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Pronouns A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.

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Presentation on theme: "Pronouns A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pronouns A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.

2 Personal Pronouns  Refer to specific people and things. In order to use personal pronouns you need to know:  Case- Subject, object and possessive  Number- Singular or plural  Person- First, second, or third

3 Subject Pronouns  I, you, he, she, it, we, they  Subject pronouns are used as a subject or a predicate noun  I am the lion tamer, and you are just the lion.  It was she who did that.

4 Object Pronouns  Me, you, him, her, it, us, them  Object pronouns are used as indirect objects, direct objects or object of a preposition  Dad told me to give him the cake.  The boys are going with us and them.  The teacher saw you do it.

5 Possessive Pronouns  Take the place of possessive nouns  Her sandwich is much thinker than his.  Lola’s sandwich is much thicker than Larry’s.

6 Uses of Personal Pronouns  Subject of a sentence  He ran for the school bus.  Predicate pronouns  The leader of the trop is he.  Direct object of a verb  I saw her at the mall.  Indirect object of a verb  Try to sell them a glass of lemonade.  Object of a preposition  The truckload of feathers fell on them.  Appositive  The new students, Tim and she, were asked to stand.  To show possession (ownership)  This is their science project.

7 Number of a pronoun  Shows whether the pronoun refers to a single person or thing or more than one person or thing  Number is important because it tells you what verb to use  Singular pronouns are  I, me, my, mine, he, she, him, her, his, hers, it, or, its  Plural pronouns  We, us, our, ours, they, them, their, theirs  You and yours are both!

8 First, Second, and Third Person Pronoun  First person  I, we  Me, us  My, mine, our, ours  Second Person  You, your, yours  Third Person  He, she, it  His, her, hers, its  Him, her, it  They, them, their, theirs

9 Five other kinds of pronouns  Demonstrative pronouns point out specific persons, animals, places, things, and ideas  Indefinite pronouns refer to nouns in a general, indefinite sort of way  Intensive pronouns emphasize a noun or another pronoun  Reflexive pronouns they don’t intensify but refer back to the subject of the sentence  Interrogative pronouns ask questions

10 Demonstrative Pronouns  This  That  These  Those

11 Indefinite Pronouns  All  Another  Any  Anybody  Anyone  Anything  Both  Each  Either  Everybody  Everyone  Everything  Few  Many  Neither  Nobody  No one  Nothing  One  Others  Several  Some  Somebody  Someone  Something

12 Intensive Pronouns  Singular  Myself  Yourself  Himself  Herself  itself  Plural  Ourselves  Yourselves  Themselves

13 Interrogative  What, which, who, whom, whose

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