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Chapter Reporting. Summer To-Do List Convention Reporting during the Summer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Reporting. Summer To-Do List Convention Reporting during the Summer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Reporting

2 Summer To-Do List Convention Reporting during the Summer

3  Due: July 31  Purpose: Estimate on Convention attendance  Additional Information: ◦ Additional students = non-voting delegates ◦ Notify HQ of any address changes immediately ◦ Does not count towards a Secretary’s Commendation  If you have NOT received this letter by early July, contact HQ ASAP! Convention Registration

4  Due: by deadline in informational letter received over the summer  Purpose: To establish Convention travel and attendance plans  Additional Information: ◦ Constitution requires 1 voting delegate ◦ Notify HQ of any changes immediately ◦ Does not count towards a Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Each person attending Convention has own travel plan Convention Travel Plan

5 Getting the House in Order Reports to Complete after Returning to School

6  Due online: October 15  Purpose: Reference for chapter contacts  Additional Information: ◦ VERY important!! ◦ All contact information taken from this report!! ◦ Counts toward a Secretary’s Commendation  If anything changes, inform HQ immediately!! Fall Contact Information Update

7  Online: No (but form is sent to officers in September and can be downloaded at Due: October 15 ◦ Submit new form each time election occurs  Purpose: ◦ Preserve copy of signature ◦ Legal requirement for membership reports  Additional Information: ◦ MUST submit hard copy ◦ Signed by Chapter President, Corresponding Secretary, and Chief Advisor Officer Signatures

8 2012 Convention September 27 - 29, 2012 Lexington, Kentucky

9  Print online  Due (counted as two separate reports): ◦ Bottom due 2 weeks after officer/delegate election ◦ MUST bring top portion to Convention  Purpose: Confirm voting delegate  Additional Information: Keep top half someplace safe!! Counts toward a Secretary’s Commendation Convention Credentials

10  Sent in August with convention materials  Due: 2 weeks after convention  Purpose: Get your money back!  Additional Information: ◦ Required, even if $0 ◦ Signed by Delegate AND Chief Advisor ◦ Counts toward a Secretary’s Commendation Convention Expense Report

11  Sent snail-mail: October after convention  Due: POSTMARKED by April 1  Purpose: Ratification of amendments  Additional Information ◦ Your chapter must meet the quorum to have a valid ballot – three-fourths of the active members ◦ Extensions eliminate Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Available for download on web in PDF Constitution Ratification Ballot

12  Comprised of ACTIVE members ◦ ACTIVE is term determined by each chapter ◦ Members may be declared INACTIVE  To declare any member inactive: ◦ Approval of five-sevenths of your advisory board  This is NOT a chapter or officer decision alone!! ◦ Inactive members can become active again by approval of the advisory board ◦ Often used for members on co-op assignments Quorum

13  Inactive members are excluded only from those rights and privileges which the Constitution and Bylaws specify for active members. ◦ Convention delegate ◦ Officers ◦ Quorum ◦ Voting  Members declared inactive are still members, just aren’t counted toward quorum What is an Inactive Member?

14 Initiation Process The #1 most important thing you do!

15  Due: Prior to wanting to initiate students from a specific curriculum  Purpose: Ensure only engineering students become members of TBP  Additional Information: ◦ Bylaws need to be updated any time eligible curriculum changes are made ◦ Curricula in question need to be appealed ◦ Chapters with bylaws containing out-of-date/ineligible curricula are not eligible for a Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Chapter bylaws may be requested from Headquarters Eligible Curriculum in Bylaws

16  Due: Within first 5 weeks of term  Purpose: To report all students eligible for membership  Additional Information: ◦ Start the process as EARLY as possible! ◦ Order materials (invitations, bent castings) Report of Eligibility

17  Seniors = top 1/5  Junior = top 1/8  Do NOT include in the original list: ◦ Transfer students  Must be in 3rd semester at your school ◦ Watch for “true” junior / senior ranking  AP credits  Check for engineering class enrollment  Check your chapter bylaws for rules Eligibility Rules

18  Full Name (first, middle initial, last, title)  Month & year of expected graduation  Curriculum  Have they been previously elected? ◦ Letter from HQ  Are they a present member? ◦ List available online ◦ Double-check for large chapters What information is on the form?

19  Eligible if: ◦ Completed 50% of degree requirements AND ◦ Top 1/5 of class OR Faculty recommendation  Solicit nominations from faculty  Submit Report of Eligibility on paper  Submit Report of Election and Report of Final Action using the online system What about Graduate Students?

20  Eligible as an undergraduate  Need to submit paperwork HARDCOPY  Watch for changes on website this year! Only initial information will be required hardcopy.  Contact HQ BEFORE taking any action at all!! ◦ To avoid embarrassment to the chapter AND to the candidate ◦ Complete files of chapter reports since 1935 are maintained at headquarters and may contain data of importance What about Alumni?

