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Published byHorace Thomas Modified over 9 years ago
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Victory Junction Gang Camp Grant Proposal Grant Funding Source: The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Health Care Division Grants
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust PART I: THE ORGANIZATION Victory Junction Gang Camp 4500 Adam’s Way Randleman, North Carolina 27317 (336) 498-9055 1.877.VJG.CAMP Contact Person:Mr. Ken Nash Name & Title:VSU Graduate Student Address:123 My Street Telephone:123.456.7890 FAX:123.098.7654
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Background, Goals, and Current Programs Background: The Victory Junction Gang Camp, a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation, is a medical camp for children and their families living with chronic and/or life-threatening illnesses and is one in the network of Hole in the Wall Gang Camps. In 1988, Paul Newman opened and founded The Hole in The Wall Gang Camp in Ashford, Connecticut, for children with cancer and serious blood disorders. Since then, Newman has founded camps in New York, North Carolina, Florida, California, Ireland and France. Each individual camp has its own specific founder or founders and each camp in the Hole in the Wall Gang Association has its own board of directors and founders. Victory Junction is an independent, not-for-profit organization. Actor Paul Newman and Kyle and Pattie Petty are the founders of Victory Junction. Board members of Victory Junction all have diverse backgrounds. Kyle Petty is recognized throughout the motor sports community for his philanthropic spirit. He also has dedicated much of his time away from the track to helping others. His annual Kyle Petty/Chick-Fil-A Charity Ride Across America has raised more than $3 million since its inception in 1994. Pattie Petty is also well known for her philanthropic activities. She holds a masters' degree in Child Developmental Psychology and an undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Development. In October 2000, Kyle and Pattie partnered with actor Paul Newman to launch their most ambitious project to date-The Victory Junction Gang Camp. The project was founded to honor their son Adam (the first fourth generation professional athlete in the United States) who died in May 2000 during practice for a NASCAR Busch Series race in Loudon, New Hampshire.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Background, Goals, and Current Programs Mission: The Victory Junction Gang Camp enriches the lives of children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses by creating camping experiences that are memorable, exciting, fun, empowering, physically safe and medically sound. Goals: BONDING“Victory Junction is one place where chronically ill children, who many times look and act differently than their peers, can come and be just like everyone else and not treated differently.” HOPE“Children gain life-changing experiences to sustain them in times of great stress and need.” “Children gain the empowerment to do more for themselves - be away from home for the first time, or try something new without being afraid of failing.” RESULTS Results are measured at Victory Junction by the many smiles seen on camper faces. Current Programs: We serve children ages 7-15 with the following diseases and conditions: arthritis, asthma, burn survivors, cancer, epilepsy, gastrointestinal disease, heart disease, hemophilia, immunology deficiencies/HIV, kidney disease, liver disease, neurological disease, sickle cell disease, skin disease, and spina bifida. The Victory Junction Gang Camp is free of any charge to the children or families and relies upon the generosity of individuals, corporations and foundations to meet operating needs.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Proposed Project/Program The Victory Junction Gang Camp (VJGC) Academy The Academy will exist to help support families of children with life-threatening or chronic diseases and to strengthen staff and volunteer development. Training and education will be offered primarily to indigent families who are unable to attend family weekends and/or their child(ren) who are unable to attend summer camp or ongoing support to those who have attended these programs. Also, it will serve as the initiation point in VJGC’s counselor and non-medical volunteer selection. Training will be given to counselors and volunteers in specific life-threatening and/or chronic disease groups among the child population that VJGC serves. Families receive training and education through seminars and clinics on- site at the VJGC as well as through a monthly information magazine offering resources and current development and events on key disease groups. The Academy will serve as a front-end support to families who are prospects for the camp and a back-end support to families who have attended the camp and need ongoing support. The populations that will ultimately benefit from the Academy are the children and their families – they are able to attend the VJGC free and without any fees. These children and their families are direct beneficiaries of all camps and services at the VJGC. The cost of treatment and support to these children is insurmountable in terms of drug costs, physician care and hospital stays and services. The VJGC is one resource that delivers to these families a high level of care through highly reputable health care partners, all delivered at no cost to the camper. The establishment of the Academy will further provide help and assistance to these families through ongoing support and education.