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Campus Improvement Plans Northwest ISD Presentation to the Board of Trustees October 14, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Improvement Plans Northwest ISD Presentation to the Board of Trustees October 14, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Improvement Plans Northwest ISD Presentation to the Board of Trustees October 14, 2013

2 Campus Improvement Plans All plans on founded on a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Each campus identified Problem of Practice Campus Plans are aligned to the district goals and objectives Campus Plans are continual plan for improvement

3 Basic Requirements Each school year the principal of each school campus, with the assistance of the campus-level committee, must develop, review, and revise the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP ). –The purpose of the CIP is To improve student performance for all students populations, including special education, with respect to the academic excellence indicators and an other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations –The CIP must be supportive of the objectives of the district improvement plan

4 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Each CIP must include: –A comprehensive needs assessment addressing district student performance on Academic Excellence indicators, and Other appropriate measures of performance, that are disaggregated by all student groups served by the campus, including categories of: –Ethnicity –Socioeconomic status –Sex –Populations served by special programs, including students in special education

5 CIP Requirements The CIP must include: Campus performance objectives Strategies for improvement Resources needed to implement identified strategies Staff responsible for ensuring the accomplishing of each strategy Timelines for ongoing monitoring of implementation for each improvement strategy

6 Special Campus Planning Requirements Federal (AYP, NCLB, Title) Special Education State Compensatory Education

7 S.M.A.R.T. Goal RESULTS GOAL (What is your campus goal for addressing your Problem of Practice?) INDICATOR (How will your Theory of Action lead you to address your Problem of Practice?) MEASURES (Tools we’ll use to determine whether our campus is improving on our Problem of Practice.) TARGETS The attainable performance level we would like to see. Our students will apply critical thinking to perform at advanced levels on formative and summative assessments. Students are involved in specific and ongoing goal setting. Teachers will ask higher level questions and provide wait time for student responses. Students are engaged in high level conversation and/or tasks that include academic vocabulary. Teachers will provide specific and ongoing feedback leading to application in student work. Focused walkthroughs and Instructional Rounds Goal folders, notebooks, student work samples Intentional student led closing and focused conversation District and campus common assessments 75% of questions asked by teachers are at the application level or higher. Students will receive feedback on 70% of student work. 90 % of students will show evidence of progress towards meeting personal learning goals as monitored every three weeks. 80% of students should demonstrate mastery of 80% of the standards on formative and summative assessments SBBB and SBBB feedback

8 Goal Alignment CAMPUS GOAL: Alignment to District Goal: Goal 1 - To ensure that all students are successful learners we will provide safety nets for students who are struggling, and enrichment for students who are mastering concepts quickly. We will strive to see a minimum of one year's growth in each learner on campus. We will provide instruction that is relevant and meaningful to students in addition to modeling and accepting work that meets or exceeds the standards. GOAL 1 Goal 2 - We will develop a culture that will help to develop, retain and recognize highly motivated staff in order to provide meaningful instruction for students. GOAL 2 Goal 3 - We will provide timely open communication through monthly newsletters, phone calls, and email blasts from the school and individual grade levels as appropriate. We will work cooperatively with our PTA and community to increase parent involvement. GOAL 3 Goal 4 - We will develop programs to develop a culture that encourages a sense of ownership in the success of all students and community. We will build a community of learners around our theme of perseverance and pride in our school. In addition, our books of the month will focus on character, building community and working together. GOAL 4 Goal 5 - We will maximize our resources to ensure that students have access to a variety of learning opportunities in language arts, math, science and social studies. GOAL 5

9 Action Plan Strateg y Number Action Strategy Formative Measure Time- line Responsible Person(s) Cost/ Resources District Goal # 1 Focus on our Problem of Practice (PoP). “Students are not thinking at critical levels and are therefore performing at minimum standards on formative and summative assessments.” Instructional Rounds, Walkthrough forms, Reflections sheets, student work August 2013- June 2014 Principal, CIT, Leadership team, Pearson trainer District funds for trainer 1 2 Continue to apply the Fundamental Five across the content areas with a focus on our Problem of Practice of thinking at critical levels. Walkthrough forms, lesson plans, student work August 2013- June 2014 Principal, CIT, Teachers Fundamental Five books 1 3Provide instructional time for meeting the individual needs of students at Tier II and Tier III in RtI Running records, intervention plans, progress monitoring forms, student work Sept. 2013- June 2014 Principal, CIT, Counselor, Teachers n/a1

10 2013-2014 Campus Improvement Plans Building Greater Depth & Complexity Our Vision The best and most sought-after school district where every student is future ready: Ready for college Ready for the global workplace Ready for personal success

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