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Published byEsmond Jefferson Modified over 9 years ago
1 How Charm works its magic Laxmikant Kale Parallel Programming Laboratory Dept. of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
2 Parallel Programming Environment Charm++ and AMPI –Embody the idea of processor virtualization Processor Virtualization –Divide the computation into a large number of pieces Independent of number of processors Typically larger than number of processors –Let the system map objects to processors User View System implementation
3 Charm++ and AMPI Charm++ –Parallel C++ –“Arrays” of Objects –Automatic load balancing –Prioritization –Mature System –Available on all parallel machines we know Several applications: –Mol. Dynamics –QM/MM –Cosmology –Materials/processes –Operations Research AMPI = MPI + virtualization –A migration path for MPI codes –Automatic dynamic load balancing for MPI applications –Uses Charm++ object arrays and migratable threads –Bindings for C, C++, Fortran90 Porting MPI applications –Minimal modifications needed –Automated via AMPizer AMPI progress –Ease of use: automatic packing –Asynchronous communication Split-phase interfaces
4 Charm++ Parallel C++ with Data Driven Objects Object Arrays/ Object Collections Object Groups: –Global object with a “representative” on each PE Asynchronous method invocation Prioritized scheduling Mature, robust, portable
5 AMPI: 7 MPI processes
6 AMPI: Real Processors 7 MPI “processes” Implemented as virtual processors (user-level migratable threads)
7 Benefits of Virtualization Software Engineering –Number of virtual processors can be independently controlled –Separate VPs for different modules Message Driven Execution –Adaptive overlap of communication –Modularity –Predictability: Automatic Out-of-core –Asynchronous reductions Dynamic mapping –Heterogeneous clusters: Vacate, adjust to speed, share –Automatic checkpointing –Change the set of processors used Principle of Persistence –Enables Runtime Optimizations –Automatic Dynamic Load Balancing –Communication Optimizations –Other Runtime Optimizations More: We will illustrate: -- An application breakthrough -- Cluster Performance Optimization -- A Communication Optimization
8 Technology Demonstration Recent breakthrough in Molecular Dynamics performance –NAMD, implemented using Charm++ –Demonstrates power of techniques, applicable to CSAR Collection of charged atoms, with bonds –Thousands of atoms (10,000 - 500,000) –1 femtosecond time-step, millions needed! At each time-step –Bond forces –Non-bonded: electrostatic and van der Waal’s Short-distance: every timestep Long-distance: every 4 timesteps using PME (3D FFT) Multiple Time Stepping –Calculate velocities and advance positions Collaboration with K. Schulten, R. Skeel, and coworkers
9 700 VPs 192 + 144 VP s 30,000 VPs Virtualized Approach to Parallelization using Charm++ These 30,000+ Virtual Processors (VPs) are mapped to real processors by Charm runtime system
10 Asynchronous reductions, and message-driven execution in Charm allow applications to tolerate random variations
11 Performance: NAMD on Lemieux ATPase: 320,000+ atoms including water To be Published in SC2002: Gordon Bell Award Finalist 15.6 ms, 0.8 TF
12 Component Frameworks Motivation Reduce tedium of parallel programming for commonly used paradigms & parallel data structures Encapsulate parallel data structures and algorithms Provide easy to use interface, –Sequential programming style preserved Use adaptive load balancing framework Used to build parallel components Frameworks Unstructured Grids –Generalized ghost regions –Used in RocFrac version, RocFlu Outside CSAR –Fast Collision Detection Multiblock Framework –Structured Grids –Automates communication AMR –Common for both above Particles –Multiphase flows –MD, Tree codes
13 Component Frameworks Objective: For commonly used structures, application scientists –Shouldn’t have to deal with parallel implementation issues –Should be able to reuse code Components and Challenges Unstructured meshes: Unmesh –Dynamic refinement support for FEM –Solver interfaces –Multigrid support Structured meshes: Mblock –Multigrid support –Study applications Particles Adaptive mesh refinement: –Shrinking and growing trees –Applicable to the three above
14 Charm/AMPI MPI/lower layers D Unmesh MBlock Particles AMR support Application Orchestration / Intergration Support Application Components Parallel Standard Libraries Solvers Data transfer CAB Framework Components
15 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Object Groups (BOCs) Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies (nbr) –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
