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Copyright ©2000, South-Western College Publishing International Economics By Robert J. Carbaugh 7th Edition Chapter 9: Regional trading arrangements.

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1 Copyright ©2000, South-Western College Publishing International Economics By Robert J. Carbaugh 7th Edition Chapter 9: Regional trading arrangements

2 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 2 Regional trade agreements Types of regional trade arrangements  Free trade areas (NAFTA, for example)  Customs unions (Benelux)  Common markets (EU)  Economic/monetary union

3 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 3 Regional trade agreements Effects of regional trade agreements  Static effects  Trade creation effect (consumption effect, production effect)  Trade diversion effect  Dynamic effects  Economies of scale  Greater competition  Investment stimulus

4 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 4 Static effects of a customs union Price ($) SGSG DLDL SLSL Regional trade agreements S US S US+tariff S G+tariff a b c

5 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 5 Regional trade agreements: case studies The European Union  Created by the Treaty of Rome (1957)  Policy aims included:  Abolition of tariffs, quotas and other restrictions  Common external tariff  Free movement of capital, labor and business  Common policies on transport, agriculture, and competition and business conduct  Coordination of monetary and fiscal policies

6 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 6 Regional trade agreements: case studies The European Union (cont’d)  Lowering of barriers caused within-region trade to grow much more quickly than overall world trade in the 1960s  Steps to remove remaining barriers (1985- 92) further increased integration  Maastricht Summit (1991) began process of economic and monetary union (EMU)

7 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 7 Regional trade agreements: case studies EU Economic & Monetary Union (1999)  Member nations will replace national currencies with the euro by 2002  New European Central Bank created to control monetary and exchange rate policy  “Convergence criteria” required for membership:  Price stability  Low long-term interest rates  Stable exchange rates  Sound public finances

8 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 8 Regional trade agreements: case studies Other key EU policies  Common agricultural policy  Support payments to farmers  Variable import levies  Export subsidies  Government procurement policies  All EU businesses can bid for larger contracts in any nation

9 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 9 CAP: variable levies and export subsidies S EU 0 Variable levy Price D EU 0 S World 0 S World 1 Support Price S EU 0 Export subsidy Price D EU 0 S World 0 S World 1 Support Price S EU 1 Regional trade agreements: case studies

10 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 10 Opening up government procurement Price ($) AC UK (closed procurement) Profit 0 Regional trade agreements: case studies AC G (open procurement) Profit 1 10,000 7,000 4,000

11 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 11 Regional trade agreements: case studies US-Canada Free Trade Agmt. (1989)  Elimination of all tariffs and most NTBs over ten years  Binational tribunal created to hear trade disputes  Canada, in particular, is expected to benefit from economies of scale

12 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 12 Regional trade agreements: case studies North American Free Trade Agmt. (1993)  Gradual and comprehensive elimination of trade barriers among US, Mexico and Canada over 15 years:  Full, phased elimination of import tariffs  Elimination of most NTBs  Clear and binding protection of intellectual property rights  Fair and rapid dispute settlement procedures

13 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 13 Regional trade agreements: case studies Key aspects of NAFTA (US perspective)  Agriculture - cut tariffs on half of US exports immediately  Autos - cut Mexican tariffs on car imports  Energy - lifted trade and investment restrictions in Mexican oil sector  Transport - US trucking firms given much greater access to Mexican market

14 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 14 Regional trade agreements: case studies Key aspects of NAFTA (Cont’d)  Intellectual property - boosted Mexican protection of patents and copyrights  Rules of origin - products made outside North America would have to have substantial value added in the region to be duty-free  Textiles & apparel - tariffs removed only for goods made with North American materials

15 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 15 Regional trade agreements: case studies Key aspects of NAFTA (Cont’d)  Side agreements:  Environment - Canada-based agency to investigate environmental abuses  Labor - US-based agency to investigate labor law abuses

16 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 16 Regional trade agreements: case studies Special case: economies in transition  Nations of eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have been making a transition from a non-market (planned) economy to a market economy since the early 1990s - which has been very disruptive  These nations’ planned economies required them to be largely isolated from world trade - instead, set up their own trading bloc, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA)

17 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 17 Regional trade agreements: case studies Economies in transition (cont’d)  Even after the collapse of the central planning system, the nations remained tied together because of historical trade links inside CMEA and their common legacy as non-market economies  Financing limitations have hampered an increase in trade: transition nations have generally not been able to increase exports to match imports and must borrow the difference

18 Carbaugh, Chap. 9 18 Regional trade agreements: case studies Economies in transition (cont’d)  Barriers to trade with the West used to make strategies such as countertrade, co-production agreements, joint R&D agreements, and contract manufacturing agreements very common  Gradual elimination of barriers to foreign business in most transition countries has allowed foreign firms to operate in the region more normally in recent years

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