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What can we learn from 5+ years of ISTAR-KR? Michael Conn-Powers Early Childhood Center IIDC/Indiana University.

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Presentation on theme: "What can we learn from 5+ years of ISTAR-KR? Michael Conn-Powers Early Childhood Center IIDC/Indiana University."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we learn from 5+ years of ISTAR-KR? Michael Conn-Powers Early Childhood Center IIDC/Indiana University

2 Indiana Standards Tool for Alternate Reporting - Kindergarten Readiness

3 ISTAR-KR Data Since 2009, data entered on 59,857 children

4 Unduplicated Count of Children Assessed at Time 1 and Time 2 200920102011201220132014 TOTA L 2009 6 106 808 72 992 2010 62 1,722 690 296 2,770 2011 49 1,947 1,610 341 3,947 2012 29 1,890 1,828 3,747 2013 26 2,252 2,278 2014 8 8 TOTAL 6 168 2,579 2,738 3,822 4,429 13,742

5 Percentage of Children With and Without Disabilities

6 Gender and Race

7 What changes do we see? How do we describe those changes from an ongoing evaluation perspective? Developmental gains? Dedicated outcome measures? Rates of learning?


9 Developmental Gains Entry and Exit developmental scores Gain in terms of developmental months

10 Differences During Preschool Age at Time 147.5 mos. Age at Time 263.0 mos. Time between Assessments15.5 mos. % White71.6% % Disability69.6%

11 Average Gains During Preschool (All children) First Assessment (mos.) Second Assessment (mos.) Gains (mos.) Gains / Month English Language Arts 37.556.919.51.3 Mathematics 37.155.918.91.2 Social- Emotional 37.850.512.70.8 Average Time Between Assessments =15.5months

12 Average Gains During Preschool (Children w/o Disabilities) First Assessment (mos.) Second Assessment (mos.) Gains (mos.) Gains / Month English Language Arts 40.961.120.21.6 Mathematics 39.960.120.21.6 Social- Emotional 40.652.712.10.95 Average Time Between Assessments =12.8 months

13 Developmental Gains by Race (months gained between Time 1 and Time 2)

14 Use federal ‘outcome’ measures

15 Translating Data into Outcome Categories CATEGORYDEFINITION MAINTAINS AGE LEVEL Entry and Exit Scores are at or above age level IMPROVES TO AGE LEVEL Entry scores below age level Exit scores at or above age level NEAR AGE LEVEL Exit scores at level near but slightly below age level DELAYED W/ PROGRESS Exit scores > entry scores but significantly below age level increase from DELAYED, NO PROGRESS Exit scores ≤ entry scores and significantly below age level

16 Developmental Outcomes (Children w/ Disabilities)

17 English Language Arts Outcomes (Children w/o Disabilities)

18 Developmental Outcomes (Children w/o Disabilities)

19 Compare Rates of Learning & Development Compare to rate of typical development (each month of age = 1 month development) Plot rate based on Initial Assessment Plot rate based on Exit Assessment

20 Comparing Learning Rates for English Language Arts (Children w/o Disabilities)

21 Comparing Learning Rates for Mathematics (Children w/o Disabilities)

22 Ongoing program evaluation Outcomes-based Continuous Quality Improvement Someday …

23 Closing Michael Conn-Powers Early Childhood Center IIDC/Indiana University 812-855-6508

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