16 Converse Converse is a layer on which Charm++ is built –Provides machine-dependent code –Provides “utilities” needed by the RTS of many parallel programming languages –Used for implementing many mini-languages Main Components of Converse: –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Machine model: –Collections of nodes, each node is a collection processes. –Processes on a node can share memory –Macros for supporting node-level (shared) and processor level globals
17 Data driven execution Scheduler Message Q
18 Converse Scheduler The core of converse is message-driven execution –But scheduled entities are not just “messgese” from remote processors Genalized notion of messages: any schedulable entity From scheduler’s point of view: a block of memory, –First few bytes encode a handler function (as an index into a table) –Scheduler, in each iteration: Polls network, enqueuing messages in a fifo Selects a message from either the fifo or local-queue Executes handler of of selected message –This may result in enqueuing of message in the local-queue –Local queue is prioritized lifo/fifo –Priorities may be integers (smaller: higher) or bitvectors (lexicographic)
19 Converse: communication and threads Communication support: –“send” a converse message to a remote processor –Message must have handler-index encoded at the beginning –Variety of send-variations (sync/async, memory deallocation) and broadcasts supproted Threads: bigger topic –User level threads –Migratable threads –Scheduled via converse scheduler –Suspend and awaken : low level thread package
20 Communication Architecture Communication API (Send/Recv) Net MPI Shmem UDP (machine-eth.c) TCP (machine-tcp.c) Myrinet (machine-gm.c)
21 Parallel Program Startup Net version - nodelist Charmrun node compute node Rsh/ssh (IP, port) my node (IP, port) Broadcast all nodes (IP, port) compute node Rsh/ssh (IP, port)
22 Converse Initialization ConverseInit –Global variables initialization; –Start worker threads; ConverseRunPE for each Charm PE –Per thread initialization; –Loop into scheduler: CsdScheduler()
23 Message formats Net version #define CMK_MSG_HEADER_BASIC { CmiUInt2 d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,hdl,d7; } Dgram Headerlength handlerxhandler MPI version #define CMK_MSG_HEADER_BASIC { CmiUInt2 rank, root, hdl,xhdl,info,d3; } infohandlerxhandlerrankrootd3
24 SMP support MPI-smp as an example –Create threads: CmiStartThreads –Worker threads work cycle See code in mahcine-smp.c –Communication thread work cycle See code in machine-smp.c
25 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies (nbr) –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
26 Charm++ translator
27 Need for Proxies Consider: –Object x of class A wants to invoke method f of obj y of class B. –x and y are on different processors –what should the syntax be? y->f( …)? : doesn’t work because y is not a local pointer Needed: –Instead of “y” we must use an ID that is valid across processors –Method Invocation should use this ID –Some part of the system must pack the parameters and send them –Some part of the system on the remote processor must invoke the right method on the right object with the parameters supplied
28 Charm++ solution: proxy classes Classes with remotely invokeable methods –inherit from “chare” class (system defined) –entry methods can only have one parameter: a subclass of message For each chare class D –which has methods that we want to remotely invoke –The system will automatically generate a proxy class Cproxy_D –Proxy objects know where the real object is –Methods invoked on this class simply put the data in an “envelope” and send it out to the destination Each chare object has a proxy –CProxy_D thisProxy; // thisProxy inherited from “CBase_D” –Also you can get a proxy for a chare when you create it: CProxy_D myNewChare = CProxy_D::ckNew(arg);
29 Generation of proxy classes How does charm generate the proxy classes? –Needs help from the programmer –name classes and methods that can be remotely invoked –declare this in a special “charm interface” file ( –Include the generated code in your program mainmodule PiMod { mainchare main { entry main(); entry results(int pc); }; chare piPart { entry piPart(void); }; Generates PiMod.def.h pgm.h #include “PiMod.decl.h”.. Pgm.c … #include “PiMod.def.h”
30 Object Groups A group of objects (chares) –with exactly one representative on each processor –A single proxy for the group as a whole –invoke methods in a branch (asynchronously), all branches (broadcast), or in the local branch –creation: agroup = Cproxy_C::ckNew(msg) –remote invocation: p.methodName(msg); // p.methodName(msg, peNum); p.ckLocalBranch()->f(….);
