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COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR CSI – UNIT 1 – 2015. Definition A social process that: Emerges spontaneously Not created by law or institution Does not reflect the.

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2 Definition A social process that: Emerges spontaneously Not created by law or institution Does not reflect the existing social structure (laws, conventions, institutions) Appears, diffuses, and changes suddenly Study of crowds, fads, disasters, panics, & social movements What holds them together? Why are elements included or excluded?

3 Importance Understanding how people respond in panicked situations can lead to better training for personnel to avoid unnecessary damage 1979 The Who concert stampede killed 11  better architecture & crowd management saves lives Reduce loss of life, esp. by control agents Prison Riots :Attica 1971; Watts 1964; Newark & Detroit 1967 Better planning for disasters (floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, nuclear accidents) CDC research has a worldwide impact in disaster planning & control efforts

4 Examples Religious Revival Meetings Panic in a burning theater Widespread interest in a website Clothing fads Rapid spread of rumors

5 Emergence-Cultural Specificity How does culture foster the emergence of collective behavior? One extreme: culture offers guidelines Indicates what social roles will be played & by whom Who can become a member Defines means & ends for decision-making Determines where interaction will occur When interaction will begin & end Examples: Wedding ceremony, lecture in college auditorium, auto assembly line Other extreme: culture offers relatively little direction Spontaneous group comes together for some unusual incident Example: student crowd forms to protest rising tuition In between extremes: contests, celebrations, & disasters Combine cultural specificity with culturally mandated emergence, depending on which dimension of organization vs. emergence is considered Example: Contests – choosing US president v. English Crown succession procedures Example: Celebrations – Crowd celebrating an athletic victory

6 Degree of Emergence-Cultural Specification High Degree of Emergence IntermediateHigh Degree of Cultural Specification Spontaneous Crowd Many Fads Waiting Lines Contests Disasters/Emergencies Celebrations Social Movements Sponsored Fads Conventional Church Service Weddings Classroom Factory Assembly Line Concert

7 SEVEN CATEGORIES Of collective behavior

8 Crowds Any gathering of people who share a purpose or intent & influence each other Loose – group at the mall Organized – political rally or football game Type of behavior: the wave

9 Mobs & Riots Crowd behavior directed toward a specific, violent end  MOB Tend to be emotional Example: lynching in the 19 th -20 th centuries Violent crowd behavior without a specific goal  RIOT Expresses general dissatisfaction Example: Baltimore 2015

10 Panic Sudden terror dominates thinking & affects groups of people Disasters & fires can lead to panic Cocoanut Grove Fire – 1942 – 492 died in Boston’s premier nightclub because side doors were locked & only exit was revolving door, which was blocked Stampede running from a crowded theater Example: Electric Daisy Carnival 2010 [2:00] More than 100 hospitalized due to injuries, drugs, & alcohol in 2 day festival

11 Mass Hysteria Unmanageable fear or emotion by the public Often tied to diseases Salem Witch Trials, Red Scare, McCarthyism, etc.

12 Fashion & Fads Fashion that becomes popular relatively quickly, remains popular, then loses popularity dramatically Catchphrases & slang too 2010s Angry Birds Cupcake Stores Dog Shaming Planking 1990s Beanie Babies Bleached Tips Grunge “The Rachel” 1960s Afros Beatlemania Lava Lamps Tie-Dye 1920s Drive-In Theatre Flagpole Sitting Swallowing Goldfish

13 Rumors “Unverified account of explanation of events circulating from person to person and pertaining to an object, event, or issue in public concern”

14 Urban Legends Type of rumor Old wives’ tales Examples Midget in the Attic Hookerman (Budd Lake)

15 Video: London Riots, 2011 Unrest began August 6 after death of Mark Duggan, shot dead by police on August 4 Over 3,000 arrested by August 15 5 dead, 16 injured BBC News [10 min] Police Interviews [58 min] “Our Crime” [56 min]

16 Class Activity CrowdsMobs Riots Panic Mass Hysteria Fashion Fads Rumors Urban Legends ???????

17 Class Activity 2 In groups, act out one example of the terms: Mass Hysteria Panic Fashion/Fads Mob/Riot

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