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Notes on Puritanism, Salem Witch Trials, etc…. Puritanism Notes, Continued Puritanism- Christian faith- originated in England during the 17 th Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes on Puritanism, Salem Witch Trials, etc…. Puritanism Notes, Continued Puritanism- Christian faith- originated in England during the 17 th Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes on Puritanism, Salem Witch Trials, etc…

2 Puritanism Notes, Continued Puritanism- Christian faith- originated in England during the 17 th Century Goes back to the beliefs of reformer- John Calvin Puritans followed a Covenant of Grace- A call for all Puritans to be actively faithful

3 Puritanism,cont… Basic Puritan Beliefs Predestination/Unconditional Election: God has previously chosen those who will be saved. Total Depravity of Man: Because of original sin, man has no right to salvation Emphasis on preaching and the laws contained within the Bible. Goal: To “Purify” the church. Puritans wanted to rid their religion of all Catholic influence.

4 Puritanism, cont… Puritan Literature/Early Colonial Writing 17 th Century was a period of religious literature in New England. Literature represented life as the Puritans saw it. Writings were therefore somber and serious. A popular topic of the Puritans was the vanity of man’s earthly endeavors. Literature comes in various forms: sermons, histories, diaries, autobiographies, and poetry.

5 Colonial Writing, cont… Sermons were the most highly developed literary type in colonial literature. Diaries kept for practical purposes. Poetry often written to dignify or embellish important occasions. Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor were early colonial poets. Their work revealed highly personal feelings. History/Biographies were written to preserve a record of happenings in the New World.

6 Background on Witch Trials Hysteria begins- Early 1692- Salem, Mass. Harsh, cold winter– People were isolated, perhaps bored. Young girls gathered in the woods to dance and conjure spirits. Tituba- Barbados slave who taught the girls dances and magic charms. Teenage girls of Salem- Rev. Parris’ daughter Betty and Abigail Williams started having fits of convulsions, screaming, and hallucinations.

7 Salem Witch Trials Doctors who examined girls said it must be witchcraft. The Puritan quest for spiritual perfection and religious purity was very important. Anything that stood in the way of that quest must be rejected.

8 Trials, cont.. Magistrates of Salem: Judge Hathorne- also known as “The Hanging Judge of Salem” and Jonathan Corwin examined the accused. Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba were easy targets because they were considered low in Puritan society. Trials begin- Tituba confessed to save her life and this made the claims valid in the eyes of the townspeople and magistrates.

9 Hysteria Gets Out of Hand Many more people are accused, including several good people of the town. Neighbors turned on neighbors. Personal vengeance became the norm. Those who would not confess were put to death. 19 people died in 1692 in Salem. Giles Corey: Refused to confess and when pressed with stones only replied, “More Weight.” The trials ended when the Governor’s wife was accused.

10 McCarthyism Also known as “The Red Scare” A term describing intense anti-communist suspicion in the U.S. from the late 1940’s to the late 1950’s. Result of The Cold War: The Cold War began shortly after WW II. This was the conflict between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. McCarthyism started by Senator Joseph McCarthy

11 McCarthyism, Cont… U.S.S.R. was a world superpower. U.S. feared a take-over. McCarthy convinced the government that there were many spies among us. Soon many influential people including actors, writers, politicians, etc… were called Communists. Hollywood Hit List: Included screen writers, actors, directors who were asked if they were associated with the Communist Party.

12 McCarthyism, cont… House Un-American Committee (HUAC) was formed. This was the most prominent and active government committee. Fear, paranoia, and hysteria gripped the nation and many innocent people were questioned and then jailed for expressing any view which was seen as anti-Democratic or anti-American. Over 200 people lost their jobs and were unable to find work. The Communist “witch” hunt ruined the careers of hundreds and ruined the reputations of many more.

13 Arthur Miller Born in 1915 in New York City. Graduated from the University of Michigan. Works included: All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, After the Fall, A View from the Bridge, and The Crucible. The Crucible was written in 1953 as a protest to McCarthyism. Story is considered an allegory, a story with a deeper meaning.

14 The Crucible Arthur Miller’s most frequently produced play. The word ‘crucible’ refers to a vessel in which metals are heated to very high temperatures. It is a severe trial or test.

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