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Recap and review Last, last lesson: Introduction Significance of the title Plot Characters Last lesson: “Who killed Adeline Ng Ai Choo?” The story is made.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap and review Last, last lesson: Introduction Significance of the title Plot Characters Last lesson: “Who killed Adeline Ng Ai Choo?” The story is made."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap and review Last, last lesson: Introduction Significance of the title Plot Characters Last lesson: “Who killed Adeline Ng Ai Choo?” The story is made up of different voices and texts. The reader has to make sense of Adeline’s tragic death. Although Adeline killed herself, there are indirect causes that drove her to desperation. Today: Why “little ironies”? What is irony?

2 There’s something about this picture… Can you explain what is “wrong” or funny about this picture?

3 Irony. When the opposite of what is expected actually happens.

4 Irony. When the opposite of what is expected actually happens.

5 Irony. When the opposite of what is expected actually happens.

6 How is this picture ironic? Irony is when the opposite of what is expected actually happens. What is expected? What is actually happening?

7 How is this picture ironic? We would usually expect a fitness centre to encourage people to be healthy, and we would also expect users of a fitness centre to be active. However, what is actually happening is that this fitness centre has two escalators, and its users are taking the escalators instead of the short flight of stairs available. They can easily exercise by using the stairs; instead they are taking the escalator and paying money to exercise. Because what is happening is the opposite of what we would expect, this picture is ironic.

8 Irony of ironies Explain the irony of this comic strip.

9 We would usually expect… However, what is happening is that… Because what is happening is different from what we would expect, this comic strip is ironic.

10 WHICH IS NOT IRONIC? Select the odd one out. There are three friends walking down the street. Slim weighs 90 kilograms, Stretch is 1.4 metres tall and Sunny suffers from depression. Guan works in a fire extinguisher factory. Everyday he handles more than 300 fire extinguishers. Guan does not own an extinguisher, and one day his home catches fire. James decides to commit a robbery. He puts on a mask and walks into a convenience store. When he reaches the cashier, he realizes the person working as the cashier is his friend Mark. The worst baseball team in the league is playing against the best team. On the way to the game, the best team’s bus breaks down, forcing them to forfeit. As a result, the worst team is declared the winner of the game. Irony is NOT coincidence. For the same reason, the little comic of an iron saying, “Irony!!” is not ironic. It’s merely coincidental – a visual pun.

11 Why is the concept of irony important? Irony allows us to say one thing and mean another. Often this is humorous, but irony is likely to have a serious purpose. Consider the remark, “I shot myself in the foot.” How can this be funny? How can it be serious as well? In Literature, the effect of irony implies that a text may appear to mean something, but the author actually means the opposite. As Literature students, we have to recognize that the meaning of a text is usually hidden and ironic, and not obvious and literal. Irony expresses the fact that things are not what they seem.

12 LITTLE IRONIES: STORIES OF SINGAPORE What is the significance of the title of Little Ironies? What are some of the typical, obvious images about Singapore? What are some of our common assumptions? What hidden and ironic aspects about Singapore are revealed in the stories? From the stories, what is actually happening in Singapore? Irony is when the opposite of what is expected actually happens.

13 ‘ADELINE NG AI CHOO’ What is ironic about this story? What is unexpected about this story? How does the story upset our expectations and assumptions? What is the hidden meaning of this story? Irony is when the opposite of what is expected actually happens.

14 ‘ADELINE NG AI CHOO’ What is ironic about this story? Overall, the story makes the ironic statement that although we would usually assume the school and exam system to be effective and good for students, the opposite is actually happening. Looking through the text, how are these specific aspects ironic? The cause of Adeline’s death. Teachers do not show regret, and are discussing how to handle exams and grades in the future. Parents do not realize what they could have done to prevent Adeline’s death. Adeline is troubled and tormented by grades to the point of committing suicide. (We would usually expect… However what is actually happening is the opposite…)

15 Recap & review What is irony? How do you explain why something is ironic? Why is irony important? What is the significance of the title Little Ironies? What is ironic about the story ‘Adeline Ng Ai Choo’?

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