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Part II: Need that the Project addresses Families Families with children that have life-threatening or chronic diseases face tremendous challenges emotionally, physically, socially and financially. For many families, much needed support can come from extended family, friends, community, church, etc., but for many families these supports may not exist at all or may be deficient for their needs. The VJGC Academy will be available to fill in those gaps. Volunteers & Counselors Also, the level of training afforded to summer camp counselors and non-medical volunteers historically has been limited in scope. Most individuals come to VJGC with variable levels of training and education as regards specific disease groups cared for at VJGC. These individuals and the camp itself would profit greatly through a standardized delivery of thorough training and education pertinent to these diseases. While this training does not assume any clinical or medical certification beyond basic CPR and similar course, it is designed as a medical, psychological, social and emotional support to both the volunteer/counselor student and the camper/family. The VJGC Academy will serve to develop staff and volunteers who typically lack specific, tailored training concerning disease groups served by VJGC. This training will aid, assist and serve campers more efficiently and effectively as counselors and non-medical volunteers gain more knowledge, skill and expertise to serve specific disease populations at camp. The Academy will bridge the gap in giving these individuals tools of understanding and resources to assist – this will in no means supplant professional medical care, but will serve as skilled support and resources.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Objectives of the Project/Program The VJGC Academy objectives are: 1. Increase awareness and deepen knowledge of specific disease developments, their needs and their associated treatments. 2. Provide a sounding board for families faced with the challenge of caring for their child and her disease – provide a relationship, support- based assistance to these families where they can turn in times of need. 3. Provide hands-on experience in learning how to support campers emotionally, socially, etc. in order to give a more comprehensive assistance to them. 4. Increase expertise of counselors and non-medical volunteers so that they are able to identify key disease-specific problems or issues that may need professional medical attention. 5. Develop and ongoing program of support to families through a routine scheduled menu of clinics and seminars on-site as well as a resource network through various means (monthly information magazine, etc.) to provide support and increase learning. The Academy will provide the VJGC a higher skill and expertise level throughout the full camp program, as general staff and volunteers are able to greater assist needs of campers, specific to their disease. Campers will greatly benefit as their specific needs are met through the tailored understanding and provision of care afforded throughout the full staffing and programs of the camp. Families will greatly benefit as they are given increased resources and support.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Strategies developed to accomplish objectives. Clinics & Seminars VJGC will offer year-round clinics and on-site seminars, conducted by its various medical and social service partners. Ongoing classes will be conducted by these partners to help train and educate both families and the VJGC counselors and non-medical volunteers. 1. Clinics will be conducted to further educate learners concerning specific diseases, their causes, development and special needs. 2. Clinics will be conducted to train individuals concerning specific diseases and current treatment programs, their impact and goals. 3. Seminars will be held to help families connect with partners and their expertise as well as other families that are also facing similar challenges. The goal of these seminars is to provide emotional and psychological support. 4. A network of support communication will be provided through means such as a monthly information magazine for families.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Strategies developed to accomplish objectives. Implementation The Academy will exist individually within the VJGC environment. As such, it will be housed and staffed separate from the camp per se. Specific needs for the startup of the Academy include: 1. Capital funds to construct the VJGC Academy building. This building will be 3,000 square-feet in size and will house the administrative arm of the Academy as well as the learning room environments – everything from a formal-like classroom to a lounge-like informal setting room. 2. Staffing needs include: Academy Director, Administrative Assistant, and Instructional Director. All other instructor and staffing needs will be provided through medical and social service partnerships and volunteers. 3. Startup operating needs include furniture (both administrative and class/seminar), Office and class supplies and materials, and miscellaneous equipment (computers, copier, fax, etc.).
