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Cellular Structure Cell Biology / Genetics Mr. Foster.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Structure Cell Biology / Genetics Mr. Foster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Structure Cell Biology / Genetics Mr. Foster

2 Components of Cells Nucleus- 2. Outer Boundary-
3. Cytoplasm/Organelles- cellular contents and specialized structures that carry out functions of the cell

3 Nucleus Prokaryote- cell w/o nucleus Eukaryote- cell with nucleus
(DNA in neucleoid) Eukaryote- cell with nucleus Functions Contains genetic inform. Control Center- directs all cellular activity

4 Nucleus (cont.) Structure / Components-
Nuclear envelope- regulate what enters and leaves nucleus (Nuclear pores) Nucleolus-makes ribosomes Genetic Material- DNA Chromatin – DNA uncoiled, threadlike, Not Divisional Chromosomes –DNA is condensed, Divisional Nucleoplasm -fluid inside nucleus Clicker ?’s 1-5

5 Outer Boundary Cell membrane-lipid bilayer with embedded proteins forming a selective boundary All cells have a cell membrane Cell wall – Plants and bacteria

6 Cell Membrane (cont.) Structure- Fluid Mosaic Model Phospholipids
Phospholipid bilayer forms membrane Phosphate- likes H2O (hydrophilic) Lipid- does not like H2O (hydrophobic)

7 Cell Membrane (cont.) Structure (cont.) Clicker ?’s 6-9 2. Proteins
Integral Proteins - embedded in phospholipid bilayer Peripheral protein – not embedded in bilayer Clicker ?’s 6-9

8 Cell Membrane (cont.) Structure (cont.)
3. Carbohydrates - attach to proteins (glycoprotein) or lipids (glycolipid) Cell surface carbs communication – recognize cell type

9 Cell Membrane (cont.) Structure (cont.)
4. Cytoskeleton –supports the membrane a. microfilaments -strength, anchor cells b. microtubules – mvmt. c. intermediate filaments –not always present, a lot in skin, strong framework (Disease where cells collapse: pg 31)

10 Cytoskeleton Functions Clicker ?’s 10-13 Support and protect cell
Communicate with other cells Controls mvmt. of materials in and out of cell. Selectively Permeable

11 Cell Transport Passive – energy not required to move material across membrane Diffusion – molecules move from high to low concentration to reach equilibrium Osmosis – type of diffusion involving H2O molecules only

12 Cell Transport (cont.) Active – Energy required to move materials across membrane Low to High concentration Ion pumps/Channels- Cl-, Na+, K+, Ca+ Endocytosis / Exocytosis – membrane forms pockets to move material

13 Ion pumps

14 Endocytosis / Exocytosis
Clicker ?’s 14-17 Endocytosis / Exocytosis

15 Cytoplasm / Organelles
Cytoplasm – space between nucleus and cell membrane Cytosol – semitransparent; jellylike substance that surrounds organelles Organelles – “little organ”

16 Organelles Smooth or Rough? Endoplasmic Reticulum- Types of ER
Transports materials through inside of cell Modifies proteins and quality control center Types of ER Rough ER Has ribosome attached Proteins to be sent outside cell Smooth ER No ribosomes Make lipids, detox cell Smooth or Rough?

17 Organelles (cont.) Ribosome- Synthesize proteins Free vs. attached

18 Organelles (cont.) Mitochondria Provides energy for the cell ATP
Cellular respiration Own DNA Endosymbiont Theory Free living organism that entered a relationship w/ Nucleated cells Inherited from mother only Folds increase surface area

19 Organelles (cont.) Clicker ? 18-22 What is this?
Golgi Apparatus - (Golgi bodies) modifies, sorts, and ships proteins in packages called vesicles.

20 Organelles (cont.) Lysosomes
Membrane bounded sacs that contain enzymes Clean up cell Lysosomal Storage disease (Tay Sachs)- missing the enzyme that breaks down the lipid that surrounds the nerve cell Buries the nervous system


22 Organelles (cont.) Peroxisomes Sac that contain enzymes
that detoxifies harmful products H2O H2O Alcohol Abundant in liver cells

23 Organelles (cont.) Clicker ? 23-26 Centrioles Composed of microtubules
Contained in specialized region = centrosome Function in cell division Organize spindle fibers

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