21  Demonstrated evidence of creative and/or scholarly work  Excellence in the workplace  Leadership/active in professional/technical organizations and/or honor societies  Consultant  Community service/leadership What about Eminent Engineers?

22  Eligible if: ◦ Earned either:  An engineering degree from a recognized engineering college more than 10 years ago  A non-engineering degree more than 10 years ago, has since earned a graduate degree in engineering ◦ OR does not hold a college degree of any kind or holds a degree in a non-engineering field but has had at least 15 years experience as a practicing engineer ◦ AND has achieved distinction in the field of engineering  Contact HQ before the candidate is made aware of being considered  Submit same paperwork as for Alumni to HQ HARDCOPY What about Eminent Engineers?

23  Part of the membership criteria is to have exemplary character  Ways to Determine Character ◦ Service and/or other activity requirements ◦ Personal interviews ◦ Test of Tau Beta Pi information ◦ Resumes ◦ Recommendations of Tau Beta Pi members Determining Character

24  Online: Chapter Reports Due: At least two weeks before Initiation  Purpose: Report results of election  Additional Information: ◦ 2 hard copy catalog cards filled out by each elected person  1 for your chapter  1 for HQ ◦ 1 e-card for each elected person Report of Election

25  Receive email or verbal approval from Headquarters ◦ Call 1-800-TAU-BETA if unsure ◦ Receipt of eligibility or election report is NOT approval! ◦ READ ENTIRE APPROVAL LETTER!! May be only tentative approval ~ which, if not fixed = UNAPPROVED!!  Do NOT hold an initiation without approval NO UNAPPROVED INITIATIONS!! Initiation Approval

26  Due: Immediately after Initiation (Within 2 weeks)  Purpose: Initiation Results  Additional Information: ◦ Initiates are not official members until the complete report and signatures are received by National Headquarters ◦ Send fees ($39 / initiate) with report ◦ Send copy of roll book signatures with report Report of Final Action

27  Hold a second initiation at your chapter ◦ Notify HQ that you intend to do this  Contact another chapter to initiate with them ◦ Notify HQ that you intend to do this ◦ Coordinate with the other chapter ◦ Send a representative with your roll book to initiation  Postpone them until next semester ◦ Advisory Board must approve ◦ Notice of approved postponements is emailed by Chief Advisor or mailed via formal letter to HQ What if one or more electees were not initiated?

28  Some chapters elect officers twice per year ◦ Submit a Report of Election of Officers ◦ Submit an updated Officers Signatures  Additional Information: ◦ Check information on these reports elsewhere in this presentation ◦ If you hold midterm elections, these reports will count towards a Secretary ’ s Commendation Midterm Officer Elections and Officer Signatures

29 The Cycle Repeats Completing the Initiation Process the Second Time

30  Submit the same items the second time around ◦ Report of Eligibility ◦ Report of Election  2 hardcopy of catalog cards for each elected person  1 e-card for each elected person ◦ Report of Final Action  Send fees ($39 / initiate)  Send copy of roll book signatures Membership Reporting

31 The Light at the End… Reports to Complete before Transitioning

32  Due: Within two weeks of election  Purpose: Notify HQ of new officers & advisors  Additional Information: ◦ VERY important!! ◦ If the information changes, inform HQ ASAP!! ◦ Make sure to verify when the term for each of your advisors ends and update info if necessary Report of Election of Officers

33  Due: With officer elections  Purpose: Verify who are the chapter’s advisors  Additional Information: ◦ Four advisors per chapter with staggered terms ◦ Not verifying your advisor information will disqualify you from receiving a Secretary ’ s Commendation Advisor Verification

34  Due: June 1  Purpose: ◦ Inform HQ of the Chapter’s financial status  Additional Information: ◦ Chapters grossing over $25,000 a year must file an IRS form 990 ◦ Other chapters must file a IRS 990-N Financial Report

35  Due: 15th Day of the fifth month following the close of the Chapter’s previous Fiscal Year  Purpose: ◦ Verify that your Chapter makes less than $25,000  Additional Information: ◦ Counts towards your Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Must forward the confirmation email from the IRS to at HQ to count ◦ Look in your chapter’s bylaws to determine the end of your fiscal year IRS Form 990-N

36  Due: June 1  Purpose: ◦ Inform HQ of chapter health  Additional Information: ◦ Survey is entered online and required for a Secretary’s Commendation Chapter Survey

37  Due: June 1  Purpose: ◦ Inform HQ of chapter activities ◦ The primary goal: information for next year’s officers!!  Additional Information: ◦ Project reports are used to determine Project Awards ◦ Not submitting project reports counted on the Chapter Survey disqualifies you from receiving the Secretary’s Commendation Project Reports

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