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ECE 551 Digital Design And Synthesis
Lecture 05 Behavioral Verilog Examples
Overview Behavioral Design Examples Finite State Machine Design
Combinational Logic Registers Finite State Machine Design Mealy Moore Control vs. Datapath Implicit FSM Design
Bitwidth Problems with Case
Case items must match both the value and bitwidth wire [1:0] sel = 2; casex (sel) 0 : a = 8’d1; 1 : a = 8’d2; 2 : a = 8’d3; 3 : a = 8’d4; endcase What are the size of select signal and the case items in the example above? Integers are 32-bit, so none of those cases would match.
Tricks with Case Synthesis
Case statements inherently have priority. The first case “match” will be taken. casex (sel) 2’b00 : a = 8’d1; 2’b01 : a = 8’d2; 2’b10 : a = 8’d3; 2’b11 : a = 8’d4; endcase Using a mux chain is a waste in this case, because we’re only describing a single 4-to-1 mux. Fix using “// synopsys parallel_case”
Tricks with Case Synthesis
casex (sel) // synopsys parallel_case 2’b00 : a = 8’d1; 2’b01 : a = 8’d2; 2’b10 : a = 8’d3; 2’b11 : a = 8’d4; endcase Now we get a single 4-to-1 mux rather than a chain of 3 2-to-1 muxes Note that this only affects synthesis, not simulation This is not part of the Verilog standard; no guarantees it will be honored
Tricks with Case Synthesis
casex (sel) // synopsys full_case 2’b00 : a = 8’d1; 2’b01 : a = 8’d2; endcase Not specifying all cases normally causes latches Adding “// synopsys full_case” avoids this Same limitations as parallel_case! Can achieve the same thing using a default case default : a = 8’bx; Default case is part of the standard, therefore it is superior to using full_case! Use default case.
Mux With if...else if…else
module Mux_4_32_if (output [31:0] mux_out, input [31:0] data_3, data_2, data_1, data_0, input [1:0] select, input enable); reg [31: 0] mux_int; // add the tri-state enable assign mux_out = enable ? mux_int : 32'bz; // choose between the four inputs ( data_3, data_2, data_1, data_0, select) if (select == 2’d0) mux_int = data_0; else if (select == 2’d1) mux_int = data_1; else if (select == 2’d2) mux_int = data_2; else mux_int = data_3; endmodule What happens if we forget “select” in the trigger list? What happens if select is 2’bxx? (Simulation? Synthesis?)
Mux With case Case implies priority unless use parallel_case pragma
module Mux_4_32_(output [31:0] mux_out, input [31:0] data_3, data_2, data_1, data_0, input [1:0] select, input enable); reg [31: 0] mux_int; assign mux_out = enable ? mux_int : 32'bz; ( data_3, data_2, data_1, data_0, select) case (select) // synopsys parallel_case 2’d0: mux_int = data_0; 2’d1: mux_int = data_1; 2’d2: mux_int = data_2; 2’d3: mux_int = data_3; endcase endmodule Case implies priority unless use parallel_case pragma What happens if select is 2’bxx? (Simulation? Synthesis?)
Mux Synthesis in System Verilog
The unique keyword acts like parallel_case Only one case will ever be matched, so make a parallel mux The priority keyword forces case items to be checked in order This indicates that you should create a chain of muxes Works with both IF/ELSE and CASE Great details on the value of these new keywords in Supplemental Reading
Encoder With if…else if…else
module encoder (output reg [2:0] Code, input [7:0] Data); (Data) begin // encode the data if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d0; else if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d1; else if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d2; else if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d3; else if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d4; else if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d5; else if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d6; else if (Data == 8'b ) Code = 3’d7; else Code = 3'bxxx; // invalid, so don’t care end endmodule
Encoder With case Does the order of the cases matter?
