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Signs of the Kingdom Healings, Miracles and the Apostles Matthew 8-13 Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October.

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Presentation on theme: "Signs of the Kingdom Healings, Miracles and the Apostles Matthew 8-13 Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signs of the Kingdom Healings, Miracles and the Apostles Matthew 8-13 Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October 25, 2015Sunday, October 25, 2015

2 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 1. 1.After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reveals His Divine identity through healings and miracles. This is seen through: a. The cleansing of a leper. b. The healing of the centurion’s servant. c. The healing of St. Peter’s mother-in-law. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

3 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 1. 1.After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reveals His Divine identity through healings and miracles. This is seen through: d.The calming of the storm. e.The casting out of the Gadarene demoniacs f.The healing of the paralytic. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

4 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 2. Jesus selects and commissions the Twelve Apostles as co-workers in His mission. The Apostles: a.Are chosen by Jesus. b.Represent the new twelve tribes of Israel. c.Are given a first assignment, sent out by Jesus to preach the Kingdom of Heaven to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

5 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 3. Jesus’ ministry brings Him into conflict with the religious authorities. a. Following Jesus is a decision that causes division with those who do not follow Him. b. Jesus chastises those of this generation for their lack of repentance. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

6 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 3. Jesus’ ministry brings Him into conflict with the religious authorities. c. Jesus’ interpretation of the purpose of the Law of Moses puts Him at odds with the Pharisees, who begin to plan to put Him to death. d. Jesus reprimands this generation as evil and unfaithful because they demanded a sign from Him. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

7 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 4. Jesus uses parables to teach on discipleship and the Kingdom of Heaven. Parables: a. Use imagery and language from everyday life experiences. b. Are poetic, using symbolism to convey meaning c. Have layers of meaning, with endless opportunities for deeper reflection by the hearer October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

8 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 4. Jesus uses parables to teach on discipleship and the Kingdom of Heaven. Parables: d. Are not ‘solved’ like a riddle (with intelligence) but can be pondered by anyone who desires to search them more deeply. e. Parables, and their meaning, do not force themselves on the hearer but invite listeners to ponder them. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

9 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 5. The Parable of the Sower describes how the word of the Kingdom grows in the person. a.The seed that fell along the path refers to one that heard the message without understanding and was snatched away by the evil one. b.The seed that fell among the rocks is one that received the word with joy but did not allow it to root, and so quickly fell away under trouble and persecution. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

10 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom 5. The Parable of the Sower describes how the word of the Kingdom grows in the person. c.The seed that fell among the thorns represents the one that received the word but allowed it to be choked away by the worries of life. d.The seed that fell on good soil is one that heard and understood, allowing the seed to root, grow, flourish and produce a bounteous crop. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015

11 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom a.Jesus establishes the Kingdom through healings and miracles. b.Jesus selects the Twelve Apostles and sends them out on a mission to the lost tribes of Israel. c.Jesus enters into conflict with religious authorities. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015 6. In summary, we have seen in Matthew 3-7:

12 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom d. Jesus teaches through parables. October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015 6. In summary, we have seen in Matthew 3-7:

13 Session 3: Signs of the Kingdom October 25, 2015October 25, 2015October 25, 2015 For Discussion: 1.Divide into small groups. Based on the evidence in the text, answer the following questions: a.Who is Jesus? b.What is Jesus’ Kingdom? 2. Report your discussion to the large group.

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