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MOBILITY SUPPORT Abdullah Alghamdi. G ENERIC HANDOVER PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Handover rates Fast reservations:  Minimize RTT during QoS establishment.

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Presentation on theme: "MOBILITY SUPPORT Abdullah Alghamdi. G ENERIC HANDOVER PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Handover rates Fast reservations:  Minimize RTT during QoS establishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOBILITY SUPPORT Abdullah Alghamdi

2 G ENERIC HANDOVER PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Handover rates Fast reservations:  Minimize RTT during QoS establishment  Handover requests treated with higher priority  Minimize number of bits transmitted over “slow” links

3 G ENERAL ISSUES WITH MOBILITY SUPPORT Inter-subsystem handover forces mobile node (MN) to change assigned IP address  Use an additional ID to identify NTLP transport state that does not include MN’s IP address and keeps association with flow ID(s) before and after handover

4 R EQUIREMENTS FOR MOBILITY IN INTERNET Mobility Transparency Easy to use Routing Security

5 W HAT IS IP V 4? IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol version 4. It is the underlying technology that makes it possible for us to connect our devices to the web Without IP addresses, computers would not be able to communicate and send data to each other. It’s essential to the infrastructure of the web.

6 W HY ARE WE RUNNING OUT OF IP V 4 ADDRESSES ? IPv4 uses 32 bits for its Internet addresses. How does IPv6 solve this problem?

7 M OBILE IP V 6 Mobile IPv6 is intended to enable IPv6 nodes to move from one IP subnet to another While a mobile node is away from home

8 B ASIC IP V 6 A DDRESS T YPES unicast multicast anycast

9 IP V 6 – A DDRESSING M ODEL Address are assigned to interfaces Interface expected to have multiple addresses Addresses have scope Address have lifetime

10 T ERMS USED IN MOBILE IP V 6 Mobile Node Home Address Care-of Address Binding Home Agent Binding Cache

11 M AJOR D IFFERENCES BETWEEN MIP V 4 AND MIP V 6 No FA in Mobile IPv6 Packets delivery

12 Q UALITY OF S ERVICE IPv6 header has two QoS-related fields 20-bit Flow Label 8-bit Traffic Class Indicator New IPv6 option – QoS Object

13 C ONCLUSIONS Mobile IPv6 is An able and connect protocol for handling mobility with IPv6 Lightweight protocol To minimize the control traffic needed to effect mobility


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