module encoder (output reg [2:0] Code, input [7:0] Data); (Data) // encode the data case (Data) // (* synthesis parallel_case *) 8'b : Code = 3’d0; 8'b : Code = 3’d1; 8'b : Code = 3’d2; 8'b : Code = 3’d3; 8'b : Code = 3’d4; 8'b : Code = 3’d5; 8'b : Code = 3’d6; 8'b : Code = 3’d7; default : Code = 3‘bxxx; // invalid, so don’t care endcase endmodule The case order does not matter this time because all of the cases are mutually exclusive (otherwise we shouldn’t be using parallel_case!) Default case is needed to avoid latch. Many possible values of Data are not covered by the explicit case items. Does the order of the cases matter? Do we need the default case?
Priority Encoder With casex
module priority_encoder (output reg [2:0] Code, output valid_data, input [7:0] Data); assign valid_data = |Data; // "reduction or" operator (Data) // encode the data casex (Data) 8'b1xxxxxxx : Code = 7; 8'b01xxxxxx : Code = 6; 8'b001xxxxx : Code = 5; 8'b0001xxxx : Code = 4; 8'b00001xxx : Code = 3; 8'b000001xx : Code = 2; 8'b x : Code = 1; 8'b : Code = 0; default : Code = 3'bxxx; // should be at least one 1, don’t care if none endcase endmodule Order doesn’t matter here. Default case is needed for the 8’b0000_0000 value (but only that value). Does the order of the cases matter? Do we need the default case?
Seven Segment Display w/Parameters
module Seven_Seg_Display (Display, BCD, Blanking); output reg [6:0] Display; // abc_defg input [3:0] BCD; input Blanking; parameter BLANK = 7'b111_1111; // active low parameter ZERO = 7'b000_0001; // h01 parameter ONE = 7'b100_1111; // h4f parameter TWO = 7'b001_0010; // h12 parameter THREE = 7'b000_0110; // h06 parameter FOUR = 7'b100_1100; // h4c parameter FIVE = 7'b010_0100; // h24 parameter SIX = 7'b010_0000; // h20 parameter SEVEN = 7'b000_1111; // h0f parameter EIGHT = 7'b000_0000; // h00 parameter NINE = 7'b000_0100; // h04 a f b g e c d Defined constants – can make code more understandable!
Seven Segment Display Parameters are very useful.
(BCD or Blanking) if (Blanking) Display = BLANK; else case (BCD) 4’d0: Display = ZERO; 4’d1: Display = ONE; 4’d2: Display = TWO; 4’d3: Display = THREE; 4’d4: Display = FOUR; 4’d5: Display = FIVE; 4’d6: Display = SIX; 4’d7: Display = SEVEN; 4’d8: Display = EIGHT; 4’d9: Display = NINE; default: Display = BLANK; endcase endmodule Parameters are very useful. We’ll talk about more uses of parameters later.
Overview Behavioral Design Examples Finite State Machine Design
Combinational Logic Registers Finite State Machine Design Mealy Moore Control vs. Datapath Implicit FSM Design
Ring Counter Is there a more elegant way of doing this?
module ring_counter (count, enable, clock, reset); output reg [7:0] count; input enable, clock , reset; (posedge reset, posedge clock) if (reset == 1'b1) count <= 8'b0000_0001; else if (enable == 1’b1) begin case (count) 8’b0000_0001: count <= 8’b0000_0010; 8’b0000_0010: count <= 8’b0000_0100; … 8’b1000_0000: count <= 8’b0000_0001; default: count <= 8’bxxxx_xxxx; endcase end endmodule Is there a more elegant way of doing this? What about the hardware implementation?
