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Distance Learning Foundation With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO Bangkok, Thailand.

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Presentation on theme: "Distance Learning Foundation With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO Bangkok, Thailand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance Learning Foundation With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO Bangkok, Thailand

2 Using Media for English Language Teaching

3 Quick Review Session 7: Graphic Novels and Comics

4 Session 6 Review What new things did you learn as a participant and a teacher from the activities?

5 Class Applications What kind of lessons did you try in your classes? What was successful? What wasn’t so successful?

6 Postcards Session 8: 18 August 2010

7 Guiding Question How can the use of postcards enhance learners’ English language and critical thinking skills?

8 Contest: Knowledge of Places In groups of four and in ONE MINUTE, list as many famous places to visit in Thailand as you can!

9 Contest: Knowledge of Places Winners… Please name those places and tell us what region of Thailand they are in.

10 Why is it important to know where you come from? Food for Thought Why is it important to know where others come from?

11 Guess Where: Knowledge of Places Take a look at this postcard. Where do you think this is? How do you know?

12 What can you learn about this place and its people? Food for Thought How do you know?

13 Guess Where: Knowledge of Places Take a look at this postcard. Where do you think this is? How do you know?

14 Food for Thought From this postcard, what can others learn about your country and its people?

15 Fact vs. Opinion* Left SideRight Side Facts about Thailand (5) Opinions about Thailand (5)

16 Beyond Borders* In your new groups, write 3-5 facts based on the postcard you receive. **What do I see in the postcard? What do I know about this place or the people?**

17 While you share your facts to the class, other groups must share their opinion based on your fact. Beyond Borders **What do I think about the statement about this postcard? Do I agree or disagree?**

18 Food for Thought Why is it important to distinguish between fact and opinion?

19 Traversing Borders With your new postcards, write questions based on the postcard.* **Think about... the people who may live there and what they do.... the activities that visitors can participate in to know the culture more.**

20 What did you notice in the postcard that helped you write these questions? Food for Thought

21 Discovering and Learning With a partner, think of a place both of you would like to explore in depth. **What is this place? Why did you choose it?**

22 Discovering and Learning Write some questions to help you with your next step into exploration. **What do you want to learn from this place?**

23 Then, write a ‘letter’ to a pen pal in that place describing where you come from and asking those questions. Discovering and Learning

24 Classroom Implications How can the activities from this session be adapted to my English language classroom? Why will I adapt my activities that way? What will my students gain? What will I gain?

25 Assignments Assignment from the lesson or ‘class’ Assignment to apply in your classroom

26 Korp Khun Mak Ka Thank you very much and See you in the next session!

27 Our Contact Details Marti Anderson: Shei Sanchez: Facebook Search: Dlf Teacher Training

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