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The Venerable Bede. St Bede: 673-735 ■ Wrote Ecclesiastical History of the English People, finished in 731.

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Presentation on theme: "The Venerable Bede. St Bede: 673-735 ■ Wrote Ecclesiastical History of the English People, finished in 731."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Venerable Bede

2 St Bede: 673-735 ■ Wrote Ecclesiastical History of the English People, finished in 731.

3 His Life ■ Born in AD 673. ■ At age 7, entrusted to Benedict Biscop, founder of a monastery. ■ Then transferred to Ceofirth, Abbot of St Paul’s monastery at Jarrow. ■ Bede spent the rest of his life in the monastery.

4 Where is Jarrow? ■ St Paul’s Monastery where Bede lived was in a town called ‘Jarrow’ in North East England. ■ This is a picture of what is left of Bede’s home now.

5 This is a map of England. ■ Can you guess where Jarrow is?

6 Growing Up ■ He became a deacon at 19, and a priest at 30. ■ He spent his time at choir, as a scholar, and a teacher.

7 His Intellect ■ His religious commentary (books on religion) were read all over the world. ■ He wrote on nature and knew the earth was a sphere. He also had a sense of latitude and the annual movement of the sun into northern and southern hemispheres. ■ He knew the moon influenced the tides.

8 Smart Guy! ■ He wrote on calculating time, and his calculations helped the Church determine the date of Easter. ■ He wrote a textbook on poetic meters for his students. ■ He died after dictating a chapter of a book he was composing.

9 Why Venerable? ■ Besides being very smart, his Ecclesiastical History of the English People is our primary source for understanding the beginnings of the English people and the coming of Christianity to England.

10 Honors ■ Bede or Baeda was recognized as a saint in 1899. ■ He was named Doctor of the Church, the only Englishman so honored. ■ St. Bede’s Feast Day is May 25th.

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