Ring Counter module ring_counter (count, enable, clock, reset); output reg [7:0] count; input enable, reset, clock; (posedge reset or posedge clock) if (reset == 1'b1) count <= 8'b0000_0001; else if (enable == 1'b1) count <= {count[6:0], count[7]}; endmodule A shift register instead of a lot of muxes and comparators! Does the lack of ELSE infer a latch? //else count <= count; Is inferred by lack of an else
Register With Parallel Load
module Par_load_reg4 (Data_out, Data_in, load, clock, reset); output reg [3:0] Data_out; input [3:0] Data_in; input load, clock, reset; (posedge reset, posedge clock) begin if (reset == 1'b1) Data_out <= 4'b0; else if (load == 1'b1) Data_out <= Data_in; end endmodule
Rotator with Parallel Load
module rotator (Data_out, Data_in, load, clock, reset); output reg [7: 0] Data_out; input [7: 0] Data_in; input load, clock, reset; (posedge reset or posedge clock) if (reset == 1'b1) Data_out <= 8'b0; else if (load == 1'b1) Data_out <= Data_in; else Data_out <= {Data_out[6: 0], Data_out[7]}; endmodule
Shift Register – Part 1 module Shift_Reg(Data_Out, MSB_Out, LSB_Out,
Data_In, MSB_In, LSB_In, s1, s0, clk, rst); output reg [3: 0] Data_Out; output MSB_Out, LSB_Out; input [3: 0] Data_In; input MSB_In, LSB_In; input s1, s0, clk, rst; assign MSB_Out = Data_Out[3]; assign LSB_Out = Data_Out[0]; // continued on next slide
Shift Register – Part 2 always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst) Data_Out <= 0; else case ({s1, s0}) 2’d0: Data_Out <= Data_Out; // Hold 2’d1: Data_Out <= {MSB_In, Data_Out[3:1]}; // Shift from MSB 2’d2: Data_Out <= {Data_Out[2: 0], LSB_In}; // Shift from LSB 2’d3: Data_Out <= Data_In; // Parallel Load endcase end endmodule Given Verilog code, be able to tell what it does. Given a high-level description, be able to write Verilog code to implement it.
Register File module Register_File (Data_Out_1, Data_Out_2, Data_in, Read_Addr_1, Read_Addr_2, Write_Addr, Write_Enable, Clock); output [15:0] Data_Out_1, Data_Out_2; input [15:0] Data_in; input [2:0] Read_Addr_1, Read_Addr_2, Write_Addr; input Write, Enable, Clock; reg [15:0] Reg_File [0:7]; // 16-bit by 8-word memory declaration (posedge Clock) begin if (Write_Enable) Reg_File [Write_Addr] <= Data_in; Data_Out_1 <= Reg_File[Read_Addr_1]; Data_Out_2 <= Reg_File[Read_Addr_2]; end endmodule What kind of read and write capability does this module have? Are the reads and writes synchronous or asynchronous?
Overview Behavioral Design Examples Finite State Machine Design
Combinational Logic Registers Finite State Machine Design Mealy Moore Control vs. Datapath Implicit FSM Design
FSM Models & Types Explicit Implicit Moore Mealy
Declares a state register that stores the FSM state May not be called “state” – might be a counter! Implicit Describes state implicitly by using multiple event controls Moore Outputs depend on state only (synchronous) Mealy Outputs depend on inputs and state (asynchronous) Outputs can also be registered (synchronous)
Generic FSM Diagram Next State Output Logic Logic Mealy Inputs Outputs
State Register Next State Current State FF
State Diagram Outputs Y and Z are 0, unless specified otherwise.
We don’t care about the value of b in S0, or the value of a in S1, or either a or b in S2. Is this Mealy or Moore? a = 0 b = 0 S0 S1 a = 1/ Z = 1 Y=1 reset = 1 b = 1/ Z = 1 S2
State Diagram: Mealy! Outputs Y and Z are 0,
unless specified otherwise. We don’t care about the value of b in S0, or the value of a in S1, or either a or b in S2. Is this Mealy or Moore? a = 0 b = x/ Y = 0, Z = 0 a = x b = 0/ Y = 1, Z = 0 a = 1 b = x/ Y = 0, Z = 1 S0 S1 a = x b = 1/ Y = 1, Z = 1 reset = 1 ab = xx/ YZ = 00 S2
Mealy Verilog [1] – Part 1 module fsm_mealy1 (clk, reset, a, b, Y, Z);
input clk, reset, a, b; output Y, Z; reg[1:0] state, next_state; reg Y, Z; parameter S0 = 2’b00, S1 = 2’b01, S2 = 2’b10; //state values clk) begin if (reset) state <= S0; // using non-blocking since sequential else state <= next_state; end //continued on next slide
Mealy Verilog [1] – Part 2 What happens when state = S1, b = 1’b0?
