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Spatial Effects on Betta splendens Siamese Fighting Fish PCB 3043L Principles of Ecology Lab Candace Calvert, Melody Harrell, and Kimberly Tarre.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial Effects on Betta splendens Siamese Fighting Fish PCB 3043L Principles of Ecology Lab Candace Calvert, Melody Harrell, and Kimberly Tarre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial Effects on Betta splendens Siamese Fighting Fish PCB 3043L Principles of Ecology Lab Candace Calvert, Melody Harrell, and Kimberly Tarre

2 Question: This observation (in nature) poses the question that, “If Betta splendens cohabitate in the wild, then why do they battle until the end when confined/ limited space?” Observation: Betta splendens cohabitate in the wild. Observation & Hypothesis Hypothesis: Is space a variable when determining if male Betta splendens can cohabitate in captivity?

3 Total # of aggressive behaviors displayed Tank size (gal) 0 27.513.7541.256.875 Figure 1 Predicted outcome 55.0 Lab Experiment Test what is the optimal tank size in which 2 male betas can cohabitate by analyzing aggressive behavior.

4 55 gal Variable Tested: Aggression/Habitat Size 27.5 gal 13.75 gal 6.875 gal Figure 2 Methodology A 55 gallon tank will be marked & a barrier will be placed depending on the random pick. 41.25 gal Time Table: 5 minute increments & subject to change Methodology  10 Betta splendens  5 Tank-Sizes  Biases Eliminated  Randomized Selections  5 Days (all tank sizes tested each day)  2 Fish per Tank Size

5  Environmental Biases - Abiotic factors: Temperature & Oxygen Tank heater Aerating system Biases, Consistency & Repetition  Learned Behavior/Personal recognition Bias Randomize betta pairs  Worn Out Bias Randomize  Resource/Energy Bias Feeding schedule - 2 pellets & 1 hour before test Overall Point of this slide is that we have taken factors in account that could alter our results and lead to a misrepresentation of how the space variable actually influences beta cohabitation in the nature/wild.

6 Complexity Additional variable after data collected and analyzed? Prediction: Adding complexity to a smaller tank, will decrease the aggressive behavior as compared to our results from the experiment.



9 References Braddock, J. C. and Z. I. Braddock. 1955. Aggressive Behavior Among Females of the Siamese Fighting Fish, Betta Splendens. Physiological Zoology 28 (2): 152- 172. Print. Goldstein, Stephen. 1975. Observations on the Establishment of a Stable Community of Adult Male and Female Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens). Animal Behaviour 23 (1): 179-85. Print. Itzkowitz, Murray. 1971. Preliminary Study of the Social Behavior of Male Bambusia Affinis (Baird and Birard) (Pisces: Poeciliidae) in Aquaria. Chesapeake Science 12 (4): 219-24. Print. Jaroensutasinee, M. and K. Jaroensutasinee. 2001. Sexual Size Dimorphism and Male Contest in Wild Siamese Fighting Fish. Journal of Fish Biology 59 (6): 1614-21. Print. Matos, R. J. and P. K. McGregor. 2002. The Effect of the Sex of an Audience on Male-Male Displays of Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens). Behaviour 139 (9): 1211-21. Print. Skomal, Gregory. 2005. Freshwater Aquarium. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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