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Chapter 4 Sections 2,3.  North vs. South North’s strengths  More resources-guns, weapons,ships  More railroads  Larger population (immigrants flooding.

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1 Chapter 4 Sections 2,3

2  North vs. South North’s strengths  More resources-guns, weapons,ships  More railroads  Larger population (immigrants flooding into country)  More food South’s Strengths  Superior leadership  Highly motivated fighters  “King Cotton”  Easier to fight a defensive war

3   1)Navy blockade Southern ports  Union riverboats and armies capture the Mississippi River, split Confederacy in half  Union armies capture Confederate capital, Richmond Union Plan Anaconda Plan

4   Gettysburg, Pennsylvania- after, loosing this battle, South went on the defensive  Vicksburg, Mississippi- assured capture of the Mississippi River Turning Point of War-July, 1863 These two victories Gave President Lincoln The upper hand to issue The Emancipation Proclamation-freeing All the slaves in the Confederate states.

5   Appomattox Court House-April 3, 1865 - Southern General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Northern General U. S. Grant  Lincoln Assassinated- April 14, 1865 (Good Friday)  Thirteenth Amendment passed-end of 1865- ending slavery in the United States 1865

6   620,000 men on both sides lost (greater than U.S. casualties in all wars combined)  Politically, federal government’s power strengthened  Economically, gap between North and South widened; North boomed during the war, the South was devastated.  Civil War- first modern war; new weapons changed nature of warfare-rifle, minie ball, ironclad ships Consequences of Civil War

7   Ratified in 1868  Made former slaves not citizens of the United States but also citizens of the state in which they live  Greatly expanded the reach of the Constitution to include states Fourteenth Amendment

8   1865-1877  Plan to bring the South back into the Union  Lincoln and Johnson’s plan failed  Radical Republicans- 1866,divided South into five military districts  Black men given right to vote  Southern states had to adopt the fourteenth amendment Reconstruction

9   Passed in 1870  Gave black men the right to vote Fifteenth Amendment

10   Breakdown of the Republican party weakened the plan; lost control of Congress in 1876 election  Panic of 1873-bank failures caused a depression which diverted attention from the South  Growth of KKK (Ku Klux Klan)  Destroy Republican party  Throw out Reconstruction governments  Help the planter class  Prevent African Americans from using their political power Failure of Reconstruction

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