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176.5 8.4 113.7 80.9 63.8 49.5 37.4 26.0 19.6 14.9 Bd1337 Bd2969 (L16P) Bd3348 Bd0427 Bd0286 Bd0633 Bd3340 Bd2994 Bd0427 Bd0459 Bd3037 Bd3340 Bd0010 Bd0160.

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Presentation on theme: "176.5 8.4 113.7 80.9 63.8 49.5 37.4 26.0 19.6 14.9 Bd1337 Bd2969 (L16P) Bd3348 Bd0427 Bd0286 Bd0633 Bd3340 Bd2994 Bd0427 Bd0459 Bd3037 Bd3340 Bd0010 Bd0160."— Presentation transcript:

1 176.5 8.4 113.7 80.9 63.8 49.5 37.4 26.0 19.6 14.9 Bd1337 Bd2969 (L16P) Bd3348 Bd0427 Bd0286 Bd0633 Bd3340 Bd2994 Bd0427 Bd0459 Bd3037 Bd3340 Bd0010 Bd0160 Bd1015 Bd1475 Bd1290 Host-dependent membrane proteins Host-independent membrane proteins Fig 1

2 Fig 2

3 Average Ratio (Protein iTRAQ value in HD100 strain/ HI100 strain) Fig 3

4 Average Ratio (Protein iTRAQ value in HD100 strain/ HI100 strain) Fig 4

5 Fig 5 Average Ratio (Protein iTRAQ value in HD100 strain / HI100 strain)

6 Fig 6 Average Ratio (Protein iTRAQ value in HD100 strain / HI100 strain)

7 Average Ratio (Protein iTRAQ value in HD100 strain / HI100 strain) Fig 6 Membrane biogenesis Intracellular transport and secretion Signal transductionEnergy production Post- translational modification

8 RT-PCR analysis of candidate membrane proteins ( (Sockett Lab, UK) Bd0112 Bd0427 Bd1337 Bd3180 Bd2611 MEc HD 15’2h4h3h HD DNA Bd3000 1hHI Intraperiplasmic stage M: Marker Ec: E. coli S17-1 RNA only. HD : HD100 RNA only HI : HID2 RNA only HD DNA : HD100 genomic DNA Fig 7

9 B Bdellovibrio Grown on Pseudomonas putida (HD100-P) D Host Independent mutant Bdellovibrio grown on host free medium. (HID2) A Host Dependent Bdellovibrio grown on Escherichia coli (HD100-E) C Bdellovibrio Grown on Salmonella typhimurium (HD100-S) HD100-E HD100-P HD100-S HID2

10 Expt2 Experiment 1 Experiment 2Both datasets Bdellovibrio peptides identified1083801 Number of Bdellovibrio membrane proteins identified1108652 Proteins expressed over 1.5 fold in HD*11108 Proteins expressed over 1.5 fold in HI16189 7 9 2 3 Membrane proteins upregulated in HD strain 4 Expt1 Expt2 8 52 34 58 Total proteins identified Expt1 Expt2 Membrane proteins upregulated in HI strain Expt1 9 * These proteins were upregulated in HD cells grown in atleast one host. Summary of iTRAQ analysis of Bdellovibrio membrane proteins

11 A : Identified in one dataset ; B: Shows similar trend in 2DGE analysis ; C : Shows similar trend in SDS-PAGE analysis ; D : Shows similar trend in total protein iTRAQ analysis E: Not detected in iTRAQ analysis Summary of candidate membrane proteins ORFProtein NamePredicted localisation Membrane proteins expressed (1.5 fold or more) in Host-dependent strain Bd0427Major OMPOuter Membrane Bd0459 A, C Hypothetical proteinOuter Membrane Bd1337 C,D SWIB-domain containing proteins implicated in chromatin remodeling Unknown Bd3129 D Hypothetical proteinUnknown Bd2070 D Acetyl-CoA transferaseCytosolic Bd3000 D, Bd3180Hypothetical protein in Bdellovibrio onlyOuter Membrane Bd3054 D Conserved hypothetical proteinUnknown Membrane proteins expressed (0.66 fold or less) in Host-dependent strain Bd0063 A, Bd0260 B,E, Bd0293 A, D Hypothetical proteinOuter Membrane Bd0674 A, Bd1475 B,C, Bd1015 B,C, E Hypothetical protein in Bdellovibrio onlyNon-Cytosolic Bd0999 D TolC proteinOuter Membrane Bd2611Cytochrome c oxidase, cbb3-type, subunit IInner Membrane Bd2769OmpAOuter Membrane Bd1290 A,B,D PilA, Tfp pilus assembly proteinInner Membrane Bd0220 D, Bd1703Conserved hypothetical proteinUnknown

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