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We’re passionate about Putting patients first Quality, safety and patient experience Transforming services to meet the health needs of future generations.

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Presentation on theme: "We’re passionate about Putting patients first Quality, safety and patient experience Transforming services to meet the health needs of future generations."— Presentation transcript:


2 We’re passionate about Putting patients first Quality, safety and patient experience Transforming services to meet the health needs of future generations

3 School Nursing Delivering a modernised School Nursing (SN) model Alison Thurston, Acting School Nurse Lead Stockton Jackie Lothian, Contracts Manager MoreLife Alda Hummelinck, Project Lead SN mobilisation

4 New School Nursing model In Autumn 2014, NT&H FT was successful in winning the tender for the new School Nursing contract This contract will commence April 2015

5 Implementation plan for new model Project Delivery Board with representation from a range of key stakeholders. Regular meetings to continue to ensure close liaison and engagement Communication Strategy CYP Health & Wellbeing Involvement Group to support development publicity material

6 Getting it right for children, young people and families Maximising the contribution of the school nursing team: Vision and Call to Action School Nurse Development Programme (2012) The service model brings to- gether the wide range of recommended programmes and initiatives for local areas to consider underpinned by the Healthy Child Programme. Your Community Universal Universal Plus Universal Partnership Plus Safeguarding

7 Overview new model (1) Increased focus on Public Health agenda: Alignment with multiple agencies, including Health Visiting, Social Care and education in addressing the Healthy Child Programme and other strategies Health promotion and preventative action Holistic assessment and early identification of health needs, incl. complex, and prompt intervention e.g. seamless referral to MoreLife (FWMS) Improved targeting and focus of the four pathways/ levels of intervention utilising the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) as an assessment tool

8 Overview new model (2) Improved visibility and CYP access to SN service Increased focus on offering services to the hard to reach CYP incl. screening Offer a range of access routes, incl. –Website –Texting service –Extension drop in sessions –Increased promotion of SN service e.g. during (themed) assembly, parents’ evenings –Social media –Leaflets, posters

9 Overview new model (3) Structured care delivery: Named School Nurse for each secondary school and its feeder primary schools as well as each special school Regular meetings between head of school and named School Nurse to discuss school-specific issues and individual children in need of support Ongoing regular meetings with key stakeholders School Profiles (Health Needs Assessments) and data trend analysis (identification “hotspots”) allow increased responsiveness to where extra SN input is required

10 Overview new model (4) Improved governance structure Reviewed skill mix of the service to align right role to the task Robust data collection through the electronic patient record Regular performance and governance meetings within SN team Care supported by robust and evidence-based pathways and procedures

11 SN pathway portfolio includes: (this list is not exhaustive and more pathways are in development!) Complex and additional needs Emotional and behaviour concerns, and self harm Risk-taking behaviour and smoking cessation Sexual health Continence CYP in contact with the Youth Justice System Screening of hard to reach CYP Supporting immunisations uptake Significant events, e.g. A&E attendance NCMP and family weight management - MoreLife

12 Children and Young Person Partnership – 18 th March 2015






18 Any questions? Comments? Suggestions?

19 Contact details: Alison Thurston ph. 07768 503 144 Jackie Lothian ph. 07976 354 418 Alda Hummelinck ph. 07717 425 149

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