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NSDI Future Directions Governance for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "NSDI Future Directions Governance for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSDI Future Directions Governance for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure

2 Strategic Objective - Governance By 2005, options for restructuring the governance model of the NSDI to make it more effective and inclusive are identified, evaluated and acted upon.

3 Accomplishments Charter Completed 29 member team organized 6 Working Groups organized Bi-weekly teleconferences Bi-monthly face to face meetings – Nov, Dec, Feb, April, June

4 Scope of Assignment A. Looking Out – *** 1) Integrate Fed, State, Local, Utility, academic and private interests; 2) Budget; 3) Authority B. Looking In – organize working groups, subcommittees, and production teams of FGDC and NGPO. -

5 Working Groups Documents Current Models International Models Interviews Outreach Documents

6 What is Meant by NSDI Governance The organizational structure, leadership and authority roles, and all associated regulations, policies, and procedures for management, coordination, and operation of the NSDI.

7 Key elements of Governance Underlying legal mandate Responsibilities and Roles − National Policies and Strategy − Coordination across all Sectors − Establishing NSDI Architecture and best Practices − Reviewing and recommending geospatial activities Leadership/authority Accountability Budget Stability

8 Why should we govern? Improve services Coordinate public resources Economic development Improve management of natural and human resources Provide effective response to emergencies Improve defense and security capabilities

9 Local Governments State Agencies Federal Agencies Private Sector Academic Institutions Provide Effective Public Safety and Response to Emergencies Coordinate Public Services to Help Guide Development Improve Management of Natural and Human Resources Improve Services to Citizens Why should we govern?

10 Current Problems / Issues FGDC Steering Committee too far removed Little coordination or sharing of information Duplication of effort Data and information gaps are not being addressed Recognize same problems exist at Federal, state and local levels Business practices Lack of comprehensive national strategy Federal credibility Lack of authority and accountability Many governance pieces FGDC still primarily Federal Unclear roles and responsibilities Private sector involvement in governance

11 Factors to Consider In a Governance Process National approach Right level of decision-makers Bias to successful active participants/players Builds in accountability Simple - to avoid confusion Inclusive - Fed, state, local, private, academia Bold step Clearly defined roles & responsibilities

12 Strawman Governance Models Option 2 - Key Elements Would establish an Autonomous National Mapping Organization with responsibility for national base mapping and related service provision and partnerships. New organization would be financially self-supporting through sales of products and services, licenses for data and interagency contracts for specific essential federal data and services Would establish a Governing Board that provides strategic directions and budgeting. Board would include senior federal officials, 1 or more elected official, and non-government officials Base data programs could be limited to 1:24K scale and smaller or could extend to large scale including cadastral and land records/registration FGDC would continue as a Federal Coordinating body for other geospatial data and programs

13 Option 2 Governing Board representation from Federal Agency and non-governmental organizations Governing Board representation from Federal Agency and non-governmental organizations OMB Congressional Oversight Committee Congressional Oversight Committee National Mapping Organization (new, autonomous Federal agency with self-supporting financial status) County Governments City & Municipal Govt’s Regional Councils Academia Utilities Tribal Governments Private Sector/Industry Professional Associations Non-Profit Organizations State Governments National Mapping Liaison Federal Agencies External Partnerships and Programs Management of external licenses, joint projects, re-seller relationships, etc. Map, Data, and Related Service Provision Provides wide range of useful analogue and digital data products and online applications and services (portal approach) Consolidated National Base Mapping Program centralized operations for Framework base data (compilation and update) The National Mapping Organization gets source information from these organizations (particularly larger scale data) and incorporates it into products. Data are provided from the National Mapping Organization

14 Strawman Governance Models Option 3 - Key Elements Would establish new entity through combination of existing and new organizations Four Phased Option Phase One – Establish a National Geospatial Coordinating Council thru non-statutory authority – role would be national policy applications, standards and implementation. Phase Two – Strengthened FGDC federal leadership role through new Presidential Executive Order. Phase Three – Uniform State Coordinating Councils that represent state, local and state/regional interests through Gubernatorial Executive Orders Phase Four – New Legislation similar to that described in Strawman Option 1.

