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Online Business Resources. Business Plan Resources United States Small Business Administration - The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Business Resources. Business Plan Resources United States Small Business Administration - The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Business Resources

2 Business Plan Resources United States Small Business Administration - The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent agency of the Federal Government. SBA was created to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation. United States Small Business Administration – Step-by-step help on creating a business plan for start up companies. American Express Small Business Plan Resources - This site is a workshop that will help you create a business plan and guide you through start-up or growth phases, and any other endeavors your business may undergo American Express Small Business Plan Resources Kauffman eVenturing- This resource center provides information for high growth entrepreneurs. Topics include: operations, sales and marketing, human resources, products and services, and finance and accounting. Kauffman eVenturing MIT Entrepreneurship Center - The MIT Entrepreneurship Center provides content, context, and contacts that enable entrepreneurs to design and launch successful new ventures based on innovative technologies. MIT Entrepreneurship Center Stanford University’s Entrepreneurship Corner – Stanford University provides a plethora of entrepreneurial videos, podcasts and overall content to help entrepreneurs succeed in the business world. Stanford University’s Entrepreneurship Corner These sites can help you develop your business plan

3 Global Resources Global Entrepreneurship Monitor- The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is a not-for-profit academic research consortium that offers international research data on entrepreneurial activity. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Global Entrepreneurship Institute- This website leads visitors through the process of getting a business venture funded and launched, growing the venture, and successfully harvesting it. The site also provides an online mentor program for new entrepreneurs. Global Entrepreneurship Institute International Entrepreneurship- The resources on this site are aimed towards global entrepreneurs, international business students, women’s entrepreneurship, and academic entrepreneurship. This site allows visitors to access import and export information, general business data, financing sources, and international entrepreneurial success stories. International Entrepreneurship Marketing and International Business Links- This site provides links to a variety of marketing and international business sources, including academic journals. Marketing and International Business Links The Entrepreneurial Mind-This site provides information on global entrepreneurship, new ventures looking global, innovation around the globe, immigration in the age of entrepreneurship, and other related topics. The Entrepreneurial Mind These sites will help you if your project has an international scope

4 Funding Resources American Venture Capital Exchange- AVCE aims to develop community understanding through venture news, resources, forums, and events American Venture Capital Exchange National Venture Capital Association- The NVCA site provides association news, public policy highlights, and industry statistics and news. National Venture Capital Association VC Task Force- Venture Community resources include information on venture capital organizations, angel organizations, LP’s, venture capital firms, and venture capital corporate investors. VC Task Force Venture Associates - Entrepreneurial Financing- This site provides information on the stages of financing, types of entrepreneurial financing, and sources of financing. Venture Associates - Entrepreneurial Financing These sites will help you find sources of funding for your non-profit company

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