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Sergey Parinov, euroCRIS Board meeting, Antwerp, February 2010 BP/DRIS TG progress report.

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Presentation on theme: "Sergey Parinov, euroCRIS Board meeting, Antwerp, February 2010 BP/DRIS TG progress report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sergey Parinov, euroCRIS Board meeting, Antwerp, February 2010 BP/DRIS TG progress report

2 List of main actions for 2009-2010: 1. Preparing of the first issue of an annual report with publishing it in December 2010 2. Surveys of “things” related with CRISs and forming digital collections of them (as an Archive or Museum of CRIS artifacts) 3. Survey of people from euroCRIS community to find and exploit new community’s benefits

3 Current situation The task group still has no active members No expressed interest from members to activities proposed by the task group leader The task group leader still has some optimism and a wish to improve the situation Corrected plan: to concentrate on the annual euroCRIS Best Practice report with publishing it in December 2010

4 Topics of the presentation 1. progress euroCRIS back office; 2. first annual report on Best Practice 3. progress update DRIS+BP information system; 4. progress update Code of Best Practice;

5 uncostly tools to complement euroCRIS website 1. euroCRIS back-office

6 SharePoint at Self-registration to get configured “read/write” access to back-office data and tools Tools to create and manage structured data (e.g. tables) for its publishing at euroCRIS web site (through RSS, SOAP and other protocols) Tools of Help Desk and online forums It is ready to be used by euroCRIS board and members

7 4. First Best Practice annual report

8 DRIS+BP annual report Idea: to list the best of current year achievements, hot problems and new future trends as euroCRIS community opinion Procedure: online nomination of CRISs, Pers, Orgunits, articles (using DRIS+BP forms), discussing (online forum) and voting (online survey) during a year Title: Annual report of euroCRIS community Structure of the report: achievements (articles+CRISs+pers+orgunits) the most popular, hot professional problems the most challengeable future trends, expectations Initial Editorial Committee: Max Stempfhuber, Anne Asserson, Sergey Parinov

9 Proposed focus of the first annual report We – as members of a professional community – are producing some gratis knowledge and best practice examples, which can be an objects-for-reuse for other members The members will benefit from the community if it organizes a registry of the gratis objects-for-reuse and runs an efficient mechanism of the objects’ circulation, exchange and usage euroCRIS members will benefit if we collect, select, publish and distribute (e.g. as annual report) CRIS related objects-for-reuse One of proposed focuses for the report 2010 is the “CRIS related objects for professional reuse”

10 Another possible focus for the report New decade 2010-2019 of professional activity of euroCRIS members is started. It is good time to make conclusion about main results and missed opportunities of previous decade 2000-2009 and share with colleagues views and forecasts about new one

11 Organizational issues Creation of a new section at with online tools for (can be available for testing in 2 weeks): submitting materials for the report viewing current submissions evaluation and discussing submissions voting for best materials to be published at the annual report Tools testing and evaluation by Anne and Max and may be other (during 1-2 weeks) Informing of euroCRIS members about starting submissions for the report (can be made in one month)

12 “Annual Report” section at BackOffice A legend/focus of the current report, e.g. for 2010 - a registry and better circulation of CRIS related objects for professional reuse Current nominations, e.g. for 2010: Most valuable objects for professional reuse Main achievements and missed opportunities in CRIS area of the last decade 2000-2009 Professional views/forecasts about CRIS area for the next decade 2010-2020 Public discussion and voting about nominations

13 tools to manage DRIS data and BP articles 2. DRIS+BP information system

14 DRIS+BP technical details Pilot version - with public ‘read’ access to all DRIS+BP materials, surveys and additional services: free registration to get ‘participant’ permissions (for euroCRIS members only) DRIS wiki with technical requirements, specifications and other details DRIS forum for discussions about further development Help Desk for DRIS+BP users

15 DRIS+BP is a CRIS of a community of euroCRIS members “…each system indexed by DRIS is a product related to organisations, persons and probably there are associated publications, events....” Keith Jeffery, president euroCRIS DRIS+BP information system should serve euroCRIS community and create strong benefits for users to be a part of this community In general, it can accumulate CRIS artifacts of digital heritage for future euroCRIS members A platform for DRIS+BP current implementation is SharePoint 2007, we looking for better platform, e.g. integrated with future euroCRIS web site

16 Current Usage on February 3 rd, 2010 From November 2009 only three people were working with the information system (Berger Katharina from Avedas, Harrie Lalieu from euroCRIS and Korošec Andrej from IZUM) Few DRIS records were updated The main problem is a lack of incentives and motivations for euroCRIS members to use the information system

17 Increasing motivations and benefits for DRIS+BP users Create/update your complex professional portrait by presenting your data as a set of cross linked objects {CRIS – Pers – OrgUnit - BP_articles}, it can be stored and updated for a long time Present your professional achievements and ideas as a part of community’s Archive/Museum Participate in a DRIS+BP development to build a professional ‘social network’ and increase benefits of euroCRIS community Using DRIS+BP tools and access to the community produce substantial professional “products”

18 Updated DRIS+BP development plan Focus on a registry of CRIS related objects-for-reuse

19 3. Code of Best Practice

20 Topics suggested by Keith Jeffery 1. What data structure do I use for a CRIS 2. What questions can it answer 3. Can it produce researcher VCs? 4. Can it produce web pages describing a group or department? 5. Can it help in research proposals? 6. Can it store information on research outputs? 7. Will it interface to an existing OA IR? 8. Can it produce a publication list for a group or department or project? 9. Can I link it with other CRIS to get a continent or world view? 10. How do I reduce the manual input from researchers? 11. Will the CRIS interoperate with existing finance, HR, project systems? 12. How does it relate to patents databases? 13. Financial and business topics 14. Can it provide a breakdown of research funding by year, by source, by department, by group in my university?

21 Ideas from Max Stempfhuber “it should be a nice looking publication downloadable as PDF and also printable” “it could be more efficient if we work on the individual chapters in a coordinated way and put it up for comments the moment we feel that the euroCRIS members will be willing to contribute”

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