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THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR CAUSES Election of Lincoln Slavery States rights vs. Power of the federal government.

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3 CAUSES Election of Lincoln Slavery States rights vs. Power of the federal government

4 The war begins - the firing on Fort Sumpter

5 The first States secede

6 Important events Emancipation proclamation freed the slaves in the Confederate States 13th Amendment abolished slavery 14th-15th amendments -civil rights, right to vote

7 New methods - war ships The Monitor

8 Lincoln elected to a second term

9 The end of the Confederacy 13th amendment is ratified by all but three states (NJ, DE, KY, ) Desertion became epidemic - 12% confed., 9 % Union Belief that “cause was hopeless” Lee surrenders April 9, 1865

10 Lincoln is assassinated

11 Punishment of the killers and conspirators

12 RECONSRTUCTION Ratification of the 13, 14, 15, Amendments

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