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Blessed are those of blameless ways, who live according to God’s word. Blessed are those who keep his laws, who with their whole heart seek the L ORD.

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Presentation on theme: "Blessed are those of blameless ways, who live according to God’s word. Blessed are those who keep his laws, who with their whole heart seek the L ORD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blessed are those of blameless ways, who live according to God’s word. Blessed are those who keep his laws, who with their whole heart seek the L ORD. [Sing to the Lord 119:1-8]

2 2. They keep themselves from doing wrong by walking in his perfect ways. You have established laws for us that are to be obeyed always.

3 3. O that my ways were steadfast, L ORD, in making your decrees my aim! So, when I think on your commands, I would not feel disgrace or shame.

4 4. I’ll praise you with an upright heart, as your just laws are learned by me. All your decrees I will obey; do not forsake me utterly. Sing to the Lord 119:1-8 Used with permission Text: Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003 Tune: William Boyce, 1710–1779

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