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Is the Lower Limit Working? Chief Superintendent Iain Murray Head of Road Policing.

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Presentation on theme: "Is the Lower Limit Working? Chief Superintendent Iain Murray Head of Road Policing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is the Lower Limit Working? Chief Superintendent Iain Murray Head of Road Policing

2 Today The history of the change in Scotland The challenges we faced The impact on Scotland

3 History Years Casualties KilledSeriousSlightTotal 2004-08 Ave30170790990 2008-12 Ave20130630780 201210100470580

4 North Review ‘Strong evidence to suggest that lowering the legal BAC does help to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries at all BAC levels.’ ‘There is sufficiently strong evidence to indicate that lowering the BAC limit changes the behaviour of drivers at all BAC levels.’

5 Blood Alcohol Levels BAC of between 20mg and 50mg – 3 times greater risk of dying in a vehicle crash BAC of between 50mg and 80mg – 6 times greater risk of dying in a vehicle crash BAC of between 80mg and 100mg – 11 times greater risk of dying in a vehicle crash

6 Legal Limit Existed since 1967 50 years of ‘Don’t Drink and Drive’ Reducing the limit in Scotland – ‘Save between 3 and 17 deaths a year’ (North)

7 Costs per Casualty Fatal Collision- £1,742,988 Serious Collision- £195,863 Slight- £15,009 Total Cost- £44,070,410

8 Challenges - Timeline 2007- Discussions in Scottish Parliament 2008- Discussions with UK Government 2012- The Scotland Act – devolved power 2012- Public Consultation – 74% support

9 Challenges - Timeline 2013- Discussions with HO and CAST 2014 Aug- Agreement and Type Approval 2014 Oct- Put before Parliament and Justice Cttee 2014 Nov- Publicity Launch 2014 Dec- Go Live

10 Challenges Geography - 87 Devices across the country Type Approval – EC/IR device UKAS accreditation of Intoximeters Type Approval at new limit Logistics!

11 Launch


13 Launch - Media National TV and Radio 7 National Daily Newspapers 12 Online Publications Almost every local paper in the country!

14 Launch

15 Impact Police Scotland focus on casualty reduction Increased vehicle stops – 1 every 2 minutes Reducing drink drive figures – 6% 2012/13 to 2013/14 Mean average – 106 per week Warnings counted (31 – 39) – additional 35 per week Potential impact – 106 increases to 141 per week

16 Impact Average figures now 80 per week 25% reduction on 106 – or – 58% reduction on 141…. Prosecutions Dec - Feb – 739 down to 491, or 34% Between ‘Old’ and ‘New’ – 449 versus 42, or 9% ‘Morning After’ – 9% of total offences during campaign ‘Morning After’ between ‘Old’ and ‘New’ – 22% of total

17 Impact Domestic Violence – 11% reduction ‘Correlation’ and ‘Causation’………

18 Impact Licensed Trade New Measures – ‘schooner’ and 125 ml Later breakfasts in hotels Sales of self tests

19 Today The history of the change in Scotland The challenges we faced The impact on Scotland

20 Questions ?

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