31 Information sharing abstractions Observation: –Information is shared in several specific modes in parallel programs Other models support only a limited sets of modes: –Shared memory: everything is shared: sledgehammer approach –Message passing: messages are the only method Charm++: identifies and supports several modes –Readonly / writeonce –Tables (hash tables) –accumulators –Monotonic variables
32 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
33 Seed Balancing Applies (currently) to singleton chares –Not chare array elements –When a new chare is created, the system has freedom to assign it any processor –The “seed” message (containing constructor parameters) may be moved around among procs until it takes root Use –Tree-structured computations –State-space search, divide-conquer –Early applications of Charm –See papers
34 Object Arrays A collection of data-driven objects –With a single global name for the collection –Each member addressed by an index [sparse] 1D, 2D, 3D, tree, string,... –Mapping of element objects to procS handled by the system A[0]A[1]A[2]A[3]A[..] User’s view
35 Object Arrays A collection of data-driven objects –With a single global name for the collection –Each member addressed by an index [sparse] 1D, 2D, 3D, tree, string,... –Mapping of element objects to procS handled by the system A[0]A[1]A[2]A[3]A[..] A[3]A[0] User’s view System view
36 Object Arrays A collection of data-driven objects –With a single global name for the collection –Each member addressed by an index [sparse] 1D, 2D, 3D, tree, string,... –Mapping of element objects to procS handled by the system A[0]A[1]A[2]A[3]A[..] A[3]A[0] User’s view System view
37 Migration support Forwarding of messages –Optimized by hop-counts: –If a message took multiple hops, the receiver sends the current address to sender –Array manager maintains a cache of known addresses Home processor for each element –Defined by a hash function on the index Reductions and broadcasts –Must work in presence of migrations! Also, in presence of deletions/insertions –Communication time proportional to number of processors not objects –Uses spanning tree based on processors, handling migrated “stragglers” separately
38 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
39 Flexible mapping: using migratibility Vacating workstations –If the “owner” starts using it, Migrate objects away –Detection: Adjusting to speed: –Static: measure speeds at the beginning Use speed ratios in load balancing –Dynamic: In a time-shared environment Measure unix “load” Migrate proportional set of objects if machine is loaded Adaptive job scheduler –Tells jobs to change the sets of processors used –Each job maintains a bit-vector of processors they can use. –Scheduler can change bit-vector –Jobs obey by migrating objects –Forwarding, reductions: Residual process is left behind
40 Job Monitor Job Submission File Upload Job Specs Bids Job Specs File Upload Job Id Cluster Faucets: Optimizing Utilization Within/across Clusters
41 When you attach to a job: Live performance data (bottom) Application data – App. Supplied -- Live Job Monitoring: Appspector
42 Inefficient Utilization Within A Cluster Job A 10 processors Allocate A Job B 8 processors B Queued Conflict ! 16 Processor system Job A Job B Current Job Schedulers can yield low system utilization.. A competitive problem in Faucets-like systems Parallel Servers are “profit centers” in faucets: need high utilization
43 Two Adaptive Jobs Job A Max_pe = 10 Min_pe = 1 A Expands ! Job B Min_pe = 8 Max_pe= 16 Shrink AAllocate B ! 16 Processor system Job A Job B B Finishes Allocate A ! Adaptive Jobs can shrink or expand the number of processors they use, at runtime: by migrating virtual processors in Charm/AMPI
44 AQS: Adaptive Queuing System AQS: A Scheduler for Clusters –Has the ability to manage adaptive jobs Currently, those implemented in Charm++ and AMPI –Handles regular (non-adaptive) MPI jobs –Experimental results on CSE Turing Cluster
45 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies (nbr) –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
46 IV: Principle of Persistence Once the application is expressed in terms of interacting objects: –Object communication patterns and computational loads tend to persist over time –In spite of dynamic behavior Abrupt and large,but infrequent changes (eg:AMR) Slow and small changes (eg: particle migration) Parallel analog of principle of locality –Heuristics, that holds for most CSE applications –Learning / adaptive algorithms –Adaptive Communication libraries –Measurement based load balancing
