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Early Humans Early Humans: Ice Age, Stone Age and Tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Humans Early Humans: Ice Age, Stone Age and Tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Humans Early Humans: Ice Age, Stone Age and Tools

2 Warm-Up Tuesday, September 7, 2015 Homework – review materials ***No Chrome Books Today***** 1.Get out time line and the graphic organizer from Friday – if absent, copy from a neighbor, even though it should already be done! 2.We will wrap-up the video from Friday….and continue to focus on How Humans improved their lives? ****At the end of 5 th return Chrome Books***** ****Car Riders in Band/Orchestra need to pack up at end of 5 th Block*****

3 Review 1 and 2…Focus on 3 Today 1. What are the 5 components of Social Studies? Why do we study them? 2. How do we know about prehistoric societies? 3. How have humans improved their lives?

4 Evolution of the Genus Homo – Student ID# Example: 1234567_CMS 1234567 Click on the link below to watch this video. In class, however, our focus will be on the 7:33 minute video clip - the Evolution of the Genus Homo 5EA-6964-45AF-8D5B-EA19D091B1A2 5EA-6964-45AF-8D5B-EA19D091B1A2

5 Discuss with your group. Answer in your graphic organizer. 3. How have humans improved their lives?

6 Stone Age and Ice Ages The first humans and their ancestors lived during a long period of time called the Stone Age. The Stone Ages gets its name based on the kinds of tools used at this time – stone tools! What are tools?....any handheld object that has been modified to help a person accomplish a task. What are tools you use? Humans also lived during the Ice Age. 2.5 million years ago in Africa to about 3,300 B.C.E. The Stone Age is also divided into three different periods: Paleolithic or Old Stone Age: 2,000,000 BC to 9600 BC Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age: 9600 BC to 7000 BC Neolithic or New Stone Age: 7000 BC to 3000 BC

7 Stone Age The Stone Age is also divided into three different periods: Paleolithic or Old Stone Age: from the first production of stone artifacts, about 2.5 million years ago, to the end of the last Ice Age, about 9,600 BCE. This is the longest Stone Age period. Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age: begins at the end of the Ice Age, about 9,600 BCE. The Mesolithic period ends when agriculture starts. This is the time of the late hunter-gatherers.agriculture Neolithic or New Stone Age: begins with the introduction of farming, dating variously from c. 9,000 BCE in the Near East, c. 7,000 BCE in Southeast Europe, c. 6,000 BCE in East Asia, and even later in other regions. This is the time when cereal cultivation and animal domestication was introduced. Neolithic farmingdomestication

8 Ice Ages & Migration During the Old Stone Age, climate patterns around the world changed, transforming the earth’s geography. In response to these changes, people began to migrate, or move, to new places. People moving from place to place are called nomadic. About 1.6 million years ago, the earth grew much colder, experiencing long periods of freezing weather. Huge sheets of ice formed from freezing ocean water, covered much of the earth’s land. These freezing times are called the Ice Ages – which ended about 8,000 BCE. As the climate warmed, it made it easier for hunter-gatherers to move. Migration around the world took hundreds of thousands of years – Beginning about 2 million years ago in East Africa. By 9,000 BCE, humans lived on all continents of the world except Antarctica.

9 Stone Age Tools Early Tools Primitive = 2.6 million years old Chopper – a sharp, jagged edge along one side leaving one unsharpened side used as a handle. Chopping and scraping – mostly to process food Used for about 2 million years Later Tools More advanced Attach wooden handles – spear, knife, etc. Break tree limbs, to dig, and cut animal hides. Hunt larger animals – deer, horses, bison, and mammoths

10 Review with your group. 3. How have humans improved their lives?

11 BoneHead Detectives – Neanderthal Man = from Student ID# Example: 1234567_CMS 1234567 Focus on the first two clips = 1.) Who were the Neanderthals and 2.) Neanderthal Tools 3B04-4183-A9F0-318E0AF67090

12 Discuss with your group. Add to your graphic organizer. 3. How have humans improved their lives?

13 Think about it. Compare (same) and Contrast (different) your life as a “Modern Human” with the life of a “Early Human”. Think about food, clothing, tools, weapons, family connections, housing, etc.

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