// next state logic a, b) case (state) S0: if (a) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; S1: if (b) next_state = S2; S2: next_state = S0; default: next_state = 2’bx; endcase // output logic a, b) begin Z = 1’b0, Y = 1’b0; //avoids latch case (state) S0: if (a) Z = 1; S1: begin Y = 1; if (b) Z = 1; end S2: ; // Z = 0, Y = 0 default: begin Y = 1’bx; Z = 1’bx; end endcase endmodule What happens when state = S1, b = 1’b0?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
Mealy FSM Inputs Outputs Next State and Output Logic State Register Current State FF What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
Mealy Verilog [2] – Part 1 module fsm_mealy2 (clk, reset, a, b, Y, Z);
input clk, reset, a, b; output Y, Z; reg[1:0] state, next_state; reg Y, Z; parameter S0 = 2’b00, S1 = 2’b01, S2 = 2’b10; //state values clk) begin if (reset) state <= S0; // using non-blocking since sequential else state <= next_state; end //continued on next slide
Mealy Verilog [2] – Part 2 // next state & output logic if (b)
a, b) begin Y = 0; Z = 0; case (state) S0: if (a) begin next_state = S1; Z = 1; else next_state = S0; S1: begin Y = 1; if (b) begin next_state = S2; Z = 1; end else next_state = S1; S2: next_state = S0; default: begin next_state = 2’bx; Y = 1’bx; Z = 1’bx; end endcase endmodule
Registered Mealy FSM This delays the change in outputs by one cycle
Output Register Inputs Outputs FF Next State and Output Logic State Register Current State FF This delays the change in outputs by one cycle How would this change the previous code?
Can be helpful for debugging to also see outputs before registering
Registered Mealy FSM… Output Register Registered Outputs Inputs FF Next State and Output Logic State Register Combinational Outputs Current State FF Can be helpful for debugging to also see outputs before registering
Overview Behavioral Design Examples Finite State Machine Design
Combinational Logic Registers Finite State Machine Design Mealy Moore Control vs. Datapath Implicit FSM Design
State Diagram: Moore Outputs Y and Z are 0,
unless specified otherwise. If an input isn’t listed for a transition, we don’t care about its value for that transition a = 0 b = 0 S0 S1 a = 1 Y=1 reset = 1 b = 1 S2 Z=1
Moore FSM Next State Output Logic Logic Inputs Outputs State Register
Current State FF
Moore Verilog – Part 1 module fsm_moore (clk, reset, a, b, Y, Z);
input clk, reset, a, b; output Y, Z; reg[1:0] state, next_state; reg Y, Z; parameter S0 = 2’b00, S1 = 2’b01, S2 = 2’b10; //state values clk) begin if (reset) state <= S0; // using non-blocking since sequential else state <= next_state; //continued on next slide end
Moore Verilog – Part 2 //next state logic always@(state or a or b)
case (state) S0: if (a) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; S1: if (b) next_state = S2; S2: next_state = S0; default: next_state = 2’bxx; endcase //output logic begin Z = 0, Y = 0; // avoids latches case (state) S0: ; S1: Y = 1; S2: Z = 1; default: begin Y = 1’bx; Z = 1’bx; end endcase end endmodule
Overview Behavioral Design Examples Finite State Machine Design
Combinational Logic Registers Finite State Machine Design Mealy Moore Control vs. Datapath Implicit FSM Design
Multi-Add Example FSM Specification:
Inputs [7:0] in, [1:0] more (and clk, rst) Output register [7:0] total initialized to 0 on reset While more is not 0 Add in to total more times (in can change each clock cycle) Read a new value of more If more is 0, go to a final state where no more adding takes place, and sit there until reset
FSM Diagram (Mealy) Can separate the Control from the Datapath
