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Dr D.K. Nyahunzvi Midlands State University 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr D.K. Nyahunzvi Midlands State University 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr D.K. Nyahunzvi Midlands State University 2012

2 Have moved from emails and attached questionnaire To emails directing respondents to a website Web-based surveys include graphics

3 Web-based surveys have greater reach though emails have greater response Internet surveys are cheaper to administer But take time to prepare One can use the many online survey templates

4 Several of these templates automatically collate and presents results You have a choice of making a fancy or simple version Trade-off is fancy takes greater time to unload

5 Note recipients of plain are likely to complete (takes less time) Utilising advanced page layout reduces completion rates Provide clicking solutions-than asking respondents to type responses

6 Start with a welcome screen that will motivate respondents to continue Introduction should make it clear, survey is easy to complete Give clear instructions on how to proceed

7 Keep the introduction short and informative Avoid a long list of instructions First question is critical-produces a particular mindset Care is needed to entice participation

8 Keep response categories close to the question Use brightness, large fonts and spacing for clarity in early parts of survey Have instructions to complete near the item, not at start of questionnaire

9 Tailor the questionnaire to respondent If an expert, leave certain instructions, if less experienced, direct them to instructions and further assistance sources

10 Do not forbid respondent to proceed if they have not answered all the questions May not want to answer, so give up Prevents deliberate non-response Solution: use ‘the prefer not to answer box’/ don’t know box Make instructions for skipping parts very clear

11 Note: its easy to abandon web- based survey; just a click away Thus, so much attention has to be given to keep people participating than in paper-based surveys Try to avoid branching instructions (e.g. skip item 13, go to 9)

12 Respondents may skip questions they should have addressed If unavoidable, branching item should have different color and font Note that respondents may not have the software to download questionnaire Or it downloads slowly

13 Embedding visual images reduces premature drop-out Layout of survey, should be close as possible to paper format, which respondents are familiar with

14 Avoid differences in visual appearance of questions that may happen as a result of different computers, operating systems and browsers Avoid the kinds of questions that cause problems in paper questionnaires Personalise the e-survey (Dear name of specific person, not MBA student )

15 Personalising increases the chances of a respondent starting the survey Personalising increases participant honesty on sensitive matters (e.g. number of sexual partners) It also increases adherence to survey instructions

16 Reduces cost Reduces time to distribute, gather and process data-data can be processed automatically as soon as it is entered by respondent Wider coverage/ access to wider population It may have novelty value (decreases over time)

17 Respondent can fill questionnaire in self- chosen and familiar setting s (e.g. the home) Respondents can fill at a time of their choosing The software can prompt respondents to complete missed items or to correct errors The computer can check incomplete or inconsistent responses

18 Computer can show how much of the survey is to be completed Reduction of researcher effects Human error is reduced in entering and processing online data Additional features may make the survey attractive (e.g. colour, graphics, fonts etc)

19 Greater generalisability maybe obtained as internet users come from a wide and diverse population Because of volunteer participation, greater authenticity of responses may be obtained Trace this theme: How have computers and interactive technologies changed tourism research?

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