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TEMPUS Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula EC Tempus Joint Project 511390-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPCR ANNEX 2 to the EnGo Coordination.

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPUS Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula EC Tempus Joint Project 511390-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPCR ANNEX 2 to the EnGo Coordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEMPUS Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula EC Tempus Joint Project 511390-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPCR ANNEX 2 to the EnGo Coordination Group Meeting, June 23, 2011 The project is funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Comenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Landscape Ecology How does our University help to alumni? Mária KOZOVÁ

2 I. Website for UKB alumni TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula On the official website of Comenius University in Bratislava are published job advertisements for UKB alumni.

3 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula I. Website for UKB alumni On the official website of Comenius University in Bratislava there is also a questionnaire for alumni, where they can express their opinion about the study at UKB.

4 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula I. Website for UKB alumni Useful for our alumni are also information about the study, science, services and important links: STUDY – life-education, electronic education, rigorous process SCIENCE – PhD. study, research projects and grants, prominent scientist institutions SERVICES – bid of jobs and career IMPORTANT LINKS – libraries, universities in Slovakia, chosen foreign universities and culture in Bratislava

5 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula II. Job´s advertisements and career 1 Job advertisements on the webpage of faculty 2 Job offers in Faculty of Natural Sciences on www. 3 Link for Europe portal with job offers 4 Europe is offering webpage 5 Official portal EPSO for jobs in European institutions 6 Website of Central Office Labour, Social Affairs and Family

6 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula 1 Job advertisements on the webpage of faculty

7 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula 3 Link for Europe portal with job offers Information about Europe union countries Job offers in EU for Slovak citizens Requirements of employing in EU countries Education offer

8 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula 6 Website of Central Office Labour, Social Affairs and Family

9 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula Advertisements with „employment market“ events

10 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula III. Transfer of scientist knowledge to practice In this field is Slovakia in the beginning First institution, which are specialized on transmition of scientist knowledge to practice were established in 2009 and 2010 It is a part of implementation projects, which are financed from European regional development fund In present are realizing tenths of these projects at Slovak Universities and scientist institutions, especially in Bratislava region, but also in other parts of Slovakia National scale Support of transfer scientist knowledge to practice is solving also in national scale The name of this national project is National infrastructure for technology transfer support in Slovakia – NITT SK Project is realizing from June 2010 by Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information The aim of this project is transmition of technologies and knowledge to economic and social practice

11 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula Project: Support center for transfer of technologies at Comenius University in Bratislava Operating program: Research and progress Priority ax 4: Support of research and progress in Bratislava region Action 4.2: Transfer of scientist technologies and knowledge to practice in Bratislava region Transfer of scientist knowledge to practice at Comenius University in Bratislava

12 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula IV. Popularization of science and technologies every year it is organized in Slovakia „A week of research and technologies“ Its aim is : improving of research and technologies perception popularizating research and technologies and their presentation arouse interest of young people in study of research and technology specialization informing public about science and technologies knowledge informing public about necessity to encourage science and technology

13 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula V. Employers interest about alumni specializationinterest informatics72,75% building industry45,12% economics38,46% social sciences32,04% technics27,89% engineering27,71% philosophy27,47% natural sciences26,88% artistic24,91% sport23,66% health21,89% pedagogy20,81% law19,10% divinity17,47% Academic Ranking and Rating Agency (ARRA) is an independent Slovak civil association established in 2004 by former student leaders and personalities from the academic field with the objective of assessing the quality of Slovak higher education institutions. ARRA together with webportal elaborated reports about employers interest about alumni. As you can see from the table, the most applying alumni are from informatics faculties and from building industry and economics. On the other hand, there are faculties as pedagogy, law and divinity. There is a lot of students, who want to study at Law faculties, but there is not enough work opportunities for them.

14 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula The mission of ARRA is to stimulate positive changes in Slovak higher education. There was no other ranking like this one until 2005, when ARRA realized the first ranking of Slovak Universities. VI. Ranking of Slovak Universities by ARRA In its beginnings, dr. Don Thornhill and dr. Lewis Purser, World Bank experts, assisted in creating the original methodology used thereafter with certain improvements for annual evaluation of universities. After their departure, ARRA continued its international collaboration and, in 2009, was at the birth of a global organisation of ranking agencies, the IREG Observatory (International Ranking Expert Group Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence) as its founding member. Co-founder of ARRA, Prof. Ferdinand Devínsky, was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the IREG Observatory.

15 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula In the course of its existence, ARRA prepared and published six reports assessing Slovak higher education institutions (HEI). ARRA is also engaged in other activities with common denominator - the quality of HEI in Slovakia. Throughout past years, projects were implemented such as identification of Slovak scientists comparable to world’s renowned scholars, a study mapping the interest of employers in HEI graduates, a comparison of the scientific performance of Czech and Slovak HEI, etc. Several seminars and conferences on ranking and trends of quality assessment were organized in Slovakia. VI. Ranking of Slovak Universities by ARRA

16 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula Last ranking of Slovak Universities by ARRA on 2010 Average values of higher education institutions’ quality indicators in the period 2005 – 2010 and their changes between 2009 and 2010 (, 2011)

17 TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula It was the sixth ranking of Slovak Universities. In each faculty group, an “improver” of the year can be found, i.e., a faculty with the greatest positive change. FTVŠ UK leads with a growth of +12.8 points a year in the PEDAGOG group, closely followed by SvF ŽU with a growth of +12.7 points a year in the TECH group, the FILOZOF group is dominated by FHV UMB (+11.6 points), the MED group by LF UK (+11.2 points), and the PRIR group by PRIF UPJŠ (+9.5 points). Other groups, too, included faculties with significant increases of ranking indicator averages: EF UMB (+10.4 points) in the EKONOM group and FSEV UK (+10.3 points) in the OTHER SPOL group. Conversely, a negative record is held by FPEDAS ŽU (-16.0 points) which is the greatest individual change in average ranking indicators for the last year, and FMEV EU (-10.9 points) followed by other faculties of the Faculty of Economy with decreases in average indicators under assessment for the last year. Last ranking of Slovak Universities by ARRA on 2010

18 Thank you very much for your attention! TEMPUS 511390 – Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula

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