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ANTE prior to, in front of antecedent going before anterior placed in front antedate to be of an earlier time.

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2 ANTE prior to, in front of antecedent going before anterior placed in front antedate to be of an earlier time

3 ANTI against, opposite antidote something that counteracts a poison antibacterial kills germs antibiotic a substance that kills what causes infection antifreeze a substance added to a liquid (as the water in an automobile radiator) to prevent freezing

4 BI two bicycle two wheeled vehicle biped having two feet bilateral two sided bisect to cut into two parts binocular having two lenses bilingual able to speak two languages

5 CIRCUM around circumference the distance around something circumnavigate to go completely around especially by water circumspect cautious of what might happen circumvent to go around

6 COM together commute to travel back and forth regularly combine to mix together so that the identity of each part is lost complete having all necessary parts common belonging to or used by everyone committee a group of persons who take action on some matter


8 CON together  confide impart secrets trustfully  connect join, link, or fasten together  contain to hold or keep within limits

9 DE down  devalue to reduce or lower in worth  descend to go down  debilitate to weaken  devoid completely lacking

10 DIS away  disadvantage not having an advantage  dissipate to scatter  disseminate to spread far and wide  dislocate to put out of place or position

11 EQUI equal  equilateral having all sides equal  equinox making night and day equal length (usually in March and September)  equivalent equal in value

12 EXTRA beyond  extracurricular outside the regular curriculum  extraterrestrial of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere  extraordinary beyond what is usual, regular, or established

13 Credits Word Masters © Mrs. Renz’ Class Graphics © Lovin’ Lit Graphics © Open Clip Art https://openclipart.org Fonts © Hello Fonts


15 INTER between interview a meeting of people face to face interstate connecting or involving different states interdepartmental involving or existing between two departments

16 INTRA within intracellular happening within a cell intradepartmental within a department intramolecular existing or occurring within a molecule intramural taking place within the walls of a building

17 INTRO into introduce to present to another, make acquainted introspect to look into or examine introvert to turn or direct inward, shy

18 MAL bad malfunction failure to function properly malcontent not satisfied with current conditions or circumstances malice evil intent; ill willed

19 MIS bad mistake to regard or identify wrongly misfire to fail to achieve the desired result or effect misfit a person with poor behavior that sets them apart in an uncomfortable way misbehave to behave poorly or badly

20 Credits Word Masters © Mrs. Renz’ Class Graphics © Lovin’ Lit Graphics © Open Clip Art https://openclipart.org Fonts © Hello Fonts


22 NON not nonfat not containing fat nonfiction literature or cinema that is not fictional nonsense not making sense

23 POST after posttest test given after studying a certain topic postpone to put off until a later time postgame occurring after a game postmortem done or occurring after death

24 PRE before pretest to present to another, make acquainted prepaid to pay or arrange to pay beforehand prepare readiness; to get ready before hand prealgebra math course that comes before Algebra prehistoric existing in times before history

25 SEMI half semisweet containing a small amount of sweetening semisoft having somewhat of a soft consistency or quality semicircle half of a circle

26 SUB under submarine a vessel that can be navigated under water subway an underground passageway suburb a district or neighborhood laying directly outside a city or town

27 Credits Word Masters © Mrs. Renz’ Class Graphics © Lovin’ Lit Graphics © Open Clip Art https://openclipart.org Fonts © Hello Fonts


29 SUPER over superb extremely fine or excellent superscript a character written above and to the side of a number or word, for example as an exponent supermodel an extremely successful model 2323

30 SYN together synonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word synchronized operating together in unison, as in synchronized swimming synthesize to combine into a single unified entity

31 SYM together symphony harmony of many sounds sympathy agreement in feeling between people symmetry the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other around a line or axis symbiosis the living together of two dissimilar organisms

32 TRI three tricycle three-wheeled vehicle triangle three-sided plane figure with three angles tripod three-legged stand or support

33 UN not unpleasant not pleasing; disagreeable unpopular disliked or ignored by the public unpredictable difficult or impossible to foresee or foretell

34 Credits Word Masters © Mrs. Renz’ Class Graphics © Lovin’ Lit Graphics © Graphics © Open Clip Art https://openclipart.org Fonts © Hello Fonts


36 ARCHY government anarchy a state or society without government or law matriarchy a family or society governed by women monarchy supreme power held by a monarch

37 CHROM color chrome a silvery, metallic color monochrome painting done in different shades of one color chromatic to combine into a single unified entity

38 CIDE kill insecticide substance used for killing insects herbicide substance used to kill plants suicide the intentional taking of one’s life germicide a substance or other agent that destroys harmful microorganisms; an antiseptic

39 ICIAN specialist musician a person who makes music as a profession physician a person who is legally qualified to practice medicine magician person who performs magic

40 ITIS inflammation appendicitis inflammation of the appendix bronchitis chronic inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes of the lungs tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils in the back of the throat

41 Credits Word Masters © Mrs. Renz’ Class Graphics © Lovin’ Lit Graphics © Open Clip Art https://openclipart.org Fonts © Hello Fonts

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