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1 Distribution Efficiency Conservation Voltage Regulation (CVR) Jillianne Welker 4/21/2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Distribution Efficiency Conservation Voltage Regulation (CVR) Jillianne Welker 4/21/2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Distribution Efficiency Conservation Voltage Regulation (CVR) Jillianne Welker 4/21/2009

2 2 Distribution Efficiency Measures  Phase balancing  Load balancing between feeders  Load balancing between substations  Reactive Power (VAR) management  Installation of mid-line voltage regulators  Reconductoring of primary feeders  Primary line extensions (to reduce secondary voltage drop)  CVR 67% of energy is wasted between generation and the consumer. -US Department of Energy

3 3 The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard C84.1 Conservation Voltage Regulation What is Voltage Regulation? A core responsibility of each utility is to deliver service voltage 1 within a suitable range; this is is done by regulating the voltage. What is the suitable range for delivered voltage? 1 The service voltage is the point where the utility and the end user are interconnected. This is usually the electric meter.

4 4 Conservation Voltage Regulation Where does the “Conservation” come from? 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 VOLTAGEVOLTAGE 122.5 National Average Customer Service Voltage Desirable Service Voltage Range 126 - 114 VAC Upper Range Lower Range 90% of homes and businesses receive more voltage than they need. -US Department of Energy

5 5 What is the estimated energy savings potential? The Council’s target was calculated using 2% of projected energy demand through 2030. The 6 th Power Plan is expected to include a technical savings potential of 470 aMW.

6 6 What’s the end result we’re looking for? 470 aMW! Some of the ancillary benefits~  Available to every utility  You don’t have to qualify and it doesn’t matter what kind of load you have  Incentives available to BPA utilities  Minimum of $.17 per kWh  Much of the potential requires very little improvement in infrastructure  Helps meet conservation needs/requirements  Washington’s Initiative 937  Improves power factor  Increased awareness and knowledge of the system leads to better planning  More dialog between stakeholders about what works...and what doesn’t  Marketing opportunity

7 7 What are the primary barriers?  Utilities focus on capital expenditure projects related to expansion or system upgrades  Inherent inertia in the utility industry - business as usual  Concern over loss of revenue  CVR still seen as theoretical - difficulty quantifying benefits and costs for a business case  Conservation efforts (financial and operational) are focused on utility end use customers  Cooperative project decision-making  Current design standards that focus more on reliability and power quality  Difficulty quantifying benefits and costs for a business case

8 8 Are all utilities good candidates for CVR? Feeder-level results from NEEA DEI Study

9 9 Can savings of this magnitude really be achieved? It depends on the approach.  Remember who you’re talking to  Give them what they need to make it happen  Money  Technical expertise  Supplemental labor  Presentation assistance  Help build the business case  Respond quickly!  Fail to plan... plan to fail  Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility  Listen!  Build customer advocacy  Trusted expertise is critical

10 10 Under development at BPA: a distribution system efficiency strategy Technical Strategy  The CVR measure-life was change from 1-year to 10-years in the PTR System  Scheduling 7 workshops around the region  Utility perspective of and experience in applying CVR  Lessons learned from the NEEA DEI Study  CVR using automated EOL feedback  Working toward standardizing the methodology used to calculate the CVR factor  Specifically robust statistics and weather adjustment  Currently only one M&V protocol for CVR exists  Creating 3 new simplified M&V protocols  Protocols will benefit from a deemed calculator and guidebook  Expect to present these protocols to the RTF in July/August  Working to deem a Calculator to make the energy savings estimation less onerous.  Expect to finalize this by the end of Sept. 09

11 11 Implementation Strategy  Create an Energy Efficiency/Distribution/Transmission workgroup  Share ideas and review programmatic strategies  Use this group to identify programmatic components that will allow utilities to begin evaluating their savings potential  Create a customer profile of BPA utilities  contacts, design criteria, planning schedules, existing problems, early adopters, etc.  Propose ideas to the Council about how to deal with free ridership concerns  Formalize a process in which BPA works with interested utilities to integrate energy efficiency into their long term planning process  Use success stories for marketing  Continue to offer education and training  Continue to coordinate with Smart Grid efforts and Transmission Under development at BPA: a distribution system efficiency strategy

12 12 Questions, Comments, Ideas? Jillianne Welker Distribution Efficiency/CVR Project Lead 503-504-7331

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