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November 3, 2014 Homework Changes: A homework practice sheet will be place in your child’s binder in the homework pocket or behind the pocket. Please sign.

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Presentation on theme: "November 3, 2014 Homework Changes: A homework practice sheet will be place in your child’s binder in the homework pocket or behind the pocket. Please sign."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 3, 2014 Homework Changes: A homework practice sheet will be place in your child’s binder in the homework pocket or behind the pocket. Please sign the bottom of Homework sheet. *For reference, the homework sheet, Skills Agenda, and other resources can be found on the webpage. *You do not have to print anything off the website. ffID=255180&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID=255180

2 Preparing Responsible Individuals Dedicated to Excellence Clay Elementary---First Grade Skills Agenda November 2, 2014 Language Arts: Read and write words with th, sh,-ng. Review possessive nouns. Read and write common and proper nouns. Capitalize dates and names of people. Break words into syllables (parts). Write narratives. Reading: Read Thump Thump Helps Out in RWW. Read Nell’s Books in LA. High-Frequency Words: all, call, day, her, want Words for Discussion : leadership, admire, connections, enjoy and rely Math: Find the missing part of an addition problem other than the total (2+__=7). Find and prove as many combinations of a number as possible. Count on from a given number to solve addition problems. Decide if an equation is true or false. Begin subtraction. Social Studies/Science: Read Kids Can Help in LA. Spelling Words: fish, shop, ship, with, thing, sang, fast, wink, want, call Tests:11/06-07 Tests Notes:11/11 School out for Veterans’ Day

3 Nell’s Books Phonics Focus: th, sh, -ng Spelling Words High Frequency Words Words for Extra Practice fishshop shipwith thingsang fastwink wantcall all call day her want shopwishthenthathushcrash singsangbanglongthisthump hipshiphotshotmatmath desksthinkbringlumpgrandclang shellfishdishsingingrushingbringing clangingbangingrabbit basketpicnicselfish absentstingstand thumphumpvent Math: Get two dice and roll to add numbers. Use flashcards to practice math facts with sums to 10 and subtraction facts to 10. Use 6 to 10 counters and have your child teach you how to play “How Many an I Hiding?” Monday R/W Reader Pg 70-73 Practice words above- 2X Initial ____ Tuesday R/W Reader Pg 74-83 Practice words above – 2X Initial ____ Wednesday LA Reader Pg 64-79 Practice spelling test Initial ____ Thursday LA Reader Pg 80-85 Math & SpellingTest Initial ____ Friday Phonics, Fluency & Reading Comprehensio n Test Language Arts: Read and write words with th, sh,-ng. Review possessive nouns. Read and write common and proper nouns. Capitalize dates and names of people. Break words into syllables (parts). Write narratives.

4 Monday R/W Reader Pg 70-73 Practice words above- 2X Initial ____ Tuesday R/W Reader Pg 74-83 Practice words above – 2X Initial ____ Wednesday LA Reader Pg 64-79 Practice spelling test Initial ____ Thursday LA Reader Pg 80-85 Math & Spelling Test Initial ____ Friday Phonics, Fluency & Reading Comprehension Test

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