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Fiber Optic Network Solutions. Aware of the growing optical fiber network market, TELE DESIGN has developed FiberDoc, a documentation system for this.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiber Optic Network Solutions. Aware of the growing optical fiber network market, TELE DESIGN has developed FiberDoc, a documentation system for this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiber Optic Network Solutions

2 Aware of the growing optical fiber network market, TELE DESIGN has developed FiberDoc, a documentation system for this type of network. Via an user-friendly graphical interface and a geo-referenced database, FiberDoc allows the exact mapping of cable routes and the positioning of external network elements such as: - Splice enclosure, passive and active devices - Fiber storage loop cables - Termination and connection panels - Underground infrastructure WHAT IS FIBERDOC ?

3 BEST VIEW IN GEOGRAPHY Several cities and their interconnections can be viewed simultaneously Detailed maps show the type of supporting infrastructure, the blocks and the names of the streets A search resource makes it easier to find a certain address

4 OPTIC ROUTES Optical cables routes are easily inserted and manipulated in the system, marking their pathway through the poles or the vaults The optical cable color pattern can be parameterized and it is also possible to attribute names to loose tubes and fibers or even to alter their pattern colors Fiber storage loops are also considered, having specific representation which contemplates their right positioning and the length of the cable available

5 EASY TO USE Detailed data about the cables are displayed in a specific screen Cable attributes are: color pattern, number of loose tubes and number of fibers, the cable total length and installation date Every fiber has the status of "on" or "off". The "on" fibers indicate which link they are part of The connections and the devices, geographically referenced, are indicated by special icons

6 With FiberDoc, differentiated attention is given to sites on the network, where users determine the most important ones and choose the most appropriate icons to stand for such sites The network device is documented with its geographic position, name, owner and type, also by choosing an icon which represents it FiberDoc helps to take decisions, like defining which splices should be carried out first so that a certain link can be resettled DIFFERENTIATED ATTENTION

7 VIEWING CONNECTIONS A graphic representation of their actual realization is given when visualizing connections The splices are easily manipulated through the drag-and-drop resource Cables can be used by several links, identified in the fiber optic visualization by a specific symbol

8 FIBER TERMINATION Optic terminations are shown in a specific screen Easy fiber to termination set association and different colors represent the status of each termination’s element Free to define the number and disposition of termination set elements Specific report for the termination set

9 UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE Rapidly definition of canalization templates, with ducts and sub-ducts setup Integrated visualization of underground infrastructure utilization, with detailed information of which links use certain duct Canalization’s dimension can also be registered

10 Geo-referenced database of poles, cables and devices Graphic interface that suppress use of printed maps Complete visualization of poles, blocks, streets, with address database access Simple splice documentation, with graphic visualization and drag-and-drop resource Links and fiber storage loops cables information Database icons to represent devices and special network places Types definition for cables, devices, connections, terminations, underground infrastructure and optical cable color pattern Supports decisions on which link should be resettled in case of network problems WEB based version with geographic maps HIGHLIGHTS

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