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TRP Chapter 4.1 1 Chapter 4.1 Cleaner Production.

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1 TRP Chapter 4.1 1 Chapter 4.1 Cleaner Production

2 TRP Chapter 4.1 2 What’s in a name? Source reduction Eco efficiency Cleaner Production Industrial ecology Industrial metabolism Green productivity Waste minimisation Waste avoidance Waste reduction Waste prevention Green Productivity Pollution Prevention Cleaner Production is the continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental strategy to processes, products and services to increase overall efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment

3 TRP Chapter 4.1 3 The production process Waste prevention Cleaner Production Source: David S Newby

4 TRP Chapter 4.1 4 Waste hierarchy Source: David C Wilson 1993, 1997, 2001

5 TRP Chapter 4.1 5 Sustainable consumption Conserving finite resources eg use of renewable energy Reduction of toxic or polluting components Shift from products to services Improved product design Re-use and recycling of waste

6 TRP Chapter 4.1 6 Elements of a product policy for waste prevention Product design: eco-design green chemistry initiatives reverse engineering Green purchasing policies Targets for recycled content in new goods Reverse distribution (collection of end-of-life products)

7 TRP Chapter 4.1 7 Key players in Cleaner Production Global bodies eg UNEP, WBCSD, UNIDO National and regional governments Industry associations Industry sectors

8 TRP Chapter 4.1 8 Cleaner Production Centres National Centres: Brazil - China - Costa Rica - Czech Republic - El Salvador - Ethiopia - Guatemala - Hungary - India - Kenya - Mexico - Morocco - Mozambique - Nicaragua - Slovak Republic - Russia - Tanzania - Tunisia - Vietnam - Zimbabwe

9 TRP Chapter 4.1 9 Case study: China

10 TRP Chapter 4.1 10 Tools for waste prevention and Cleaner Production Economic instruments Environmental Management Systems eg ISO 14 000, ISO 14001 Life cycle assessment (LCA) Auditing Environmental impact assessment Technology assessment eg EnTA Eco-labels Product design initiatives

11 TRP Chapter 4.1 11 Support systems and delivery mechanisms National and international conferences Waste management and technology centres Sector-based working groups and networks Training institutes for management and technical personnel Professional management bodies Cleaner Production Centres - national & regional Round Tables National and global information systems

12 TRP Chapter 4.1 12 Waste prevention and the waste industry Conflicts? Disincentives? Need to work with industry not simply for industry Need to extend the role of recycling companies to include prevention

13 TRP Chapter 4.1 13 Chapter 4.1 Summary Cleaner Production requires the continuous application of an integrated strategy It applies to on-site processes and includes a number of measures to reduce resource consumption Key players in Cleaner Production include global, national and regional bodies, industry associations, CPcentres There are a number of tools and support systems available to help industry The role of the waste industry is influential

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