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Applied Anatomy Anatomical Land Marks Applied Anatomy

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1 Applied Anatomy Anatomical Land Marks Applied Anatomy



4 Residual Alveolar Ridge
The bony process that remains after the teeth have been lost, is the residual alveolar ridge.

5 The Incisive Papilla: Soft tissue pad covering nerve & blood vessels.
Constant in position – tooth arrangement. Central incisors 09-mm labial, laterla incisor 11, canine 12

6 Labial & Buccal Freni A narrow band of fibrous submucosal tissue bridging the buccal, labial, or lingual sulci.

7 Labial Frenum It starts superiorly in a fan like shape and terminates on the labial surface of the ridge usually at midline.

8 Buccal Frenum

9 Labial Sulcus & Flange

10 Buccal Sulcus And Flange

11 Maxillary Tuberosity The maxillary tuberosity is formed by the junction of the posterior wall of maxilla with alveolar process.

12 Pterygomaxillary/Hamular Notch

13 Fovea Palatinae

14 The Vibrating Line

15 Posterior Palatal Seal Area/Post Dam Area
Anterior Vibrating line Post Dam Area Posterior Vibrating line

16 Posterior Palatal Seal Area Post Dam Area

17 The Palatal Gingival Vestige

18 Rugae Area They are a series of bilateral elevations on the anterior part of the palate. They assist the tongue in speech

19 Palatine Raphe

20 TORUS PALATINUS The symphysis between the palatal processes of maxillae along the median sagittal suture consists of cortical bone. The symphysis of excessively exostosed bone is referred to as torus palatinus.


22 Labial frenum Fibrous band .
Unlike the maxillary labial frenum,it is active. Labial frenum has attachment of the incisivus and orbicularis oris muscle. On opening wide,the sulcus gets narrowed. Hence the impression will be narrowest in the anterior labial region.

23 Labial sulcus This is space between the residual ridge and lips.
The length and thickness of the labial flange of the denture occupying this space is crucial in influencing lip support and retention.

24 Buccal frenum It extend from buccal aspect of residual ridge to cheek.
The fibers of the buccinator are attached to the frenum.

25 Buccal sulcus It extends posteriorly from the buccal frenum till the retromolar region. It is bound by residual ridge on one side and buccinator on the other side. This space is influenced by the action of masseter.when the masseter contracts, it pushes inward against the buccinator, producing a bulge into the is reproduced as a notch in the denture flange called the masseteric notch.

26 masseteric notch

27 Buccal shelf It is area between the buccal frenum and anterior border of the masseter. Its boundaries are: Medially the crest of the ridge Distally the retro-molar pad Laterally the external oblique ridge The width of the buccal shelf area increases as alveolar resorption continues.

28 Retromolar pad Retromolar pad as a triangular soft elevation of mucosa that lies distal to the third molar. It is an important structure, which forms the posterior seal of the mandibular denture. It is bounded posteriorly by the tendons of the temporalis,lateraly by buccinator and medially by the pterygomandibular raphe and superior constrictor.

29 Mylohyoid ridge It runs along the lingual surface of the mandible.
Anteriorly the ridge lies close to the inferior border of mandible while posteriorly,it lies flush with residual ridge. Mylohyoid ridge should be relieved during complete denture fabrication.

the space between the residual ridge and the tongue extends from the lingual frenum to mylohyoid curtain.

31 Pterygomandibular Raphe
It arises from the hamular process of the medial pterygoid plate and gets attached to the mylohyoid ridge. Superior constrictor is inserted posteromedially and the buccinator is inserted anterolateraly.

32 Sulcus; Modiolus B Buccinator muscle DAO Depressor Anguli Oris m.
II Incisivus Inferior m. IS Incisivus Superior m. LAO Levator Anguli Oris m. OO Orbicularis Oris m. ZM Zygomaticus Major m.

33 Functional Anatomical Relations

34 Functional Anatomical Relations

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