Datapath: Accumulator w/ enable (add) Control: FSM to generate enable above Can create combined Control and Datapath more = 3 / add = 1 reset = 1 add = 0 more = 2 / add = 1 SDONE S0 S1 S2 add = 1 add = 1 more = 0 / add = 0 more = 1 / add = 1
Separate Control / Datapath
module multiadd_ctrl(output reg add, input [1:0] more, input clk, rst); // signals “in” and “total” not included reg [1:0] state, next; parameter SDONE=2’b00, S0=2’b01, S1=3’b10, S2=3’b11; initial state <= S0; // May not synthesize, better to rely on rst clk or posedge rst) if (rst) state <= S0; else state <= next;
Separate Control / Datapath
//next state logic more) case (state) S0: case (more) 2’b00: next = SDONE; 2’b01: next = S0; 2’b10: next = S1; 2’b11: next = S2; default: next = 2’bxx; endcase S1: next = S0; S2: next = S1; SDONE: next = SDONE; //output logic begin case (state) SDONE: add = 0; S0: add = |more; default: add = 1; endcase end endmodule
Separate Control / Datapath
module multiadd(output reg [7:0] total, input [7:0] in, input [1:0] more, input clk, rst); wire adden; // control multiadd_ctrl ctrl(adden, more, clk, rst); // datapath clk) begin if (rst) total <= 0; else if (adden) total <= total + in; end endmodule
Combined Control / Datapath
multiadd(output reg [7:0] total, input [7:0] in, input [1:0] more, input clk, rst); reg [1:0] state; parameter SE=2’b00, S0=2’b01, S1=2’b10, S2=2’b11; clk) begin if (rst) begin state <= S0; total <= 0; end else begin // else block continued on next slide...
Combined Control / Datapath
// default to performing the add total <= total + in; case (state) S0: begin case (more) 2’b00: begin state <= SDONE; total <= total; // override default end 2’b01: state <= S0; 2’b10: state <= S1; 2’b11: state <= S2; default: state <= 2’bxx; endcase end // end state==S0 case S1: state <= S0; S2: state <= S1; SDONE: begin state <= SDONE; total <= total; // override default end default: state <= 2’bxx; endcase endmodule
Overview Behavioral Design Examples Finite State Machine Design
Combinational Logic Registers Finite State Machine Design Mealy Moore Control vs. Datapath Implicit FSM Design
Implicit FSM Model More abstract representation
May not have explicit state register! Only FSMs with one choice at each state Does it yield simpler code? Maybe *shorter* code… But is more confusing! Description of reset behavior more complex Much less likely to synthesize than explicit! Can confuse some synthesizers
Implicit FSM Model Typically uses series of @(posedge clock)s
Example: Mod 3 counter Implicit Difficult to add reset Difficult to read/understand… IMPLICIT always begin @(posedge clk) count <= 0; @(posedge clk) count <= count + 1; end EXPLICIT clk) begin if (count==2) count <= 0; else count <= count + 1; end
Review Questions Why might we want to separate datapath and control?
In what situations would we want to combine them? How do the implementations of a Moore FSM and a Mealy FSM differ? How would you implement the multiadd fsm as a single always block? Would a single always block be easier or harder to design than the presented implementations? Would a single always block be easier or harder to understand if you were reading someone else’s design?
Review Questions Design a circuit that
Inputs a single 8-bit data value, clock, and reset Outputs a single 10-bit data value At reset the output becomes zero Every four cycles after a reset, the output value is changed to be the sum of the input values over the four previous cycles The output should not change more frequently than every four cycles (unless there is a reset)
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