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CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 1 Traffic Information in Germany How.

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Presentation on theme: "CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 1 Traffic Information in Germany How."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 1 Traffic Information in Germany How to deal with Traffic Information national Organisations: Dr. Fritz Bolte Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen (bast) (Federal Highway Research Institute) Bergisch Gladbach/Germany CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Berne, 06 July 2006

2 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 2 Traffic Information in Germany u Development History u Actors involved u Traffic Information in its Context u Public and Commercial Traffic Information u Public Authorities and their mandate u Commercial Service Providers and their mandate u Traffic Information as Traffic Management Tool u European Aspects

3 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 3 Traffic Information in its Context u “Information Society” çPrint Media, Radio, TV, çWorld-wide satellite TV and Radio çTelephones, Mobile Phones çInternet çPublic and Commercial Services u Traffic Information as a specific content u Free access to Traffic information as common target

4 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 4 Back to the roots... u Traditional operation since the early 1960s çPolice çBroadcasters çRoad Authorities u RDS-TMC Tests in the early 1990s çPolice çRoad Authorities çBroadcasters çReceiver Industry çSupport from Consultancies

5 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 5... and stepwise forwards u Transition to RDS-TMC operational systems, MoU, Commitment çmainly Police, Road Authorities, Broadcasters, Receiver Industry, Automobile clubs u Commercial Service providers followed when “critical mass” was achieved and a business case was seen

6 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 6 Public and Commercial Traffic Information u Competition or u Co-existence? or even u Co-operation?

7 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 7 "Public authorities" u In this context, çpublic authorities and çpublic broadcasters are considered. u Their mandates are different, however, as for traffic information, their interests go into the same direction: çto distribute relevant and uptodate traffic messages to as many traffic participants as possible

8 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 8 Mandates of Public Authorities u Transport Policy Objectives such as çProvision of efficient Transport Capacity çAccessibility of Cities and Regions çImprovement of Traffic Safety çProtection of Environment and Resources çTransport Economy... u Superior Objective: Enabling Mobility of People and Goods

9 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 9 Public Broadcasters Mandate Distribution of independent and correct information to their listeners Binding their listeners by means of highly appreciated programs (news, traffic messages, entertainment)

10 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 10 Tools of Road Authorities u completion and widening of roads and networks u regulation of network use u dynamic traffic management u variable direction signs systems u variable message signs u temporary use of hard shoulders, ramp metering u dynamic lane allocation and u traffic information

11 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 11 Limited roadside implementations of dynamic regulations u (only) traffic and accident hot spots equipped u limited information contents (HMI)

12 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 12 Traffic Information as Complement for Traffic Management u Explaining roadside regulations u Available everywhere

13 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 13 Synergy...... of Roadside Regulations...... and In- Vehicle Information

14 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 14 Improving Driver Acceptance Effectiveness of traffic management measures depends on driver acceptance: "Vienna Convention": ç"Driver is in the loop" çno automatic intervention into vehicle actions from outside Good and complementing traffic information as support for traffic management measures Hundred percent enforcement as alternative?

15 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 15 Complement to traffic regulations u Traffic information as complement to road regulations and dynamic signing çimprovement of acceptance by supporting traffic information u Advantage of traffic information: çHigh flexibility çAvailability and çAccessibility of information

16 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 16 Structural Scheme of RDS-TMC Services

17 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 17 Basis for Co-operation / Networking u Win-win Situation for all Actors u (no cashflow between Actors) u Operation on agreed Rules of Co-operation u Mutual Respect of other actors interests and responsibility u Mutual confidence based on experience u “Round Table” to solve occurring problems and for further developments

18 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 18 Technical and operational Consequences u automatic generation of traffic messages on the bases of traffic detectors u consistency of dynamic road signing and traffic information u synergies

19 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 19 Costs u RA: Traffic Monitoring, TCC,.... u Police: Staff, transmission, Info Centre... u Broadcasters: Editorial Staff, Broadcasting costs...... u User Associations: Operation of User Reports, Editorial Staff, GSM airtime

20 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 20 Commercial Service Providers and their Mandate u Commercial Service Providers need financial success of their investments through collection of revenues from their Clients. u Satisfaction of clients is a precondition u Traffic Safety is only a secondary target. = Clear and legal Business objectives Example: Alerting their clients in case of police speed enforcement actions: çIs this supporting traffic safety?

21 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 21 European Aspects u European challenge to halve fatalities till 2010 u Real Time Traffic Information as high priority safety relevant tool u Safety relevance of free access services u Minimum free accessible messages in all countries u Extension of RDS-TMC services in all EU countries u Improvement of existing services to reach targeted quality standards

22 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 22 RTTI: Next Steps  From the answers to the letter to the national ministries an actual survey is to be expected of the strategies of the Member States.  The new member states will install rather rapidly RTTI services.  Standardisation of TPEG should soon be achieved allowing trials and evaluations with RTTI services in 2006.  Agreements with as many Urban Traffic Centres as possible should be made so that traffic information which is readily available there may be used for RTTI-services.  To avoid expensive installation of new sensors for traffic data collection, it has been proposed to use the location information of mobile phones to measure traffic density and average speed. First installations for RTTI services may be realised in the near future, eventually. This may be most valuable in towns, suburban areas and on roads without sensors to monitor the actual traffic flow.

23 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 23 Further important actors in the information train road users and their clubs as sources and destination of information jam busters organised by road user clubs and broadcasters Result: Networked information chains

24 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 24 Commercial services as add-on to public information services

25 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 25 Detecting market niches to develop new services and to adopt them to user needs u needs of fleet operators u needs of logistics companies u needs of individual users u needs of specific user groups u needs of business clients (hotels, commercial companies, etc.)

26 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 26 Specific technologies and opportunities for commercial service providers u Bi-directional communication (GPRS) u Central route calculation u Linking additional user services to traffic information u Public services are limited to general traffic information items

27 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 27 European aspects u Real time traffic information (RTTI) as tool to improve traffic safety u RTTI requirements concerning quality, availability, accessibility and accuracy of traffic information u Economic considerations çData pooling çAccess to new data collection technologies, such as Floating car data, Floating Phone data çEuropean coverage: Europe-wide access to traffic information free-of-charge çObstacles to be removed, efforts needed

28 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 28 Common Task Mobility Management Automobile Industry Police Telematic- Industry End User Broadcasters Commercial Info- Services Road Auth.

29 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 29 New Co-operation Models Tomorrow? Public FCD, FPD, Sensoren AdAC... Data Pool Historic Data Traffic Control Level VMS, DRG VWF RDS-TMC Commercial Service Provider Individualised Information Public PPP Private

30 CEDR PG “Capacity and Service to Users” Fritz Bolte bast Division Traffic Management, Telematics Berne, 06 July 2006 30 END Thank you for your attention Any questions?

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