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Back To School Night Kindergarten 2015-2016 HOBOKEN CATHOLIC ACADEMY.

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Presentation on theme: "Back To School Night Kindergarten 2015-2016 HOBOKEN CATHOLIC ACADEMY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back To School Night Kindergarten HOBOKEN CATHOLIC ACADEMY

2 Agenda… Routine Specials Our Class Website Expectations
Kindergarten skills Smart Board/Table Grading How to reach me We are a team

3 Routine Circle Time Religion/Snack *Special* Reading Math Lunch
Penmanship Phonics Science, Social Studies, Health

4 Specials Spanish, Ms. Mayra Castro Art, Mrs. Albunia
Music, Ms. Campana Gym (Twice a week), Mr. Tallarida

5 Our Class Website
Left Navigation: Welcome Page Teacher’s Notes Classroom News Homework

6 Our Class Website Under Teacher’s Notes: Under Classroom News:
Learning links First Trimester Class Schedule Class Rules & Procedures Birthdays Under Classroom News: Monthly updates Star of the week

7 Expectations of Students..
Be kind to each other. Complete class work. Homework completed and returned the next day. Follow Rules, be ready to learn!

8 Expectations of Parents..
Check the folders each day for homework. If your child is absent, please call the office. If your child is being picked up by another person, send a note. Put everything in a properly labeled envelope. Label your child’s backpack/lunchbox and clothing

9 Kindergarten Skills Handwriting – use proper formation, follow guide lines, hold pencil correctly Follow directions i.e. position words (left to right) PRACTICE SIGHTWORDS (word configuration) Practice self-help skills like dressing oneself, tying shoes, cleaning up after themselves, respecting school property Please review the little books sent home for Reading Develop motor skills Social Development

10 Smart Board/Tables Our Smart Board and Tables are utilized throughout the day for the presentation of lessons. Reinforcing skills Centers Educational games Small group learning Hands on learning,

11 Grading Testing Observation

12 How to Reach Me The best way to reach me is through e-mail.
You may also send a hand-written note in your child’s folder. I will send a written response home that day. School Telephone:

13 Together we can work to make this a very happy year filled with learning, fun, and excitement, while growing in the knowledge of God’s love and care.

14 Thank You For Coming!

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