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Budget & Current Issues Advisory Committee for the Biological Sciences Meeting Dr. Mary E. Clutter November 18, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget & Current Issues Advisory Committee for the Biological Sciences Meeting Dr. Mary E. Clutter November 18, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget & Current Issues Advisory Committee for the Biological Sciences Meeting Dr. Mary E. Clutter November 18, 2004

2 NSF FY 2005 Budget Appropriations House and Senate Marks (Dollars in Millions) Totals may not add due to rounding

3 NSF FY 2005 House and Senate Marks: Research and Related Activities (Dollars in Millions) Totals may not add due to rounding

4 FY 2005 NSF House Mark-up Highlights  MRE & FC Total $208 M $50 M Atacama Large mm Array(ALMA) telescope $47 M EarthScope $51 M IceCube Neutrino Detection Project  New projects $30M Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel (SODV) $30M Rare Symmetry Violating Processes (RSVP)

5 FY 2005 NSF Senate Mark-up Highlights  MRE & FC Total $130 M  $50 M Atacama Large mm Array(ALMA) telescope $47 M EarthScope $33 M IceCube Neutrino Observatory  New projects No new starts

6 FY 2005 NSF House Mark-up Highlights  EHR Total $843 M (+ $72 M above request) $94 M EPSCoR (+ $10 M) $83 M Math Science Partnerships (+ $83 M) Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education $62 M Informal Science Education (ISE) (+ $12 M) Undergraduate Education $25 M STEM Talent (+ $10 M) $45 M Advanced Technology Education (+ $7 M) $8 M Noyce (+ $4 M) $156 M Graduate Education (- $18 M) Human Resources Development $34 M Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (+ $0 M) $24 M HBCU Undergraduate Program (+ $4 M) $15 M AGEP (+ $0 M) $15 M THRUST (The HBCU-Research University S&T initiative) & CREST (Centers of Research Excellence in Science & Technology (+ 4 M) $3 M Minority Institutions of Excellence (+ $0 M)

7 FY 2005 NSF Senate Mark-up Highlights  EHR Total $929 M (+ $158 M above request) $95 M EPSCoR (+ $11 M) $110 M Math Science Partnerships (+ $110 M) Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education $65 M Informal Science Education (ISE) (+ $15 M) Undergraduate Education $26 M STEM Talent (+ $11 M) $46 M Advanced Technology Education (+ $8 M) Graduate Education Additional 500 fellowships at $30K/yr Human Resources Development $36 M Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (+ $2 M) $27 M HBCU Undergraduate Program (+ $7 M) $20 M THRUST (The HBCU-Research University S&T initiative) & CREST (Centers of Research Excellence in Science & Technology (+ $9 M) $10 M Tribal Colleges (+ $0 M)

8 25 Years of NSF Budget History

9 Appropriations for the National Science Foundation FY 1998 - 2004 FY’98 FY’99 FY’00 FY’01 FY’02 FY’03 FY’04 FY’05 FY’06 FY’07 (Request) [ --- Authorized ---] In millions of dollars Total Growth FY 98 – FY 04: $2.2 billion (65%)


11 Award Size and Duration Research Grants FY 2004 Award Size (average annual) NSF overall: $139,510 Average Award Duration NSF overall: 2.96 years BIO: $171,016 BIO: 3.27 years

12 BIO Success Rate Research Grants FY 1999 - 2004

13 Percentage Composition of Federal Government Outlays (FY 2004 = $2.32 T) National Defense Payments to Individuals Discretionary Net Interest Source: Outlays by Superfunction and Function, Office of Management and Budget

14 FY 2003 R&D Statistics Ratio of R&D to GDP = 2.61% Total R&D = $283,789 B Federal R&D = $85,280 B [Non-Defense related = $47,488 B] Total Federal Basic Research R&D = $32,712 B Total Federal R&D – University & Colleges = $18,071 B Ratio of Fed. R&D U&C to GDP = 0.17% NSF SRS Report: US R&D Projected to Have Grown Marginally in 2003

15 NSF FY 2003 – FY 2008 Strategic Goals Broadening participation in the science and engineering workforce Strengthening core disciplinary research and increasing the funding rate for research grants Providing broadly accessible cyberinfrastructure and world-class facilities to enhance research performance Sustaining organizational excellence in NSF management practices


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