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SDN Week 2 EASSD Transport Session CAMBODIA. KEY ISSUES 1. 1. Relationship with the Government is strained 2. 2. Global economic and Ketsana Storm have.

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Presentation on theme: "SDN Week 2 EASSD Transport Session CAMBODIA. KEY ISSUES 1. 1. Relationship with the Government is strained 2. 2. Global economic and Ketsana Storm have."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDN Week 2 EASSD Transport Session CAMBODIA

2 KEY ISSUES 1. 1. Relationship with the Government is strained 2. 2. Global economic and Ketsana Storm have affected transport infrastructure 3. 3. Government-owned sector strategy is missing (delays in ‘road law’ approval) 4. 4. Maintenance planning and budgeting needs further strengthening

3 KEY ISSUES 5. 5. Insufficient allocation of funds to meet the maintenance needs 6. 6. Low capacity for design, execution and supervision of road works of the MPWT and MRD 7. 7. Weak Construction Industry and continued evidence of collusion among contractors 8. 8. Increased road related accidents

4 BANK INVOLVEMENT INVESTMENT PROJECTS l l Provincial and Rural Infrastructure - (IDA Credit US$20 million. Closing December 2010 l l Road Asset Management - Co-financed with ADB and AusAID (IDA Credit US$30 million). Closing September 2113

5 BANK INVOLVEMENT ACTIVE TRUST FUNDS l l PRIP-PHRD Grant For Project Implementation TF - US$425,000 l l RAMP-Korea Trust Fund: ICT for Road Asset Management - US$230,000 l l AusAID Grant: Enhanced Supervision, Capacity Development and Sector Analysis PROPOSAL SUBMITTED JSDF: Community Motorcycle Helmet Promotion - US$1.786 million

6 BANK INVOLVEMENT PIPELINE l l 2011 Emergency Infrastructure Project (TBD). Includes road rehabilitation component l l 2011 Infrastructure Project (TBD) Options are: Phonm Penh Transport Improvement, Road Safety, or Rural Roads Management l l GMS Trade and Transport

7 DONOR PARTNERS COMMUNITY l l Cooperation is mainly with ADB, JICA, AusAID, ASEAN, and ADF l l Scope: donor harmonization, roads investments, road safety, HIV/AIDS mitigation, knowledge sharing, and Governance

8 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. 1. Continue policy dialog with the Government and partners 2. 2. Continue assisting governance strengthening initiatives 3. 3. Development Partners agree on a steady and focused program for capacity development, including the private sector 4. 4. RGC increase funding for road maintenance and improvements


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