47 Measurement Based Load Balancing Based on Principle of persistence Runtime instrumentation –Measures communication volume and computation time Measurement based load balancers –Use the instrumented data-base periodically to make new decisions –Many alternative strategies can use the database Centralized vs distributed Greedy improvements vs complete reassignments Taking communication into account Taking dependences into account (More complex)
48 Load balancer in action Automatic Load Balancing in Crack Propagation 1. Elements Added 3. Chunks Migrated 2. Load Balancer Invoked
49 Measurement based load balancing
50 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies (nbr) –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
51 Optimizing for Communication Patterns The parallel-objects Runtime System can observe, instrument, and measure communication patterns –Communication is from/to objects, not processors –Load balancers can use this to optimize object placement –Communication libraries can optimize By substituting most suitable algorithm for each operation Learning at runtime V. Krishnan, MS Thesis, 1996
52 Delegation mechanism Messages to array elements –Normally, an array message is handled by the BOC responsible for that array –But, you can delegate message sending to another library (boc) All proxies support the following delegation routines. –void CProxy::ckDelegate(CkGroupID delMgr); –This is useful for constructing communication libraries Suppose you want to combine many small messages Use: –At the beginning: proxy.delegate(libID), –In loops: {lib.start(), proxy[I]->f(m1);…; lib.end()} –Lib can maintain internal data structures for bugffering msgs –User’s interface remains unchanged (except for the lib calls)
53 Messages to array elements –Normally, an array message is handled by the BOC responsible for that array –But, you can delegate message sending to another library (boc) All proxies support the following delegation routines. –void CProxy::ckDelegate(CkGroupID delMgr); –This is useful for constructing communication libraries Suppose you want to combine many small messages
54 Messages to array elements –Normally, an array message is handled by the BOC responsible for that array –But, you can delegate message sending to another library (boc) All proxies support the following delegation routines. –void CProxy::ckDelegate(CkGroupID delMgr); –This is useful for constructing communication libraries Suppose you want to combine many small messages
55 Communication Optimizations Persistence principle –Observing communication behavior across iterations –Communication patterns Who sends to whom Size of messages “Collective” Communication –Substitute optimal algorithms –Tune parameters This approach makes a difference in applications -- E.g. Transpose in NAMD Time/step (ms)
56 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies (nbr) –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
57 Outline There is magic: –Overview of charm capabilities –Virtualization paper –Summary of charm features: Converse –Machine model –Scheduler and General Msgs –Communication –Threads Proxies and generated code Support for migration –Seed balancing –Migration support w reduction How migration is used –Vacating workstations and adjusting to speed –Adaptive Scheduler Principle of persistence: –Measurement based load balancing Centralized strategies, refinement, commlb Distributed strategies (nbr) –Collective communication opts Delegation Converse client-server interface Libraries: –liveviz, fft,..
58 Object-based Parallelization User View System implementation User is only concerned with interaction between objects
59 Data driven execution Scheduler Message Q
61 Scaling to 64K/128K processors of BG/L What issues will arise? –Communication Bandwidth use more important than processor overhead Locality: –Global Synchronizations Costly, but not because it takes longer Rather, small “jitters” have a large impact Sum of Max vs Max of Sum –Load imbalance important, but low grainsize is crucial –Critical paths gains importance
62 Runtime Optimization Challenges Full exploitation of object decomposition –Load balance within individual phases –Automatic Identification of phases 10K-100K processors –Inadequate load balancing strategies –Need topology-aware balancing –Also fully-distributed decision making But based on “reasonable” global information Communication Optimizations –Identify patterns, develop algorithms suitable for each, and implement “learning” strategies Fault tolerance and incremental checkpointing –Objects as the unit of checkpointing. –In-memory checkpoints –Tradeoff between forward-path overhead and fault-handling cost
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