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Capital Project Timeline One Year Projected Beginning construction of the Academy is anticipated in summer 2006, one year from now. Capital fund raising should be completed at the 100% level within the next 12 months through corporate partnership donations. Construction for the Academy will begin once at least 50% of the total capital project funds have been secured – summer 2006. Completion of the construction should be accomplished by the end of calendar year 2006.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Program Evaluations Surveys Surveys and evaluations will be conducted at regular intervals for feedback and study concerning the effectiveness and success of the VJGC Academy and its programs of training and education. These will be anonymous surveys completed by families, non-medical volunteers and counselors. Questions will be posed concerning these items: 1. Overall “feel” for the Academy’s benefit 2. Grading (1-5: Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Poor) for specific areas – teaching quality, teacher ability, content, etc. 3. Open-ended short answer questions concerning what was liked best, what was liked least, what can be done better, etc. Benchmarking Further, prospective evaluations will be made either by medical and clinical partners or by Academy staff. This will be accomplished through periodic observations conducted during actual seminars and/or clinics using benchmarks obtained through comparable programs conducted elsewhere (e.g. Hospitals, etc.).
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Part III: Project/Program Financial Information Requested Funding Amount requested from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust : Year 1: $100,000 Year 2: $ 75,000 Year 3: $ 50,000 Total Amount of Request: $225,000 Would a grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust in the amount being requested jeopardize your public charity status? Yes_____ No__×___ Will any of these funds be used to pay fees to a state or nationally affiliated organization? Yes_____ (%_____) No__×___ Names of other organizations, both public and private, to which application has been made for support for this specific project/program: 1. Victory Junction Gang Camp HERO’s Program$305,075 (Pending) 2. Corporate Partners$700,000 (Approved)
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Income and Expenses Expenses (By categories) Income (By sources) Year 1 Personnel (3 posns) w/fringe $195,750 Furniture & Equipment$ 25,000 Supplies & Materials$ 10,000 Printing & Publication$ 10,000 Utilities$ 12,000 Other Operating$ 10,000 Capital Outlay$500,000 $762,750 Year 2 Personnel (3 posns) w/fringe$199,665 Supplies & Materials$ 10,000 Printing & Publication$ 10,000 Utilities$ 12,000 Other Operating$ 10,000 $241,665 Year 3 Personnel (3 posns) w/fringe $203,660 Supplies & Materials$ 10,000 Printing & Publication$ 10,000 Utilities$ 12,000 Other Operating$ 10,000 $245,660 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES (3 yrs) - $1,250,075 Year 1 Corporate Partners) $600,000 VJGC HEROs $ 62,750 Kate B. Reynolds Request $100,000 $762,750 Year 2 Corporate Partner $ 90,000 VJGC HEROs $ 76,665 Kate B. Reynolds Request $ 75,000 $221,665 Year 3 Corporate Partner $100,000 VJGC HEROs $ 95,660 Kate B. Reynolds Request $ 50,000 $245,660 TOTAL PROJECT INCOME (3 yrs) - $1,250,075
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Future Funding (Beyond 3 Year Project) Partners & HEROs Ongoing operating expense after three years will be sustained through the Victory Junction Gang endowment provided through donor support. Current annual operating expenses (FY 2005) for the whole Victory Junction are approximately $3.5M – supported through corporate partners, VJGC HERO’s program and grants. The VJGC HERO’s program will sustain a large portion of the ongoing operating expenses for the Academy. Corporate partners will sustain the revenue for start-up and capital outlay construction in the first year.
Ken Nash PADM 7040 Victory Junction Grant Proposal for Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust The Victory Junction Gang Academy A partnership endeavor for ongoing support and enrichment of families and the lives of their children with chronic or life-threatening diseases. “Extending Smiles that can last a lifetime after camp ”
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