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May Madness 2012 Ring Toss (Updated 3/6/12 9:00am)

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Presentation on theme: "May Madness 2012 Ring Toss (Updated 3/6/12 9:00am)"— Presentation transcript:

1 May Madness 2012 Ring Toss (Updated 3/6/12 9:00am)

2 MAY MADNESS May Madness will be held at the Sarah Heinz House on Saturday, May 5 th, 2012. Starting time will be at 9:00 am with the intent to be complete by noon. The upper age limit for a team member is 14 as of January 1, 2012. There is no lower age limit The number of teams will be limited to a maximum of 24. Registration will begin on Monday, March 5, 2012 and will end on Wednesday, March 21 or until all slots are filled. Organizations may register more than one team, but the second and subsequent teams will be put in a ‘hold’ file until it is determined whether there is room for them. To register, contact Norm Kerman at There is no cost for registration It will be up to each team to build their practice table to the specifications shown Each team will be asked to purchase the field elements and bring them on competition day

3 Ring Toss

4 Dimensions

5 Center rack dimensions 4”x4” Wood (side) 4”x4” Wood (front) 18” 3” 4” 3” 3.5” 12” 4.25” 1.75”

6 List of Materials 1.Jo-Anne Fabrics 1.Craftwood – Crafter’s Dowels 5/16in. (qty 8/one pack) $0.99 2.4x4 round plaque (qty 4) $3.16 3.Black electrical tape 4.White Plastic Rings – 1 ½ dritz 8per package (in sewing area) (qty 3 packs) $9.87 2.Any lumber store 1.4x4 wood cut to 18 inches 3.Colored Plastic Rings 2 ½ inch (Ring Toss Rings) $6.45 ef=oh_o02_s00_i00_details Total = $20.47

7 Beginning Configuration 8 1 ½ White plastic rings start in base 16 1 ½ White plastic rings start in loading area 4 2 ½ Colored ring toss rings start on center area Robot must begin completely in base

8 Other Set-up All dowel rod pieces are dual-locked to the table White Rings that do not reach their destination may be returned to team in loading area Colored Rings that do not reach their destination may be removed from board or placed back in starting position

9 Scoring 1 point per ring for a white ring in the push area 2 points per ring for a white ring on the 8 inch dowels 3 points per ring for a white ring on the 12 inch dowel 4 points per white ring on the horizontal dowel Double points per ring for the colored rings

10 Logistics 3 Students will be at the board: – 2 students will be able to touch the robot and will be in control of running the robot – 1 student will remain in the loading area and will be able to place the white rings on the robot when the robot is completely inside of the loading area – Robot can be repositioned without penalty if it is completely within the loading area

11 Other things Alice competition – Please see Robot Parade – Robot must follow a line and not bump into the robot in front of it

12 Pictures of Materials




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