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Ivan Pavlov The Freedom of Information Foundation Freedom of information and Open Data - interaction and contradiction: the Russian example.

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Presentation on theme: "Ivan Pavlov The Freedom of Information Foundation Freedom of information and Open Data - interaction and contradiction: the Russian example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ivan Pavlov The Freedom of Information Foundation Freedom of information and Open Data - interaction and contradiction: the Russian example

2 Freedom of information laws in Russia The Russian FOI laws came in to force in 2010 The laws include general provisions about: FOI principles FOI requests regulations Official web-sites regulations (proactive disclosure) Another FOI mechanisms (for example – public access to governmental agencies meetings) The FOI law’s implementation supervision Administrative code has provisions on responsibility for freedom of information violations

3 FOI problems in Russia There is a lack of understanding of main FOI principles among Russian officials There is no regular FOI compliance monitoring There is no special government body authorized to control the authorities in the field of access to information There are numerous problems with FOI restriction in Russia (state secrecy, privacy, personal data and etc.) Technical requirements for government web-sites are not defined centrally, each authority sets their own requirements

4 FOI problems in Russia The results of the Freedom of Information Foundation official web-site monitoring in 2012: 3229 official government web-sites were analyzed and only 41% required information is available Main FOI problem in Russia: practical implementation of the FOI law’s requirements

5 Russia goes to open government In 2012 Russia made an comprehensive step to the governmental openness and transparency: Special Minister for Open Government was established and appointed (Mr. Mikhail Abyzov) domestic Russian initiative Open Government was launched large-scale international conference «Open Governance» was held on December 2012 in Moscow

6 Open Government Partnership and Russia What has been done? The idea of Russian joining to the OGP was several times supported by ex-President and current Premier Minister Dmitry Medvedev A letter of intent to join the OGP was sent from Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry to the OGP Steering committee The Russian National Action Plan Draft was prepared with significant civil society participation The Action Plan Draft was presented at the international conference in Moscow

7 Open Government Partnership and Russia What is going on now? There was no evidence of president Vladimir Putin’s support for Russian accession to the OGP The Russian delegation didn’t participate in the OGP London’s meeting in April 2013 May 17 2013 Russia withdraw from OGP without any consultation with CSO

8 Open Data in Russia Open Data has become a significant trend in the Russian governance in the framework of the national «Open Government» project

9 Open Data in Russia Open Data council was established under Minister Abyzov Several pilot ministries published their first Open Datasets Broad public consultation about most demanded Open Datasets was held in media Open Data criminal statistic portal was launched There are regional Open Data portals in Moscow, Krasnodar and Ulyanovsk regions and other cities

10 Open Data problems in Russia The Open Data issues are discussed separately from FOI issues There is currently no Open Data regulation in Russian laws There is a lack of clear understanding what is Open Data really is among officials – even less clear on regional and local levels There is no significant public or business demand for Open Data

11 Relations between FOI and Open Data in Russia Problem 1: Open Data is positioned as the foundation of the government openness, but FOI is a fundamental Open Government idea Problem 2: Open Data is positioned as “Data for every one”, but real consumers of Open Data are IT-specialist and developers

12 Relations between FOI and Open Data in Russia Problem 3: Replacing information from human-readable to only machine-readable formats Problem 4: Open Data is promoted as a catalyst for economic growth, but I have not seen any research to suggest a direct relationship between open-data and economic growth

13 Relations between FOI and Open Data in Russia Problem 5: Officials have lack of competence in the Open Data issues Problem 6: Open Data has no legal regulation and clear technical description

14 FOI and Open Data in Russia: what should be done? Main idea - Open Data is a means, not an aim Clear legal regulation and technical description of open data Recognition of the instrumental role of open data The creation of centers of competence on open data for officials Targeting activities associated with open data (communication with target audiences of open data)

15 Thank you for your attention! Ivan Pavlov, JD PhD Chairman of the Board The Freedom of Information Foundation

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