrew Mitchell (NASA Earthdata) This work was supported.

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Presentation on theme: "SESIP_0715_DN1 OpenSearch Standards ESIP Summer Meeting 2015 Doug Newman (NASA Earthdata – Raytheon) Andrew Mitchell (NASA Earthdata) This work was supported."— Presentation transcript:

1 SESIP_0715_DN1 OpenSearch Standards ESIP Summer Meeting 2015 Doug Newman (NASA Earthdata – Raytheon) Andrew Mitchell (NASA Earthdata) This work was supported by NASA/GSFC under Raytheon Co. contract number NNG10HP02C

2 2 SESIP_0715_DN1 Why standards are important ‘Would you like to help us fight global warming?’ Charity ‘volunteer’, 06-05-15 5:30pm ET, 77 th & Lexington, NYC Make data discovery easier! Make data aggregation easier! ‘Science the s**t out of it’ – Mark Watney, The Martian Global warming defeated!

3 3 SESIP_0715_DN1 What is OpenSearch? From ‘OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results’

4 4 SESIP_0715_DN1 Why we chose it Lightweight and simple HTTP query in, ATOM feed out, small query palette Standards-based HTTP query in, ATOM feed out RESTful HTTP, HATEOAS Low entry cost Use your browser!

5 5 SESIP_0715_DN1 Why we messed with it We see the value of this standard and think we can apply it to our problem domain… …If we just tweak this and add that Spatial Temporal Two step Etc.


7 7 SESIP_0715_DN1 The ‘dream’ All Earth data metadata repositories have an OpenSearch API Those APIs conform to a standard I can apply the same search across multiple repositories I can compare the results (apples to apples) I can aggregate the results

8 8 SESIP_0715_DN1 Steps taken to achieve this  Determine our need  Determine minimal set of requirements from that need  Get it working (CWICSmart + IDN + CWIC)  Iterate on the above  Combine where possible (ESIP and CWIC)  Advocate with bold, decisive (and sometimes unilateral) action

9 9 SESIP_0715_DN1 Who is involved ESIP OGC CEOS ESIP OGC


11 11 SESIP_0715_DN1 The reality No convergence of standards We have, somewhat ironically, added one We all have agendas Sometimes they coincide, sometimes they don’t We don’t like to compromise Being forceful, charismatic and British only gets you so far in this world

12 12 SESIP_0715_DN1 Despite our best intentions Attribution: OPENSEARCH Comic sans courtesy of ‘Watchmen’ and ‘Dark Knight Returns’

13 13 SESIP_0715_DN1 Sticking points Link relations Mandatory unique identifier clause Start index versus start page Succinct versus verbose

14 14 SESIP_0715_DN1 We have this OpenSearch Specification 1.1 draft 5 OpenSearch Geo extensionOpenSearch Time extension OpenSearch Relevancy extensionOpenSearch Parameter extension CEOS Best Practices ESIP Best Practices CEOS Developers Guide OGC 10-032r8 – Geo and Time ext.OGC 13-026r5 EO products ext.

15 15 SESIP_0715_DN1 OpenSearch compliance

16 16 SESIP_0715_DN1 What we learnt (already knew) Standards are fine if they are your standards Legacy implementations trump good ideas Basing your standard on a specification that no one curates can bite you The only one following your standard is you

17 17 SESIP_0715_DN1 How do we fix this? Demonstrate the value of the ‘common’ standard* Provide tools to enable compliance. For example, validation tools** Lobby – unfortunately this has a political dimension Evangelize – what I’m doing right now! * Today 5pm ** Thursday 3:30pm

18 18 SESIP_0715_DN1 GLOBAL OPENSEARCH 5pm today in the Acacia Room YOU WILL LOVE IT

19 19 SESIP_0715_DN1 Synopsis Standards are HARD There can be an unhealthy intersect between politics and engineering that needs to be handled Getting this working on a ‘federation’ level was not easy but on a ‘global’ level it is really difficult My solution? Keep pushing. Never give up, never surrender. But yield some ground if you can afford to occasionally


21 21 SESIP_0715_DN1 This work was supported by NASA/GSFC under Raytheon Co. contract number NNG10HP02C

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