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With your host… Alan Quebec. Group theory Orbits and counting Coding theoryPotpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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Presentation on theme: "With your host… Alan Quebec. Group theory Orbits and counting Coding theoryPotpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500."— Presentation transcript:

1 With your host… Alan Quebec

2 Group theory Orbits and counting Coding theoryPotpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 The four group axioms

4 Bac k Closure Associativity Identity Inverses

5 A group with 11 elements is this kind of group

6 Bac k Cyclic

7 The easiest way to tell if a subset of G is a subgroup

8 Bac k Check that if x, y are elements of H, then so is xy -1

9 Why S 5 cannot have a subgroup of order 7

10 Bac k Lagrange’s Theorem

11 There are this many elements of order 13 in C 13

12 Bac k 12 (1 has order 1)

13 The difference between Gx and G x (Not just the names of the terms, but their meanings)

14 Bac k Gx is the orbit containing x; G x is the stabilizer of x

15 The size of an orbit if G = S 4

16 Bac k 4

17 The number of ways to color the edges of a pentagon red, green, and blue

18 Bac k

19 The number of ways to place colored pie slices into a Trivial Pursuit game piece like the one below, if only the orange and yellow pieces can be used

20 Bac k

21 The number of ways to color the edges of a pentagon red, green, and blue where 2 edges are green and 2 edges are blue

22 Bac k Bac k Coefficient of rb 2 g 2 is

23 The number of errors that this code can correct for: 00000, 01100, 00111, 11001

24 Bac k 0 (minimum distance is 2)

25 The length of a codeword in the linear code given by the associated matrix

26 Bac k 7

27 The maximum number of codewords in a code of length 7 that can correct for one error

28 Bac k 16, since

29 The number of codewords in the linear code given by the associated matrix

30 Bac k 2 4 = 16

31 This is the smallest linear code that contains the codewords 001, 110

32 Bac k 000, 100, 011, 111 (code must be a group)

33 These three sets are all rings

34 Bac k

35 A ring that is not a field has this distinguishing characteristic

36 Bac k Not all nonzero elements have multiplicative inverses

37 This is an example of an invertible power series where all coefficients are nonzero and the coefficient of is 10

38 Bac k Any matching power series that has a invertible constant term

39 The parity (even or odd) of the permutation (12345)

40 Bac k Even; decomposition into transpositions is (12)(23)(34)(45)

41 The order of the permutation (12)(345)

42 Bac k lcm(2, 3) = 6

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