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Dolly. the world’s cloned ________ created by scientists in __________ died in because of first mammal Scottish 1996 2003 lung disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Dolly. the world’s cloned ________ created by scientists in __________ died in because of first mammal Scottish 1996 2003 lung disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dolly

2 the world’s cloned ________ created by scientists in __________ died in because of first mammal Scottish 1996 2003 lung disease

3 1. The two cells are combined and become one cell. 2. The cell grows into an embryo which is put into the body of another female sheep. 3. A sheep is delivered. Scientific terms

4 understanding scientific terms Problems How to solve come across difficult scientific terms work out…to understand the text 1)begin by reading … 2)scan the body circle unknown words question things 3)read through the article a few times Reading strategy

5 clone gene genetic genetically cell embryo organ sheep mammal tissue stem cell technology copy cloning cloned Scientific terms

6 clone

7 Fast reading 1.What is cloning? 2.Is Pauline Carter for or against human cloning? Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. She is against human cloning.

8 Match each paragraph with its correct main idea. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 An announcement about the first cloned human embryo caused much debate. The first cloned mammal was Dolly. Ian Wilmut is shocked that some scientists are considering cloning human beings. A woman wants to have a cloned baby. Cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, but some scientists still want to clone human beings. Chinese scientists continue to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind. Detailed reading

9 Read the two letters carefully, and judge whether the statements are true or false: Pauline Carter thinks: 1.the nature will pay back if we toy with nature. 2.we should clone fewer babies to reduce Earth’s population. 3.the lady who cannot have a baby can adopt an orphan, but not have a cloned baby. Coline Jake thinks: 1.the scientific advances mentioned in the article is very terrible. 2.scientists have succeeded in challenging questions of morality. 3.human cloning is a good way to save her daughter who has died.

10 For human cloningAgainst human cloning 1. produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives 1. human life becomes like a crop to be harvested or a product for sale 2. 3. 4. 5. Find the reasons why people are for or against human cloning in the article and letters. Write them in the table below help those who are unable to have children help those who want to clone their dead children might produce a real-life Frankstein’s monster would lead to more diseases in the animal world shows no respect for human life should be having fewer babies in order to reduce the Earth ’ s population, not cloning more

11 Task-based reading Fill in the blanks with the right words.

12 Attitudes towards the first cloned human embryo Pro-cloningIt can produce tissues and organs that are of great(1)__________. Anti-cloningWe are (2) ________ to produce a real-life Frankenstein’s monster. Attitudes towards the birth of Dolly the sheep Pro-cloningCloning is a wonderful (3) __________ breakthrough. Anti-cloningCloning would (4) ____________ more diseases in the animal world. Representatives Ian WilmutHe never (5) ______ to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on (6) ______ diseases. Faye Wilson(7) _______ to have a baby,she is (8) __________ to have a child that is genetically related to her. Severino Antinori He wants to be the first to clone a human being. Chinese scientists They have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells.China has achieved great (9) _______ in producing clones of cows and goats,and continues to research ways cloning can be (10) ________ to mankind. value likely scientific create/cause intends curing Unableanxious success beneficial

13 What uses does cloning have?



16 The perfect copy Is it perfect? –Technology –Morality –…… The new kind of technology has caused widespread discussion. It can help cure many diseases, save lots of people’s lives and even prevent some endangered animals from dying out… However, on the other hand, if it is used to clone human beings, that is against the laws of nature.

17 Fun pictures If cloning goes wrong, what will happen? A dog or an eagle? A lion or a kangaroo?

18 A frog or a crocodile? A dog or a man?

19 There is no forbidden field in science, but we must make sure the technology under control. 科学无禁区,技术应节制


21 1. 引起很多争论 2. 一方面,另一方面 3. 指出 4. 被用来拯救人的性命 5. 玩弄 6. 以这种方式 7. 即将,快要 ( 做某事 ) 8. 在很年轻的时候 9. 一模一样的 10. 导致更多的疾病 11. 总的来说, 一般而言 12. 被赞扬 on the one hand…on the other hand point out toy with in this way on the way to doing sth. an exact copy of sth. lead to more diseases in general be praised for cause much debate be used to save human lives at a much younger age

22 13. 科学进展 14. 考虑做某事 15. 集中于 16. 有 …… 的意图 17. 对 …… 不尊重 18. 引起很多不安 19. 收养别人的孩子 20. 努力推进 21. 成功做到某事 22. 造福人类 scientific advance consider doing concentrate on/ focus on with the intention of show no respect for cause a lot of anxiety adopt someone else’s child push ahead with succeed in doing benefit mankind

23 23. 处理后果 24. 出售,代售 25. 用光 26. 高兴 / 愿意做某事 23. 评论你的文章 28. 与 …… 意见完全一致 29. 毕竟,终究 30. 几个世纪 31. 就个人而言 32. 死于心脏病 33. 遇到,碰到 34. 解决,想出,制定 35. 讲得通,有意义 deal with the consequences for sale use up be delighted to do sth. comment on your article be in complete agreement with after all for centuries on a personal note die of heart failure come across work out make sense

24 1.On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues - such as bone or lung tissues - that could be used to save human lives. (P42, lines2-4) 1.On the other hand,many people, including some scientists, disagree and are afraid that, if mankind toys with nature in this way,we may be on our way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster. (P42, lines5-7) 宾语从句 条件状语从句 定语从句 宾语从句 条件状语从句

25 3.Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that can be used to cure diseases like cancer.(P42L17) 宾语从句 动名词短语作宾语 定语从句 In this lecture I’ll ______________ the early years of Charle’s reign. This lecture will_______________ the early years of Charle’s reign. 这节课(我)将着重讲查理王朝的早期统治时 期。 concentrate on

26 4. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect fro human life. (P42, lines18-20) 宾语从句 动名词短语复合结构作主语 介词短语复合结构作方式状语 他写这封信打算征求一些意见。 He wrote the letter ____________________________. with the intention of asking for some advice

27 5.If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby right now. (P42, line24) If I had the chance, I would clone her immediately so that I could be with her again. (P43, lines50-51) Subjunctive mood 虚拟语气 If my brother _____________(come) here yesterday, everything ________________(be)all right. If my brother _____ here now, everything _____________ all right. If my brother __________________here tomorrow, everything _________ all right. would have been had come came would be were to come/ should come /came would be

28 6.China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.(P42, lines30-32) 定语从句 that/ 不填 succeed in doing sth. /sth. 成功做某事 他考试及格了吗? Did he succeed in (passing) the examination? beneficial adj. 有用的,有益的

29 7.I feel sorry for the lady who cannot have a baby, but I would like to point out that there are many children in the world with no parents who would be delighted to have a mother.(P43 L39-41) but 连接的并列复合句 定语从句 宾语从句 定语从句

30 Homework: Write a letter to the editor and express your opinions about cloning human embryos.


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