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ICS102: Introduction To Computing King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals College of Computer Science & Engineering Information & Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "ICS102: Introduction To Computing King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals College of Computer Science & Engineering Information & Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICS102: Introduction To Computing King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals College of Computer Science & Engineering Information & Computer Science Department Second semester 2010- 2011 (101)

2 Course Details Section 06 : Time : SM 1:10 - 2:00 Room 24-165 Instructor : Dr. Sami Zhioua Office : 22-137-2 Phone : 1251 Email : Office Hours : S 10:00 – 12:00 M 10:00 – 12:00 Or by appointment

3 About It is a 3 credits course 15 weeks of classes Every week : 2 lectures of 50 minutes each 1 lab of 3 hours Work at home Syllabus

4 Textbook Absolute Java, Walter Savitch, 4th Edition, Addison- Wesley, 2009

5 Course Content Introduction Expressions and Assignment Math Class Strings Screen Output and Console Input File I/O Selection Structures Boolean Expressions While and do Loops For loops 1-D arrays 2-D arrays Methods Introduction to OO Classes

6 Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 2. Console Input and Output Chapter 3. Flow of Control Chapter 4. Defining Classes I Chapter 5. Defining Classes II Chapter 6. Arrays Chapter 7. Inheritance Chapter 8. Polymorphism and Abstract Classes Chapter 9. Exception Handling Chapter 10. File I/O Chapter 11. Recursion Chapter 12. UML and Patterns Chapter 13. Interfaces and Inner Classes Chapter 14. Generics and the ArrayList Class, Chapter 15. Linked Data Structures Chapter 16. Collections, Maps and Iterators Chapter 17. Swing I Chapter 18. Swing II Chapter 19. Java Never Ends Chapter 20. Applets and HTML

7 Course Policies Labs: Lectures and labs are integrated and they complement each other. To pass this course, the student must pass the lab-component of the course. Course Website & Participation: Students are required to periodically check the Blackboard (Bb) and download course material as needed. A common Bb will be created and used for communication and interaction, posting and submitting assignments, posting grades, posting sample exams, etc. It is expected that you get benefit of the discussion board by raising questions or answering questions put by others. You will be rewarded for your active participation and the usefulness of the material you share with other students.

8 Course Policies Attendance: Regular attendance is a university requirement; hence attendance will be checked at the beginning of each lecture and lab. Late arrivals will disrupt the class session. Hence, late attendances may be considered as one absence too. Every unexcused absence leads to a loss of 0.5% of total grade. Missing more than 6 lectures or three or more unexcused labs will result in a DN grade without prior warning. To avoid being considered as absent, an official excuse must be shown no later than one week of returning to classes. No makeup of homework, quizzes or exams will be given. Re-grading policy: If you have a complaint about any of your grades, discuss it with the instructor no later than one week of distributing the grades (except for the final). Only legitimate concerns on grading should be discussed.

9 Text Book and Grading Criterion Textbooks: “ABSOLUTE JAVA” by WALTER SAVITCH, Addison Wesley, 4th edition. Grade Distribution: ActivityWeight Lab20% Quizzes10% Homework & Programming Assignments10% EXAM 115% EXAM 220% Final (comprehensive)25% Notes: Please check the syllabus notes online

10 Who wants to pass this course ? Of course you have to : Attend the lectures and the labs Do the homeworks and assignments But also, Repeat the lectures examples yourself And most importantly : Read the required textbook sections

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