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CT AT Program’s AT Loan Program (ATLP) Arlene Lugo, Program Director 860-424-4881 Department.

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Presentation on theme: "CT AT Program’s AT Loan Program (ATLP) Arlene Lugo, Program Director 860-424-4881 Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 CT AT Program’s AT Loan Program (ATLP) Arlene Lugo, Program Director 860-424-4881 Twitter: @Cttechact Department of Rehabilitation Services

2 It all began... 1993 -2007 – revolving loan from AT Act grant funds and state bond commission match 5 Independent Living Centers marketed program, assisted with and accepted applications, recommended approval By 2006/2007 – was being run with little oversight and more like a “grant” program. 2

3 Change happens We needed help – RESNA sent it! Through TA and plan of action we closed the program, to write off some loans, sent other defaulted loans to collections and took the active loans to a new bank partner with a new $0.00 contract Connecticut Bank & Trust, David Lentini, our champion 3

4 The New ATLP We rewrote & strengthened our policies 2009 – Program reopened with a new PT staff overseeing it, internally. AT Advisory Council – sub-committee played a big role in helping to get CBT on board and rewriting policies. 4

5 The New ATLP 5 2009201020112012 Approved8191211 Rejected6444 Total:$124,00 0 $288,450$192,750$82,600 % towards Veh. Mods 80%99%81%74%

6 New Model Proposed 6 2012, approached our champion, David Lentini, with proposal for a new model: our application, our loan approval process, CBT’s money Selling points: Default rate lower than the nat’l average of AFPs Secured loans would be in their name We would pay a % of balance for defaulted loans (after collections)

7 Change happens... Again 7 David said yes, but... New contract for max of $300,000 of bank’s money We recommend approval to bank, they can decline a loan, but they haven’t yet, We can still lend our money as a revolving loan.

8 ATLP – Under Current Model 8 201320142015 Approved866 Rejected601 Total:$88,100$83,700$110,658 % towards Veh. Mods 93%61%95%

9 ATLP – Under Current Model 9 Our portfolio continues to increase with repayment of older loans from revolving loan model We are getting interest on Money Market and CD Our contract was extended for 2 additional years through 2016

10 ATLP – Current Status 10 36 Revolving Loans ($297,310) 5 Paid in full in 2015 5 defaults/write offs in 2015 8 Partnership Loans ($144,163) $300,000 to lend of Berkshire Bank’s $$$ Current portfolio: $1,555,592

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