15 FGDC with Core Staff FGDC with Core Staff USGS TVA NARA GSA DHS HHS DOE DoD DOC USDA NSF NASA LOC FCC EPA DOT DOS DOJ DOI County Governments State Coordination Councils with Core Staff State Coordination Councils with Core Staff City & Municipal Govt’s Regional Councils Academia Utilities Non-Profit Organizations Private Sector Professional Associations State Government Local Federal Field Units National Geospatial Coordination Council Presidential Appointed Director (with Core Staff support) Functions: GOS/RAMONA/Standards National Applications National Geospatial Coordination Council Presidential Appointed Director (with Core Staff support) Functions: GOS/RAMONA/Standards National Applications National Non-Profit Organizations NSGIC NASCIO NACo URISA ASPRS NGA WGA Etc. National Non-Profit Organizations NSGIC NASCIO NACo URISA ASPRS NGA WGA Etc. National Trade Groups MAPPS OGC GITA National Trade Groups MAPPS OGC GITA Tribal Governments Tribal Governments OMB Phased Implementation Option 3

16 Big Ideas so far - from co-lead States, locals want a seat with a vote Private sector wants to be involved National not federal leadership More accountability and Leadership needed Need financial authority – From financial markets – From federal budgets Model 2 is DOA – Self financing – Competetion with private sector More OMB involvement

17 Talk to Me Are we going in the right direction? What are the Issues we need to consider? What suggestions do you have for a new governance model – Looking Out – Looking In

18 Contact Volunteers requested to participate in review process. If interested please give us your name. Contact Information: Dennis Goreham Alan Voss: 423-751-2425 For additional information: directions (click on Action Teams)

19 Objectives for today’s session Establish a greater level of understanding regarding issues and options for Governance Models for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Solicit input and ideas on the NSDI governance process, structure and key elements Gather information to feed into the development of recommendations

20 Current governance model - Key Elements OMB Circular A-16 created FGDC as interagency coordinating body and to facilitate implementation of NSDI. FGDC organizationally is within USGS A-16 provides guidance to Federal agencies for coordination of geographic information. Executive Order 12906 also provides NSDI guidance Department of Interior Chairs FGDC, OMB is Vice- Chair A-16 requires partnership programs with stakeholders for NSDI Stakeholders are very important to but not members of FGDC

21 S T A K E H O L D E R S OMB TVA NARA GSA DHS HHS DOE DoD DOC USDA NSF NASA LOC FCC EPA DOT DOS DOJ DOI FGDC voting members with Core Staff FGDC voting members with Core Staff FGDC Secretariat FGDC Secretariat USGS A-16 GITA ICMA NACo NLC WGA OGC ACSM NSGIC UCGIS STIA URISA Current Governance Model

22 What are we governing? Some thoughts… Geospatial information (production, maintenance, distribution?) Processes that develop and use geospatial information The infrastructure at a national scale Standards, policy, technology, and resources to acquire, process, store, distribute and improve utilization of geospatial information

23 Challenges Ahead Roadblocks between and among Federal Agencies and/or other levels of government Political - GOS Board, other “governing bodies” Communicating outside the geospatial community Funding “You’re not the boss of me.” Defining the levels of governance - control, support, guide, facilitate, ratify or certify, facilitate policy development, etc.

24 Discussion Three Strawmen Governance Models are shown to generate ideas and open discussion. Discussion should concentrate on: – Issues and options for Governance Models for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure – Input and ideas on the NSDI governance process, structure and key elements – Information to feed into the development of recommendations Discussion is not limited to only Three Strawmen Options –other ideas, options, or combinations are encouraged

25 Strawman Governance Models Option 1 - Key Elements Proposes new Legislation which would: establish and maintain geospatial preparedness through the NSDI as a national priority; require conformity with standards adopted through voluntary consensus processes; and establish a grant program to assist in implementing the NSDI and achieving geospatial preparedness. Would establish a National Geospatial Coordinating Council (NGCC) through new legislation. – NGCC would be responsible for national NSDI policy, implementation,and interoperability issues. – NGCC Executive Director would be Appointed by President – NGCC Membership would include representatives of all sectors. FGDC would be focused on Federal Coordination responsibilities of A-16. Grant Program for NSDI implementation and adherence to standards and NSDI practices proposed for funding of $500M/year. A stable funding base for FGDC, NGCC and standards would be proposed.

26 Next Steps Data Collection (in progress) – Oct. 04 to April 05 Literature Review Research of existing models Outreach focus groups, workshops and interviews Synthesis and Analysis – Feb and April, 2005 Identify 2 - 4 models to consider Identify criteria to apply Analyze Models and implementation requirements Feedback from Stakeholder Groups – March through May 2005 Report – June 2005

27 S T A K E H O L D E R S County GovernmentsCity & Municipal Govt’s Regional Councils Academia UtilitiesTribal Government Private Sector/Industry Professional Associations Non-Profit Organizations State Government National Geospatial Coordination Council Presidential Appointed Director (with Core Staff support) Functions: GOS/RAMONA/Standards National Applications National Geospatial Coordination Council Presidential Appointed Director (with Core Staff support) Functions: GOS/RAMONA/Standards National Applications OMB Members: Chair-Federal Vice Chair-Federal FGDC – 3 Members 5 Members each from: Members: Chair-Federal Vice Chair-Federal FGDC – 3 Members 5 Members each from: Option 1 FGDC with Core Staff FGDC with Core Staff USGS TVA NARA GSA DHS HHS DOE DoD DOC USDA NSF NASA LOC FCC EPA DOT DOS DOJ DOI

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