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PrevNext | Slide 1 Technology Directors of Michigan October 6, 2006 Radisson Hotel, Lansing.

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Presentation on theme: "PrevNext | Slide 1 Technology Directors of Michigan October 6, 2006 Radisson Hotel, Lansing."— Presentation transcript:

1 PrevNext | Slide 1 Technology Directors of Michigan October 6, 2006 Radisson Hotel, Lansing

2 PrevNext | Slide 2 WELCOME!

3 PrevNext | Slide 3 Did You Know? Did You Know? Thanks to Karl Fisch

4 PrevNext | Slide 4 Michigan Technology Plan 2006 Update Barb Fardell, MDE

5 PrevNext | Slide 5 LEADERSHIP Ed Tech Office Administrator – soon to be announced MDE collaboration with ISDs, REMCs, Teacher & Administrator Tech Standards Professional Learning Activities aligned with tech standards (tech integration projects) 13

6 PrevNext | Slide 6 STUDENT LEARNING Identify and disseminate best practices Encourage research and evaluation to produce data that focuses on the growing use of Internet-based teaching and learning environments by educators and students. Emphasize the infusion of ed tech throughout new high school curriculum MDE, MVHS, MACUL, & REMC will promote the value of virtual learning environments

7 PrevNext | Slide 7 STUDENT LEARNING Every Michigan student will complete at least one on-line credit or non-credit course or learning experience in order to graduate. MDE will adopt and implement flexible policies that facilitate the role of the MVHS and other providers to deliver Michigan- based as well as global online learning opportunities for Michigan’s schools

8 PrevNext | Slide 8 PROFESSIONAL LEARNNG A representative from the Coalition will serve on the MDE Professional Development Strategic Planning Committee. MDE will collaborate with statewide groups in the development of ongoing professional development in technology proficiency and curriculum integration.

9 PrevNext | Slide 9 Professional Learning MDE will pursue policies that foster the expansion of online professional learning opportunities for all educators and support personnel through online portals such as Michigan LearnPort. Educators will use technology resources that are identified and included on the Michigan Teacher Network as supported and aligned with the Michigan Curriculum Framework (MCF), METS, and the Grade Level Curriculum Expectations (GLCE).

10 PrevNext | Slide 10 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING MDE, in collaboration with ISDs, REMCs, colleges, universities, and professional organizations will create and deliver professional learning opportunities for administrators that will be based on the METS-A. MDE will provide funding for the continuation of COATT

11 PrevNext | Slide 11 BROADBAND ACCESS MDE will collaborate with REMCs and ISDs on outreach to schools informing them of eRate opportunities.

12 PrevNext | Slide 12 SHARED RESOURCES MDE will work with the REMC Association and other State agencies to provide Michigan schools with universal access to high quality digital instructional content by negotiating statewide licensing agreements. The Coalition and relevant stakeholders will work to establish and maintain a statewide multipoint, interactive video conferencing system. The Coalition will work to establish a web portal that supports all educators in the transformation of education through technology. The portal will be easily accessible and support such items as: curriculum and lesson materials, professional development, research to support educational technology, and technology resources correlated to the Michigan Curriculum Framework and Grade Level Content Expectations, (e.g., LearnPort and Michigan Teacher Network).

13 PrevNext | Slide 13 FUNDING MDE will secure funding for a statewide web portal that supports curriculum, lesson materials, professional learning, and research. State funds will be identified to support educational technology grants that develop new initiatives, and support innovative programs and professional learning opportunities. MDE and the Coalition will work to foster innovative projects aligned with the Plan and utilizing educational technology by establishing partnerships with educators, university/college researchers, and corporate advocates of educational technology to propose and carry out projects with grant funding from federal agencies and/or private foundations.

14 PrevNext | Slide 14 FUNDING MDE will identify State and federal appropriations for statewide projects that have proven to be successful but require ongoing fiscal support. MDE will encourage, assist, and train all ISDs/RESAs and local school districts to file appropriate eRate forms to receive reimbursements available through this national program. MDE will encourage local school districts and ISDs to continue to utilize cooperative purchasing programs for equipment, supplies, and services.

15 PrevNext | Slide 15 Ed Tech Action Network Mike Porter Michigan ETAN Chair

16 PrevNext | Slide 16 Michigan Educational Technology Standards Update Ron Faulds, MDE

17 PrevNext | Slide 17 METS – Teachers Coordinating efforts with Office of Professional Preparation Services (Teacher Certification ) METS - Administrators Michigan Educational Technology Standards Update Ron Faulds, MDE

18 PrevNext | Slide 18 Web 2.0

19 PrevNext | Slide 19 Freedom To Learn Freedom To Learn and the One to One Institute Leslie Wilson, FTL Scott Wooster, Chelsea Schools

20 PrevNext | Slide 20 BREAK (10:30 -10:45) Resume at 10:45 sharp!

21 PrevNext | Slide 21 eRateeRate, Technology Plans and MEGS Jeannene Hurley and Ron Faulds

22 PrevNext | Slide 22 Michigan Merit Curriculum Online Learning Experience Requirement Barbara Fardell, MDE Online Learning

23 PrevNext | Slide 23 English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Technology Enhanced Lesson Plans Year Two! Ron Faulds, MDE

24 PrevNext | Slide 24 Dewitt Public Schools Dewitt Tech Plan – Integrating technology into their curriculum and technology plan.Dewitt Tech Plan

25 PrevNext | Slide 25 Lunch & Networking Resume at 1:00 sharp!

26 PrevNext | Slide 26 Michigan LearnPort Michigan LearnPort Michigan Virtual High School David Myers, MiLP

27 PrevNext | Slide 27 REMC Association of Michigan REMC Association of Michigan Ricki Chowning

28 PrevNext | Slide 28 8 th Grade Technology Literacy Update and Early Results Ron Faulds, MDE

29 PrevNext | Slide 29 8 th Grade Technology Literacy Update and Results from 2006 685 districts reported in MEGS 61% of districts reported 75%-99% 14% of districts reported 100%

30 PrevNext | Slide 30 8 th Grade Technology Literacy Update and Results from 2006 Apples to Oranges? How are districts using their assessment results? -------------------------------------------- ISDs are working with LEAs to devise common assessments. REMC Toolkit is widely utilized.

31 PrevNext | Slide 31 BREAK (2:05 – 2:20) Resume at 2:20 sharp!

32 PrevNext | Slide 32 Michigan Association for Educational Data Systems Michigan Association for Educational Data Systems Pete Lopez

33 PrevNext | Slide 33 Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning Jo Ellen Miskowski Ric Wiltse

34 PrevNext | Slide 34 MSBOMSBO – Statewide Software Imitative and Data Warehousing Tom White

35 PrevNext | Slide 35 Consortium for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching with Technology Paul Hewitt

36 PrevNext | Slide 36

37 PrevNext | Slide 37 Wrap-up and Evaluation Sign-up for tech listserve: Email: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.MICHIGAN.GOV Subject Line: Leave blank! Body: SUBSCRIBE MDE-TECHC Example: SUBSCRIBE MDE-TECHC Ron Faulds Evaluation survey site:

38 PrevNext | Slide 38 All Presentations are available at:

39 PrevNext | Slide 39 Technology Directors of Michigan Thank YOU!

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