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Same Sex Marriage HHS 4M Unit 3 - Couples. Church and State In Canada, there is a visible link between church and state. The House of Commons begins each.

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Presentation on theme: "Same Sex Marriage HHS 4M Unit 3 - Couples. Church and State In Canada, there is a visible link between church and state. The House of Commons begins each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Same Sex Marriage HHS 4M Unit 3 - Couples

2 Church and State In Canada, there is a visible link between church and state. The House of Commons begins each session with a ‘non denominational’ prayer. Unlike the U.S.A, Canada openly recognizes the presence of God in its legislation.

3 Same Sex Debate Some argue that society is gearing itself more towards a ‘secular’ organization. Others argue the exact opposite – rather, that Religion and Spirituality are increasing in popularity, but with a ‘fresh’ outlook. “There is an openness to religion that is far outweighing the secular motions in society.” Reginald Bibby. Read “Resurgence of Religion” article.

4 Same Sex Marriage History On July 20 th, 2005, Canadian Parliament officially changed the definition of marriage, such that Same Sex Unions were recognized as marriage. The Civil Marriage Act was initiated and passed by Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin. After the required 3 readings, and a motion to further examine the issue by Conservatives, Paul Martin and the Liberals were successful in the changing of the definition of marriage.

5 Religion in Relationships Does religion play a part in the lives of teenagers? UZA UZA

6 History of Marriage Marriage according to the church, is the greatest symbol of commitment and love for a person of the opposite sex. The Church holds a 2 fold criteria for marriage: – A demonstration of exclusive love for one another – An openness to child rearing.

7 Natural Law The church bases its teachings on Natural Law. Natural Law summary: everything in this life functions best in its natural state. …If you want a tomato plant to grow, you must plant it such that it can thrive in its natural environment. Give the plant sunlight, water, rich soil, etc. The plant with then thrive.

8 Natural Law continued… The church recognizes that children require a healthy consistent relationship with authority figures. The church agrees that children ‘ideally’ will have two parents present in their lives. ‘Naturally’ this would be the two parents that conceived the child. The church also recognizes that this is not always possible…

9 Children Sexual Relationships are a part of the marital relationship, because the ‘natural outcome’ of sex is children. A married couple vows that they will be open to the possibility of children when they get married in the church. Regarding same sex unions, the church sees that the two fold criteria of marriage can not naturally be fulfilled.

10 Society Society sees marriage as an expression of love. Romantic love is the basis of marriage, and marriage is the ultimate expression of love. This is predominantly the reason for the churches reaction to same sex marriage.

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